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I have the Lionel Polar Express S-gauge set on order and wanted to get some larger diameter track. I know MTH makes S-gauge track, and Lionel does as well under the AF name. Both have plastic roadbed but I am wondering if they can be joined together? Also, for the MTH 30 degree curves, how many make a full circle?


I could not find any information on MTH's website on their S-gauge track.

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I recommend you think through what you want. Only AM sells wide (27"R) turnouts. Does that matter? The AM track is not available with the molded on ballast. Both MTH and Lionel offer 20"R turnouts. I have a large number of SHS turnouts, they require frequent maintenance and many of the new Lionel Flyer engines derail when backing through them. The same engines do not derail when backing through Gilbert or AM turnouts. Flyer turnouts with GarGraves flex track makes a great Gilbert style layout with any radius you want. AM track makes a great layout with 27" radius track and turnouts, no roadbed. Lionel makes a good system, wide radius curves will hopefully be available in this decade. MTH and Lionel use different rail and roadbed. So while they are the same height, it is obvious where they are joined.

We have both types of track intermingled on the S gauge layout at the mall.


The SHS/MTH track is much quieter than the Lionel track. The MTH/SHS track has little feet down the center and the ties are separate molds from the ballast. Both of those things limit vibration and break up the large surface that vibrates and makes noise.


Lionel Fastrack is noisy in O gauge and noisy in S gauge.


If you can build the layout from MTH/SHS track, you will be much better off, in my experience.

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