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To quote Mr Union Pacific from another thread


Originally Posted by Mr Union Pacific:

Ill throw in my opinion, for what it is worth.  I use all Fastrack 072 switches with Lionel O tubular track.  Yes, it did cost a hefty price to replace all of my switches with Fastrack switches, but they just work much better especially with newer locomotives.  as for the tubular track, well it works great for me.  I make my own cross ties and ballast it and it looks good.  I am curious about the noise suppression?  I like the noise, trains make a lot of noise in real life...right?


As Tubular only comes with O31 and O72 switches, I was wondering about those who run Tubular, but have mated the track with either of the integrated roadbed tracks, FasTrack or RealTrax, in order to get turnouts with other radii, O54, O72 Wyes, etc.  If you have, could you please post some photos so that I (and others) can see what treatment, if any, did you give to those transitional areas of your layout? 
Last edited by Amfleet25124
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