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I have a question for you guys that may or may not have already done this. I don't have a Standard Gauge layout, but I will eventually. I have been putting together a couple sets for the future, and in the past couple years I have purchased several of the Std Gauge American Flyer Cars, with the end goal to purchase the black AF Brass Piper 4696 steam loco.

Last years catalog came out, and I sure loved the look of the Great Northern 4696. Love the colors...that got me to thinking if I'm not going with the standard black, why not go with something even "cooler". I love the red Ives 10-1342-1 steam locomotive!

My questions...would I be doing something I shouldn't? I'm sure I'd have to change the tender coupler on the Ives? Would that be hard or too much trouble? Am I "ruining" the Ives by doing this? Would the Ives loco look ok pulling the AF freight cars? Have any of you by chance done this already? I'm sure there are other questions I maybe should ask but not sure what? Is there anything else you might think of that I should take into consideration? 

I'm not specific about road names and all that. I purchase I guess much like the mom's from years back who were just attracted to the bright colors. That's why I love the tinplate so much, perfect mixture between realism and toy like appearance....but I'll never have a huge collection, at most a few standard gauge sets so I wanted to be sure I get it right the first time.

Thanks so much for your time, I'd appreciate any input you can give me....


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Growing up, I got to occasionally play with the standard gauge trains that were in the basement of an uncle's home. I don't remember every piece, but I am certain there was a mixture of Lionel, Ives, and American Flyer rolling stock. Only one engine: a 10E.
We used bent paper clips to join dissimilar pieces, and to substitute for missing latch couplers.

Many years later I brought some of the trains home, cleaned them up and replaced the missing couplers and other miscellaneous parts. No repainting though. They were in my care for a while, but ultimately went back to the relative (perhaps a first cousin once removed) who had them as a child.

Playing with those trains is probably what got me into a lifetime hobby.

I have played with this a bit.  I have pulled Lionel 200 series freight cars behind a Lionel 390e.  The 390t tender that came with my 390e had 500 series trucks.  I researched and found that Lionel did make a 390x tender with 200 series trucks and a bent drawbar so the drawbar could connect at the right height to the engine.  However, the 390x is very hard to find and is expensive, so I 'rolled my own' by bending the drawbar and replacing the trucks myself.  It worked great.  Also, I was able to find replacement drawbars and trucks very easily.  Recently, I decided to pull STD AF freight cars behind the 390.  This was more work.  I bought the replacement AF coupler for the tender, but it would not fit properly in the coupler pocket and the coupler pin was larger.  I machined the end of the AF coupler to fit the pocket and drilled out the hole in the pocket to make it work.  I also had to put the 500 series wheels back on.  It worked!

Now to your specific question.  I have an MTH Ives 1134 steamer.  I pull the large Ives passenger cars with it. I believe these large Ives cars had AF bodies back in the pre-war era.  So the dimensions are not unrealistic.  The motto for most in tinplate trains is "Do what you like. It's a toy!".  So, I think you can absolutely pull the AF cars with the Ives engine.  I think it would look awesome!  The biggest issue is to make sure you can get the two to operate together smoothly. This means changing a coupler on either the tender or the head-end car.  I am not home to inspect how easy this conversion is and which one you should change.  I think the coupler height should work.  The AF couplers are more forgiving to height differences, so I would likely change the tender coupler to an AF 'hook'.  My guess is that it will work, but I need to inspect my Ives tender to be sure.  Maybe someone else has theirs readily available?



Thanks guys!

George, that's the sort of information I am really after hearing about how you've done it already. I'm in no hurry and would love to hear more about it if you get a chance to look yours over carefully. Hoping if anything would have to be changed it would be the coupler and that's it, not sure I ever want to get into replacing trucks and such...

CW...I'm not as handy as some when it comes to adapting etc, I just may end up using paper clips in the end :-)

I used to think the 4696 was the nicest looking loco ever made...boy though, the red on that Ives steamer sure looks amazing...the 4696 along with a 400E and a two tone green 390E are the only other standard gauge loco's on my "must have" list some day...

Did you see the red, Lehigh Valley 4696?  I would like a red engine too.  I pre-ordered the NYC, but now think I should have ordered the Lehigh Valley...

BTW, my PS/2 Ives 1134 is the best smoking engine I have!  It's a copper Prosperity Special, but I run the Black Diamond cars behind it.  I have thought about picking up the Prosperity cars, but they are really expensive, and I am trying to maximize what I get for my dollar.  My list is long!

Brian...I get all that about do what I think looks & works good...that's why I posted my question, so I can figure out what looks/works good...Not many shows within my general radius (3 hrs) that have a whole lot in the way of Standard gauge so I am trying to get input from guys who have done what I would like to do. My humble budget doesn't allow room for trial & error...

George, It's actually sort of funny how this stuff works. I did see that Lehigh Valley 4696 and I love it! My favorite color is red but I was actually avoiding red in this engine because I already have the red Flyer Presidential set...dang it though my thoughts keep going back to that Ives Steamer :-)  I also sure love the Lionel 400E that came out some time ago also but that was an easy choice and as much as I like the red some day I'll pick up one of those in aren't the only one with a long list George!

I've seen some of the photo's on site here of the red Ives...I'll definately follow through on buying that I think, just curious exactly what I'm getting myself into. The coupler I can handle with no problems though....Again, I sure appreciate the replies...

Last edited by mtj54

It's your railroad and you can do whatever appeals to you. I've done mix-and-match with various prewar and postwar trains that were acquired as miscellaneous items, not as complete sets. Mainly I just want the general proportions to look good together. In some cases I've kitbashed or swapped tenders around to use with prewar steam locos.

It's not difficult to make adapter couplers so you can haul different cars without modifying them. Or you can just swap or modify tenders to accommodate different couplers.

That is the beauty of tinplate we don't have to conform to the norm. What looks good goes. The only thing that looks different in size in standard gauge is 500 series cars and 200 series. 200's are a bit bigger and chunky and seem to look best behind a bigger engine. 400E ect.  500's look good behind 8E,390E's,318,385E's and the like.  American Flyer wide gauge cars are a little more sleek and I think look good on most standard gauge engines.   This is an example of AF cars with my Lionel 9E and you can see I changed the coupler on the stock car.  These cars also look good behind my 385E.  I have also made some coupler adapters and couplers to run on other brands.

Thank you guys, all of you! I started out the day wondering if I could or should do this and am ending up knowing it's more than possible....I'll definately be ordering the Ives Steamer to head up all those gorgeous AF cars.

Just thinking out loud here so to speak, almost makes you wonder if any of the companies back in the day ever thought of making and marketing an adapter but then again that might be a silly thought, then folks would be looking at other manufacturers trains...


Trainlover160 posted:


How did you adapter the AF Car to run with the 9? I have always liked their freights but have never purchased one due to the couplers. Is coupler height effected? What is that clock tower? Luv it.


Basically I used a short bolt with a nylon insert nut in the plate that holds the coupler.  I like the nylon insert nuts because they won't back out and you can adjust the nut if the coupler is a little tight and still not worry about the nut falling off.  The height on the AF car and my 9E worked out good and I really didn't have to adjust it.   Keep in mind if you try to use a 200 series freight car with the 9 the coupler rides high and you would need to tweek it to make it work.   I still like the Flyer stock cars a little better than the Lionel cars.    The clock tower held English candy in it. I can't think of the name right now" the clock works in the tower or at least when I change the batterie! 

Last edited by Chris Lonero

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