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To D. Hazelton, Reno station master...

President Hambling delayed by aerial business STOP

Ceremonies will not take place today STOP

Dispatch Leviathan to the front with two flats of ties and as many bolts as you can spare STOP

Hold Jupiter until Hambling's arrival STOP
Last edited by Former Member
Originally posted by dave hikel:
More to come is the hours and days ahead STOP

Expect messages from the front STOP

Riders dispatched to SF and Omaha with photographic plates STOP

I love this kind of post. You either get it, or you don't. It must have been a great day to be an American, wish we celebrated it a bit more.

Very creative.

Click on image for larger size.

May 11th, 10:15 am local time
To N. Spada, Omaha station masters...

Durant train held at Piedmont STOP

Dispatch 116 with 80,000 dollars and men with irons STOP

Hambling playing in air STOP

Wire Washington delays caused by Hambling STOP
Last edited by Former Member
Click on image for larger size.

May 11th, 3:30pm local time
To G Coyner, San Francisco headquarters...

Inform Hambling Durant also delayed STOP

Held up at Piedmont by unpaid tie crew STOP

Omaha sending 80,000 dollars back pay STOP

Inform San Francisco Chronicle of Durant's predicament STOP
Last edited by Former Member
May 12th, 11:20am local time
To R Nelson, Ogden station master...

Durant Special freed from Piedmont STOP

116 unable to proceed with Special beyond Devils Gate Bridge STOP

Dispatch any available locomotive STOP

Coaches will be waiting for locomotive on west side of bridge STOP

Any news from the front STOP

May 12th, 11:25am local time
To Vice President T C Durant...

119 will arrive Devils Gate Bridge by 3:30pm STOP

Preparations at front complete STOP

Track ready for ceremony since the eighth STOP

Originally posted by Popsrr:
Looks like they are missing a cross tie STOP....

Better bring extra and a NICE BRIGHT SPIKE STOP...
We're working on that. Wink

May 12th 7:00pm local time
From R Nelson, Ogden station master
To James Ferriss, the front...

Durant arriving today in Ogden STOP

Expect Durant Special at the front Saturday STOP

May 12th, 7:10pm local time
From J Ferriss, the front
To R Nelson, Ogden station master...

All set for Durant arrival STOP

Flag flying at the summit STOP

Any word on Hambling STOP

Originally posted by dave hikel:
Originally posted by Popsrr:
Looks like they are missing a cross tie STOP....

Better bring extra and a NICE BRIGHT SPIKE STOP...
We're working on that. Wink

May 12th 7:00pm local time
From R Nelson, Ogden station master
To James Ferriss, the front...

Durant arriving today in Ogden STOP

_ ._. _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ .. / _ .... . ._ _..

_.. ._ ..._ .. _.. / _ ._ _._. ...._ ._.. _... ..

Or for all you non Ham operators

Cool Thread

David KC4LBI

Expect Durant Special at the front Saturday STOP

May 12th, 7:10pm local time
From J Ferriss, the front
To R Nelson, Ogden station master...

All set for Durant arrival STOP

Flag flying at the summit STOP

Any word on Hambling STOP

Originally posted by dave hikel:
Originally posted by Popsrr:
Looks like they are missing a cross tie STOP....

Better bring extra and a NICE BRIGHT SPIKE STOP...
We're working on that. Wink

May 12th 7:00pm local time
From R Nelson, Ogden station master
To James Ferriss, the front...

Durant arriving today in Ogden STOP

Expect Durant Special at the front Saturday STOP

May 12th, 7:10pm local time
From J Ferriss, the front
To R Nelson, Ogden station master...

All set for Durant arrival STOP

Flag flying at the summit STOP

Any word on Hambling STOP

Need to give T.C. lessons using tool STOP

Might miss target STOP

Could be bad STOP

Better include Hambling in lessons also STOP

Also Gov. Stanford needs help using the tool STOP

Make sure NONE of them have refreshment until work is done STOP

That includes Hikel for sure STOP STOP STOP
May 13th, 3:30pm local time
From J Ferriss, the front
To N Spada, Omaha station master...

Durant at front ahead of schedule STOP

May 13th, 10:20pm local time
From G Coyner, San Francisco headquarters
To T Gamble, the front...

Hambling in route STOP

Expect arrival tomorrow afternoon STOP

Laurel wood tie and gold spike aboard Jupiter STOP

Hi all,

It has been a long journey, but last night we celebrated the completion of the 1100 ft. (10 scale mile) mainline of the NorthWest Trunk Lines model railroad. For those of you who have not seen my prior status reports on the NWTL, it is a 3200sq. ft. 3-rail scale layout under construction in the basement of Mr. Peter Hambling of Medina, WA. My team and I have been working on the layout full time now for three and a half years. In that time we have laid more than 4000 feet of MTH ScaleTrax, but last night was all about a single 9 3/4 inch section of hand laid rail that completed the main.

We had hoped to hold the ceremony last Tuesday, May 10th, to coincide with the 142nd anniversary of the completion of the first transcontinental railroad. However, just as in 1869, events conspired against our plans and the ceremony had to be delayed. I decided to have a little fun with this historical happenstance, which I hope you have enjoyed in my prior posts on this thread. I still wanted to pay homage to the events of 1869, so I began this thread on the 10th. The pseudo telegrams reference real events and people of both 1869 and today.

In 1869 the date for the joining of the Central Pacific and the Union Pacific at Promontory Summit, Utah, was originally set for May 8th. All was on schedule to meet this date. The rails had been laid and joined leaving a single 39 foot length to be placed and spiked before a crowd of on-lookers, employees, reporters and dignitaries. Leland Stanford, President of the CP, and Thomas C. Durant, V.P. of the UP, each set out for to the end of their respective tracks, which during construction was always referred to as "The Front." However, when T. C. Durant's train reached Piedmont, Wyoming, near the Utah boarder, his party was halted by an angry crew of tie makers who were owed three months of back pay. The crew refused to allow Durant to proceed until $80,000 dollars in cash was delivered to Piedmont. Nearly two days later the men were paid and Durant was on his way. The embarrassment of the delay and its cause was considerable and the UP tried to deflect as much public criticism as possible. The new reality of near instant communications via telegraph made any such cover up all but impossible. Everyone from San Francisco to Washington D.C. knew that it was Durant's woes that delayed the completion and why.

On the NWTL our delay was caused by much happier circumstances. Peter's payroll system is apparently MUCH more reliable and efficient than the UP's. Wink Big Grin Rather, Peter was off on another hobby adventure to an airshow in Texas with his Duglas A-26 Invader, aka "Sexy Sue."

Late Friday Peter returned home after picking up his eldest son, Collin, who just completed his first year in college.

The evening was an opportunity to gather together all the wonderful people who have made the NWTL a reality. Most everyone was able to make it, with only a few notable exceptions. We began the festivities by honoring the thirteen people who have given a thousand hours or more (in some cases a LOT more) to the construction of the NWTL. To recognize their efforts I took inspiration once again from the events of 1869. When the original gold spike was cast a sprue remained on the pointed end. You can see this sprue on the "second spike" (a back-up cast at the same time) on display at the California State Railway Museum in Sacramento.

When this casting sprue was removed from the original gold spike it was melted down to make a series of small spike shaped watch fobs. These fobs were gifted to major contractors of the Central Pacific. In a similar fashion I commissioned a series of silver watch fobs engraved with the date of the event and the name of each person who contributed over 1000 hours to the project.

After some food, conversation, and the opening of the watch fobs, we proceeded with what has become a tradition at major NWTL events. Our scenery artist extraordinaire, Todd Gamble, created the third in a series of NWTL posters and presented it to Peter. This poster evokes a post-war feel and draws heavily on an original piece for the Southern Pacific. With the completion of the mainline is seemed appropriate to celebrate the "Four Scenic Routes" of the NWTL.

After this the crowd migrated to Promontory Summit... or, in this case, our recreation of the scene. Like the rest of the scenery on the NWTL, we did our best to research the conditions at Promontory in 1869. A business trip to Salt Lake City two months ago made it possible for me to visit the real location and photograph the recreations of UP #119 and CP Jupiter. Fellow O-gauger's Elliot Walters and Joe Schramm graciously lent us their MTH models of the engines for our event. And, like the rest of the dirt on the NWTL, the dirt in this scene was collected on site in Promontory.

With the two locomotives facing each other a couple feet apart I began the closing of the gap by dropping in the last section of nickle silver rail and driving a single spike. The ties under this last section were modeled after the rough hewed log ties laid by the CP.

Everyone present who has contributed to the construction of the line was given the opportunity to drive a spike along this final section of rail.

David Hazelton - Benchwork, wiring, scenery, track laying, and more

Erny Jenner - Mechanical modeling

Paul Hickok - Track preparation and modification

Geoff Coyner - Benchwork, wiring, scenery, track laying, and more

John Lovell - Software development

Nick Spada - Benchwork, wiring, scenery, track laying, and more

Milde Vetter - Benchwork

Chris Vetter - Benchwork

Rob Nelson - Wiring and track work

T.R. Hikel - Hand laid track and switches, research

Not Photographed and/or present...

Todd Gamble - Scenery, track work, and more
Jim Ferriss - Benchwork, track laying, and more
Richard Park - Scenery work
Catherine Crist - Scenery work
Bob Guildig - PS2 conversions
Andy Eccleshall - Backdrops
Ali Misenar - Benchwork and scenery
Charles Jackson - Scenery and wiring
Faith Dougherty - Scenery collecting

The driving of the last spike was, of course, reserved for our patron, the President of the NorthWest Trunk Lines, Peter Hambling. Again, drawing from the 1869 ceremony, the last spike was driven into a tie made of polished laurel wood. The spike itself was crafted by a local jeweler from 17.6 karat gold alloyed with copper. The spiking maul in our case was replaced with Micromark spiking pliers. Peter had no trouble driving his last spike, unlike a certain Mr. Stanford. Wink

At 8:08pm PDT the job was...

With the last rail securely in place it was at long last time to run a train around the entire mainline. The honor of the inaugural run fell to what might seem an unlikely little engine; a Railking 0-8-0. Like most of us, Peter started in this hobby with much smaller ambitions. That little 0-8-0 was Peter's first O-gauge purchase. He gave it to his youngest son, Mitch, for Christmas 2002. Last night, with Peter at the throttle, it left Clovis yard at 8:10pm.

Peter maintained a safe freight speed averaging 25 smph and kept a watchful eye on the track ahead... most of the time. Big Grin

At 8:38pm the 0-8-0 had safely returned to Clovis Yard. A mere 28 minutes to make one lap of of the main. Eek Big Grin

As you can see from the photos much scenery work remains on the NWTL. I'll continue to post here on the forum as the work progresses. But it was great fun to get together last night and celebrate that all important day in the life of any model railroad... the day the mainline opens for business!

May 14th, 2011, was a "Great Event" on the NorthWest Trunk Lines.

Hi all,

Thanks for all the kind words. I hope you all enjoy seeing these updates. We certainly enjoy sharing them with you. Probably the best thing about this whole project is that Peter has been so generous about opening the layout to visitors. Even though it is a private residence it's not difficult to pay a visit. As long as my crew and I are on site guests are welcome to arrange a visit. About a dozen members of the forum have seen the layout over the last couple years. If you're ever in the Seattle area just contact me via the e-mail in my profile to make an appointment.

Was the last spike removed after the ceremony (as in real life)?

I asked Peter about doing that. I thought he might like to keep the spike on display in his office much as Leland Stanford had done. The answer was a somewhat incredulous NO! Smile Peter wants the spike, laurel tie, and the whole scene to remain permanent fixtures on the layout so that everyone who visits can see them in person.

For those who are interested in the history surrounding the completion of the first transcontinental railroad I did like to recommend reading this analysis of the reports and events of that day: Driving the Last Spike by J. N. Bowman This is the best synopsis I've found on-line that covers all the major events of the day. In retrospect, what I find particularly interesting is that participants seemed VERY conscious of the historical significance of the event. So much so that most of the ceremonial artifacts were preserved. The gold spike was given to Leland Stanford. It was later donated to the university that bears his name, where it is on display to this day along with the silver plated spiking maul and other items.

The tie made of polished laurel wood was kept in the Wells Fargo & Co. vault in San Francisco until 1906 when it was destroyed by fire following the great earthquake. A somewhat sad bi-product of the immediate significance placed on these original artifacts is that the National Historic Site at Promontory has relatively few original items. They do have many excellent reproductions and I definitely recommend a visit to any railroad fan.

I have an original poster that was framed and given to me by a good friend of mine Cool

VERY cool Cesar! One of the few original items on display at the National Historic Site in Promontory is an original copy of this same poster. One thing that eluded me during my research was how many of these posters were originally printed for UP, by whom, and where were they distributed. If anyone here has any information on the details of the UP poster I would love to hear about it. The UP poster was the inspiration for the first NWTL poster that I made to commemorate the opening of the first section of the line two years ago.

Great story and history, Dave.

An interesting side story involving the famous "Gold Spike": For the grand opening of the California State Railroad Museum, during May 1981, the California State Highway Patrol transported the REAL Gold Spike from Stanford University to the California State Railroad Museum in the TRUNK OF A CHP PATROL CAR! Some of us from the 4449 crew, which arrived at the Museum about a week early for the big grand opening bash, where present when the CHP car drove into the grounds. The plain wood box was removed from the car trunk and carried into the new museum, to be placed in a thick glass viewing case, in order for for the public to see it. Upon questioning, the CHP officer allowed that the reason he was late; he had stopped for lunch enroute to Sacremento, WITH THE GOLD SPIKE IN THE TRUNK OF HIS CAR!

Some of us had the chance to "see it up close & personal" prior to the spike being placed in its viewing case. I sure wish I had had my camera with me!

Ten years later, for the 10th anniversary of the CSRM, the Gold Spike was transported from Stanford University in a BIG armored truck with a complete CHP escort. Upon arrival at the CSRM, an armed guard escorted "the wood box" into the building and ABSOLUTELY NO ONE WAS ALLOWED EVEN CLOSE! Someone finally understood the value & history of what was in "the box"!!!!
Originally posted by dave hikel:
For those who are interested in the history surrounding the completion of the first transcontinental railroad I did like to recommend reading this analysis of the reports and events of that day: Driving the Last Spike by J. N. Bowman This is the best synopsis I've found on-line that covers all the major events of the day. In retrospect, what I find particularly interesting is that participants seemed VERY conscious of the historical significance of the event. So much so that most of the ceremonial artifacts were preserved. The gold spike was given to Leland Stanford. It was later donated to the university that bears his name, where it is on display to this day along with the silver plated spiking maul and other items.

Thanks for the recommendation, Dave! I will have to pick up a copy.
I've already read this one, and it was quite detailed:
Nothing Like It In the World, The Men Who Built the Transcontinental Railroad
Dave you should consider writing a book about all you did to create the NWTL.
I love the pictures of the layout, However the journey you made along both sides of the border(US/CA) a couple of years baCK was a favorite of mine. I liked all the work it took to figure out when to be a the face wall of the tunnel to get the pictures without shadows. Also loved the comments you made to the lady on the trip about the snakes and she laided down on the tressel to try and avoid them. I think you also had a very long hike in the darkness to just get to the place.

Anyways you created a lot of memories for lots of other people on the NWTL JOURNEY!!!!

Good Thread


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