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Hello Guys and Gals..........

Will Atlas "O" 027 curves # 6043 to make a figure eight with oval track plan fit on a 36" by 78" door layout plus a small siding to park the engine and 4 short cars on second siding.  Is it possible to fit all that on the door ?  I am using the railking NW-2 switcher and 4 shorty cars and a bobber caboose.  Any ideas guys ?

Thank you, guys


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Not sure what the actual sizes of Atlas track are, but I have two loops of O-27 tubular (inner loop with option of figure 8 running) on a 36" x 80" hollow core door. The outer track was very close to the edges on the long sides so I attached 2x2 material (actually measures 1.5" x 1.5") along the long sides for a total layout size of 39" x 80". There is enough empty space at the ends of the layout that the track plan could easily fit on a 78" long door. It would not be hard to add a couple of switches to the inner loop and convert the outer loop into two nice sized spur tracks.

Hope this helps.


Last edited by OGR CEO-PUBLISHER

O27 curve,  the diameter of the circle formed would be 27"  Center Rail to Center Rail.  Add about 2" for the total outside tie dimension.   29" to 29 1/2" space accommodate the track circle.   Atlas does curved track pieces every 9"

O36, O45, O54, O63, O72, O81,............  Most of my layout is O45 and O54 curves.  Most switches are O54.  

The O54 fits well on a 60" table.  


Mike Donahue posted:

Well, one of the issues is that Atlas doesn't make 027 switches. If you want a loop, plus figure 8, plus siding, you could do something like this in 78" x 36".

Atlas door layout -OGR-2

Hello Mike Donahue..........

I REALLY like this track plan, since Atlas goes not have 027 switches , will "MTH" scaletrax work ?


A layout with O27 curves doesn't necessarily need O27 switches. Construction will be easier and look better if you use the same brand of track throughout. This plan uses all standard pieces of Atlas track with no cutting and accurate fits. It doesn't crowd the table edges too much.

Atlas O27 layout-16a


Images (1)
  • Atlas O27 layout-16a
Last edited by Ace

Hello MIKE DONAHUE.........

I really liked your track plan, the 1st. one.   I was checking the prices of the track and found that it is cheaper to use the MTH Realtrax track.  Can you tell what pieces to buy for that track plan using the 031 curves and 031 switches and 90 degree crossing.   I would like to print the track plan on my printer if you don't mind.

Many many thanks SMILE


Tiffany posted:
Mike Donahue posted:

Well, one of the issues is that Atlas doesn't make 027 switches. If you want a loop, plus figure 8, plus siding, you could do something like this in 78" x 36".

Atlas door layout -OGR-2

Hello Mike Donahue..........

I REALLY like this track plan, since Atlas goes not have 027 switches , will "MTH" scaletrax work ?


Hello guys and gals.....

I will be receiving the MTH Realtrax of 8 pieces of 031 curves and 15 pieces of 10 inch straights so what else is needed to finish the track plan ?  I be using the Railking Southern NW-2 switcher and 4 cars for the layout.  I am buying the tracks from forum member Len B. Thank you Len, I am exciting !!!!!!



Last edited by Tiffany
Moonman posted:


I can't stand it up with a 45° cross. It's gets too wide and there no are RealTrax combinations to fit. So, here is a conversion of that plan that needs 88" x 42" using MTH RealTrax. Track List attached.


Hello Moonman.....

I see...........that is a lot of fitters and that can get costly.  I have a 36 by 78 door so maybe a twice around oval (level) with siding instead ?


Last edited by Tiffany
Moonman posted:

It's an O27 plan that you wanted in RealTrax O31. Can't get 10lbs in 5lb bag.  here's the maximum oval. The roadbed is right on the edge. There is no room for a second loop unless it's O27.


Hello Moonman

My goodness that sure is a problem I haven't thought of !!!  Are you saying that the 031 Realtrax wont fit on 36 inch by 78 inch door ?  What would you do if you if this was your layout as I am not sure what to do next ?  I am buying the tracks from forum member Len B as I mailed the money order last night for MTH 8 pieces of 031curves and 14 pieces of ten inch straights and one 10 inch straight with the lockon.  The Realtraxs is all solid rail, I probably will receive the tracks by end of next week.



Tiffany posted:
Moonman posted:

It's an O27 plan that you wanted in RealTrax O31. Can't get 10lbs in 5lb bag.  here's the maximum oval. The roadbed is right on the edge. There is no room for a second loop unless it's O27.


Hello Moonman

My goodness that sure is a problem I haven't thought of !!!  Are you saying that the 031 Realtrax wont fit on 36 inch by 78 inch door ?  What would you do if you if this was your layout as I am not sure what to do next ?  I am buying the tracks from forum member Len B as I mailed the money order last night for MTH 8 pieces of 031curves and 14 pieces of ten inch straights and one 10 inch straight with the lockon.  The Realtraxs is all solid rail, I probably will receive the tracks by end of next week.



The loop attached above fits on the door that you have(note the dimensions). That door is not wide enough to get a figure 8 on it. An inner loop won't fit.

here's a figure 8 on the door. Note the roadbed hangs off of the edge on the long sides and there is no piece to join the ends (4.5")



Images (1)
  • Tiffany_8_on_door
Moonman posted:
Tiffany posted:
Moonman posted:

It's an O27 plan that you wanted in RealTrax O31. Can't get 10lbs in 5lb bag.  here's the maximum oval. The roadbed is right on the edge. There is no room for a second loop unless it's O27.


Hello Moonman

My goodness that sure is a problem I haven't thought of !!!  Are you saying that the 031 Realtrax wont fit on 36 inch by 78 inch door ?  What would you do if you if this was your layout as I am not sure what to do next ?  I am buying the tracks from forum member Len B as I mailed the money order last night for MTH 8 pieces of 031curves and 14 pieces of ten inch straights and one 10 inch straight with the lockon.  The Realtraxs is all solid rail, I probably will receive the tracks by end of next week.



The loop attached above fits on the door that you have(note the dimensions). That door is not wide enough to get a figure 8 on it. An inner loop won't fit.

here's a figure 8 on the door. Note the roadbed hangs off of the edge on the long sides and there is no piece to join the ends (4.5")


Hello Moonman............

I see the attached photo.........  I am really surprised that a 031 curves wont fit in 36 inch wide door so what shall I do ?


Tiffany, Ive built a number of Christmas gardens using Realtrax and 36" doors and they do fit so I'm a bit puzzled by the folks who don't think it will work. There is enough flex in the track to make up for the slight mismatches at several joints but nothing serious and if you leave out the short pieces on the ends they fit the width  fine. In fact I used a larger version on my permanent layouts inner loop with 10" straights added to make the loops wider than 31". I used SCARM here but my originals were with RRTrack, now you won't be able to add a second loop unless you can find some wider width doors but they tend to be more industrial and kind of heavy.



Hope this helps.





Images (2)
  • tif1
  • tif2
baltimoretrainworks posted:

Tiffany, Ive built a number of Christmas gardens using Realtrax and 36" doors and they do fit so I'm a bit puzzled by the folks who don't think it will work. There is enough flex in the track to make up for the slight mismatches at several joints but nothing serious and if you leave out the short pieces on the ends they fit the width  fine. In fact I used a larger version on my permanent layouts inner loop with 10" straights added to make the loops wider than 31". I used SCARM here but my originals were with RRTrack, now you won't be able to add a second loop unless you can find some wider width doors but they tend to be more industrial and kind of heavy.



Hope this helps.




Hello baltmoretrainworks..........

Oh yes this REALLY helps a lot THANK YOU !!     I have 8 pieces of 031 and 14 pieces of 10" straights (Realtrax) coming. To finish the bottom plan using the 45 degree crossing and 4 pairs of switches, 4 half 031 curves, 4  5.5 inch half straights is that correct ?   I will have to get those hopefully used ones in good condition, know anyone have some forsale ?



Last edited by Tiffany
handyandy posted:

Not sure what the actual sizes of Atlas track are, but I have two loops of O-27 tubular (inner loop with option of figure 8 running) on a 36" x 80" hollow core door. The outer track was very close to the edges on the long sides so I attached 2x2 material (actually measures 1.5" x 1.5") along the long sides for a total layout size of 39" x 80". There is enough empty space at the ends of the layout that the track plan could easily fit on a 78" long door. It would not be hard to add a couple of switches to the inner loop and convert the outer loop into two nice sized spur tracks.

Hope this helps.



     Nice layout! Was wondering what type of switches you are using on your layout? Did you have to use any filler pieces of track or all the pieces factory?



wild mary posted:

Tiffany rather than focusing on making the existing track work, have you considered the possibility of  widening the width by a few inches?  It's pretty easy to do.

Hello wild mary

Yes, I realized that 031 does limit the running space.  I wished to add a foot to the width from 36 inches to 48 inches and use 042 curves.   I am using a door for the layout as it is light weight.  I was trying to build the layout using motorized accessories such as oil derricks and other action buildings and be tough to handle when moving out of apt without it falling apart.  Check out my other posted thread " What is your favorite switcher short (4 or 5 car) train ?"  This would give you idea what I am starting with and it is not much as money and time permits ( there are 11 pictures of the train and the layout )

The virgin will be pregnant and will give birth to a son. They will name him Immanuel. (Immanuel means 'God with us') Matthew 1:23 ERV (Easy to Read Version)



Any O31 curve will fit on a 36" door.  The problem arises when you try to add the figure 8 crossing in the middle with 4 switches.  To make everything line up, you have to use some "fitter" pieces (less than full size) in the crossing lines and in the middle of each half-oval at the ends.  That geometry reality is what pushes your design over the edges slightly.

If you don't feel comfortable slightly adding to the door dimensions, you are probably better off using the switches to build a small yard in the middle of the oval to handle your operating accessories.  You can add a small "fitter" in the middle of each half-oval section to max out the size of the oval and give your yard as much space as possible.  You could also try using just half of the figure 8 to give yourself at least one reversing loop.


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