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Earlier today I responded to carl's post about the layout I am planning for an attic space.  He has some good ideas.  I've been playing with different scenarios so decided to put my latest idea into a new thread.  

In this layout I have a single main track that traverses around the layout twice.  I makes use of three bascule bridges, the Lionel 313, a Marx manually operated plate girder bascule bridge and a Lionel bascule bridge from the MPC era.  It has a long main line but not much in the way of storage tracks.  In order to run a freight and passenger train I would have to park one of them and run the other.  

The 313 bridge would be approached from either end on tracks that use a set of graduated piers.  The Marx bridge would be at table level.  The K-Line fisherman accessory would be set at a lower level so that the track running in front of the 264, 787 and 497 could use the Fisherman's piers to rest on over the ravine.  The MPC era bascule bridge would cross over the aforementioned trackage.  

Again, I am open to any criticism and suggestions.



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  • IMG_5781
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JD2035RR posted:

Dan, love the plan and the premise of your layout. Interesting mainline and plenty of industry sidings. Only thing I would add is the ability to reverse in each direction. It can be easily added as seen in the picture below. 


Great idea.  However, not clearly shown are the grades up to the bascule bridge, which I can eliminate and place the bridge at table level.  Then I would simply cut the river deeper into the platform so that it would look more like a river and not like a mirror set on top of the table, like we did as kids.....LOL

I still have room for more sidings.  Maybe to store a passenger train.  Thanks for your input.

Sorry, I overlooked the up/down grades.  I revised the reverse loops as seen below, going under the two bridges and along the river:IMG_2547

Two other considerations for you:

1. How would you access the hidden tunnel line on the top wall?

2. The coal ramp and coal loader seem like it would be difficult to reach to sweep up the loose coal that will be flying around. Might be a good idea to relocate those accessories. 


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  • IMG_2547
Last edited by JD2035RR
JD2035RR posted:

Sorry, I overlooked the up/down grades.  I revised the reverse loops as seen below, going under the two bridges and along the river:IMG_2547

Two other considerations for you:

1. How would you access the hidden tunnel line on the top wall?

2. The coal ramp and coal loader seem like it would be difficult to reach to sweep up the loose coal that will be flying around. Might be a good idea to relocate those accessories. 

All sides of the layout would be accessible, with the exception of the left side where you see the hashed lines.  That's a wall.  The long fourteen foot side has a narrow isle between the layout and the wall, but wide enough for me to fit.  


For your consideration I've attached a double line main layout for your 14'x11' foot space.   A double line main would allow you to run two trains each on their own line (typically a freight and passenger).  Since they are on separate lines they would be free to stop and go as needed.   There are sidings on both lines so consists or engines could be built or swapped respectively.   Maximum grade is about 3%.   Your plan looks like it uses O-31 for the smallest curve.   I'd advise using no less than O-42.   O scale simply looks better on larger curves.   This design uses MTH Realtrax but most track systems have O-42 and O-54 sectional curves.   Let me know what you think.  I've created layouts for other OGR members, I'd like to help you with yours.


Images (1)
  • 10x14 double main O-54 Layout by Ken Holbert

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