I do believe he meant to say TIU not AIU.
It does not matter how many different switches you are using, or their type when setting up blocks for DCS, what the builder needs to remember when doing your block engineering, is the 12 track join discipline rule, not the actual length of your track. I try to use as many long sections of track in my over all layout as I can to eliminate as many track joins as possible. The track joins are what degrades the strength of your DCS signal. Pay no attention to the signal strength when running across your individual switches, as long as they operate properly you will be fine. You want your over all layout to run with as close to all 10's, as you can make happen. If you have certain spots on the layout that the signal is weak, add a magic light in that area. Most times with the Rev L very few have to be added, now. If you have an older TIU more magic lights will be needed to keep the DCS signal strength up.
Hope this help you a little.