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Hello Fellows,

I have decided to keep my Halloween trains up all year round. I plan to customize my 4X8 plywood sheet into a coffin shape. I plan to have both an O gauge train (naturally) and possibly a 1/43rd scale slot car track/set to it. Would anyone have ANY suggestions on a possible track plan(s) for such a project? This will be my very first model layout. I hope to do it right. I humbly thank you all in advance and sincerely hope for some replies & info.  

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Depending on how small you make the "foot" end, will determine the radius of the train track and possibly the slot car track.  I don't know much about what radii slot car track comes in so I won't hazard a track plan at the moment.  

I think you idea is a good one however.  There are, I'm sure, other members who can use one of those track planning programs, that will be happy for the challenge.  

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