I have two proto 2 engines sitting on the same siding. When I power up the layout one engines catches the watchdog signal and sits quiet but the other which is right behind the first one mentioned does not catch the signal and comes on with full sound. Any suggestions as to how to fix this.
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You could switch the engine positions to see if the 2nd engine identifies the watchdog signal. Also you need to ID your version of DCS. Earlier releases have fixed a multitude of issues. If you are under 4.3, I have experienced a greater number of watchdog signal issues under the newer release (but that is most likely how I run my trains.) I will be further testing this issue next weekend whether it may be related to a BCR issue.
Try a jumper with clips from where siding receives power (usually at start of siding). Jumper from there to behind second engine. See what happens. Fix may be that simple.
thanks will try that,
I tried jumping from the main line 3 feet from the tiu connection to right behind the back engine and it still comes on. It does not like to be near the other engine I have 4.3 software.
If you take the engine that starts off the rails, will the engine missing the signal still miss the signal and come up in conventional?