Hey everyone,
I'm a 17 year old from Texas, and my local train store (Hobbytown USA) recently closed down. There is no way for me to acquire the money to build this layout, but I have always been interested in trains and love to tinker with designs from time to time.
The layout I have designed is a Fastrack layout whose minimum curve is O48, so that it will accomodate O42 trains without too much overhang. One switch is O72, and there are a few O60 and O72 curves.
The layout is two layers. The top layer (all green) includes a loop around as well as reversing loops for returning down to the lower level, room for a cliffside yard, and space for potential espansion on the left side of the layout. The bottom layer (green for top, blue for the grade between the two, and yellow for the bottom) consists of a simple reversing loop for returning to the top, with room for expansion via tunnels to create a seperate loop for 2 train operations.
I would appreciate any constructive criticism on the layout, and would be happy for somebody to take this idea and improve on it.