I am looking for opinions on mixing FasTrack and Real Trax on the same layout. I am rebuilding my holiday layout and can at most fit an 054 loop in the area I have (I have am MTH T1 that requires 054 min). I have quite a bit of FasTrack 036 and I was thinking I could use Real Trax for the 054 outer loop and the FasTrack 036 on the inner loop to save a few bucks. I am just wondering if anyone has ever done this and if so how does it look?
I've never used Real Trax either. Are there any pitfalls to watch out for? The 054 loop design will also have 1 switch for a siding. Are the Real Trax switches reliable?
I don't think it the mixing is a visual problem for a holiday layout.
RealTrax has a trick that you must learn to connect them. The problem is when you try to close loop, the last piece.
You need two lock-ons, one on each side of RealTrax, to get both outside rails connected to common. The Lock-Ons have big ugly lights . One has to solder leads to wire for power without using the Lock-Ons.
The switches are annoying the way that they are wired for non-derail and the fact that they have power hog motors that attach to the sides like the big ugly lock-ons. They should be powered separately from the track transformer or on a fixed AC port.
I recommend building the O54 loop in MTH ScaleTrax. It's in stock, at least for now, at most MTH retailers. You may want some cork or vinyl roadbed also.