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12X16wO60V2gThis layout allows two parallel routes, one O-60 minimum, and the other O-48 minimum.   Mainline turnouts are O-72.   The yard has O-36 turnouts and has locomotive escape through the Atlas turntable.  

To switch the yard, the yard lead extends through the junction, which means that any operating train on the inside route must also use the turnouts through the junction shared by the outside route.

The inside route also has two return loops, allowing the option to run it as loop to loop, reversing direction each time through a return loop.

The layout is based on 4X8 sheets, trimmed to follow the track, which works nicely with 2" thick 4X8 sheets of foam.

What suggestions do you have.   I am working this idea toward my next layout.


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  • 12X16wO60V2g
Last edited by Ken-Oscale
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