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For a few reasons I have decided to move off the 20'x'4' island to a U shaped around the wall Basement set up.

From the oil tanks to the electrical panel around to the oil burner. The 2 turn a rounds are 4x4 with the rest 3' wide. I have a set of reversing loops Plus another loop which will ignore the reversing scheme and just  loop.

6 sidings for staged complete freight trains Engines to Caboose. I really enjoy having most of my inventory on the

table.  I am also thinking of a 1' x 10'  piece at the half way mark of the base to handle my passenger station and 2 passenger consists. At this point every thing I own and plan to buy in the short term (3 years) will run fine on 36 curves. I only need to run one at a time, I run conventional but will wire for the future.

One of the benefits of Mianne Bench work is the ability to break down and rebuild. Some times I think I enjoy build layouts in my cellar more than running trains.




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  • AroundWall: First View
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Last edited by bptBill
Original Post

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I would move the switches to the yard sidings to the right side.  This would allow continuous operation of one train while you make/break up a train in the yard.


You'll have plenty of room for industrial sidings along the 1'x10' extension.  It's a good place using building flats.


I don't have the FasTrack libraries so I couldn't show you.



Thanks Jan for your time and thoughts on this. Since I already own almost  enough track for your latest version (less a couple turnouts). I will look into it. It is almost an entire different mind set with an around the wall layout vs an island.


Chuck don't think that hasn't crossed my mind! I was up looking at it online the other day.


My problem is the lower left hand corner is a furnace 

Hi bptBill,

Are you willing to work with elevations? The old timers (30's to 50's) would always hide one reverse loop mostly in a "mountain" or hill with the other loop on top of it.


That would free up space for other elements. You could split the yard and make more room for scenery or accessories.


Concept attached with 3D's. The long leg of the 0 elevation reverse loop would provide access to a yard. Plenty of other space to do some internal trackage. It's a climb to 6"

with a 2.9% grade. Two custom cut fitters of 3.25" to make the r-loops work.


Use the 3D feature to view the track plan. It is helpful to check appearance versus operation.


Images (3)
  • bptBill 3D 1
  • bptBill 3D
  • bptBill 2D Track Plan Concept
Last edited by Moonman

I am thinking about the elevated loop. It does give me more room for other things and a bigger yard. I will be running conventional mostly 6 - 10 car with William engines and older Lionels.

Will I have an issue with the grades going up vs going down?

That with Jan's second could keep me busy for a while.

I have fast track trestles but don't like them at all. I think I would so with something else for elevation and tunnel entrances.

Thanks for all the input.


No. 2.9~3% grade will not cause you any problems. The MTH Stone pier trestles go to 6" and look nice. Work with FasTrack. That's if you want it open. If you want to cover like rocks or ground, you can trace the track on a piece of 3/16-1/4" material and use wood blocks. Same for the hidden loop. Blocks with a top.


For staged trains, I would put a pass through yard in the long area.

I left space for a station or platform at the elbow on the outside of the track. That could be either way.


I'll put together the pass through yard for you to have a gander. 

Originally Posted by Dave Ripp.:

I like Jan's second version and your 3D version as a great start. I have a similar space do you think 048 0r 54 could work here and still provide adequate isle space.

You would need  a 54" or 60" area for 048 or 054 respectively. That would cause an issue with aisle space on the short leg. If you have room to extend your short leg to 10' that would recover the lost 1' and you could use the large radius track.


Of course, you would need enough space for the long leg end turnaround.

Well, the pass through doesn't fit and takes too many 072 wyes. So, here's a 6 track staging yard with 036 to enter and 072 for smoother angles in the yard.

The 072 come with 1 3/8" no road bed pieces with a jumper wire that you can remove for block power control with a simple toggle switch to kill the stubs.


I gave you a zoomed view to build it in RR-T. One of these days I'll get it. I need the framing and table layout tool and module features.


Images (3)
  • bptBill v1 Track plan Long leg
  • bptBill v1 Track plan Short leg
  • bptBill v1 3D with trestles showing
Last edited by Moonman

Why not put the stacked reverse loops on the short peninsula?  There is not much room for much for a lengthy feature like a yard or wharf,  A small junction station serving the industries on the 1'x10' extension would work.


In the layout below the inside reverse loop is the lower one and is reached by a 3% grade from the top table.



bptBill Around the Wall 6a


Images (1)
  • bptBill Around the Wall 6a
Files (1)

Good thought. A mountain will look better over there.


I did like the angle of the reverse loop for the yard stubs. Then,the new "actor" would have entered the tunnel and appeared on the backside.


By the way, bptBill... the mountain doesn't have to be permanently affixed to your Mianne tables. You can build it on a thin sheet and place it the table deck.

 I like the reverse loops on the short side. On the other side I was thinking of only going 36" deep except for the left 4' for accessibility.

I think the next step is to build the bench work. I like to have a visual of the space.

More to come this weekend.

Thanks again for all your help. I have seen this forum help others along the way. but first time I have experienced it first hand at this level.



I figured you would want a 3' aisle.  I had an idea of how to get there, and here it is:  



bptBill Around the Wall 6b

You can use O72 switches and Y's maximize the yard's capacity.  As Alentown suggested you could as a future addition add a lift bridge between the peninsulas. 






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  • bptBill Around the Wall 6b
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Last edited by Jan

Here's another take to further muddy the waters. Lose the loops a put in a wye. You have to bridge the aisle, but it's another option to consider.


Mainline in blue. Multiple paths, reverse direction, yard, space for scenery\buildings, switch added for the front of furnace expansion. You could use 036 in the yard if that's what you have. No mountains or elevations.


Images (4)
  • bptBill v2 Track Plan
  • bptBill v2 3D
  • bptBill v2 3D 1
  • bptBill v2 3D 2

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