not sure why i'm creating this post since my thought is 'who cares?', but here i am anyways.
I have my plans for my 2018 Christmas layout finalized - wiring, scenery, homasote placement, everything. Here are some images.
- walt
#1: I always start with goals in mind, usually 'musts' but also 'would be nice'. T-P stands for tin-plate. 'Mom' is the family train that Dad bought in 1949. XMAS is a lionel christmas-labeled engine that I have pull several gons that I fill with candy creating what the kids call the 'candy train'.
#2: I plan out the pieces of Homasote that I'll use and the pattern to use them in. I put matching sized blue-board underneath the Homasote. Actually I don't do this until I have the track design and wiring determined, so this is the last thing that I plan.
#3: The dots represent where I'll put track lock-ons. the red 'x' indicates insulation pin placements.
#4 This next one just makes it easier to tell the separation of tracks - I laminate it and hand it to visitors that want to run the trains. The red will be the T-P blue comet. The blue will be the T-P Christmas train. The green will be the "mom" train and the black will be the candy train. The 2 T-P tracks are connected in 2 places. The green and black tracks are also connected in 2 places.
#5: 3 big scenery areas, each running from the top of the layout to the bottom. on the left is a Halloween display, in the middle is a winter/xmas display, and on the right is an Easter display.