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I have an 8x11 carpet that I set up two loops around Christmas that my daughter and I play with for a few weeks then take down. I used two O72 switches for the first time to link the loops. It's fun but a bit monotonous after awhile. I'd like some advice or perhaps sample layouts if anyone has some stored away for something this size that would allow two train operation, crossovers between two loops and perhaps some reversing sections. I know it's a lot to crowd in to a small space but we're looking for train running action. A siding or two would be good.


I currently have  72, 42 and 31 radii circles. A bunch 10, 30, 5.5 and 5 inch straights. 2 right hand O72 and 1 O31 right hand switch.


I like the O72 curve but it probably takes up too much space so I think I'll go with 54 and 42 loops. 31 is to small for my taste. I saw the layouts in this thread that looked pretty good. I'd like to use the switches if possible but could get some 54 or 42 if it makes more sense.


Can these be easily adapted? I don't have any software and I have an iMac and no access to a Windows PC. Any software advice for iMac/


Whew, that's alot on Christmas eve. Any advice or track plan suggestions are appreciated over the next few days. I'm off this week and may make a trip to my locals shops for some track.



Original Post

Well, I found Railmodeller software for iMacs. Here's my first try. I like that you can reverse both ways and it has a passing siding. So you could run 2 or 3 trains comfortably. It is symmetrical but not sure what else I could do in the space.


Any thoughts or suggestions?




Realtrax 8x11


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  • Realtrax 8x11
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