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I went with a few of my PIHR friends on Saturday (a very long day trip from the Pittsburgh area -- a 556 mile round trip for me, personally).  We try to go at least once a year, weather permitting.  Got to see and chat with a few friends I usually only see at York, and we all found some goodies to take home with us, and we also make a point to make a quick visit to Trains and Lanes Hobbies in Easton, PA after the show where a couple of us found some more goodies to bring home.

The show was very busy while we were there, and the crowd was big enough that it was sometimes challenging to make it up and down the aisles.  I even heard more than a few people wishing out loud for York-style arrows (one way aisles).

Even though I spent more on travel than I did at the show and T&L, the thrill of the hunt, fun and fellowship are far more important to me, so, to me,  it was a great show overall. 


Last edited by Andy Hummell

I live 70 miles away, hard to pass this one up.  In November on Saturday morning i was able to park close to the building, crowd seemed sparse.  Not the case this past Saturday.   Arrived at 1030, had to park pretty far out.  Folks were already carrying out armfulls of stuff.  It harkened back to years ago, crowded, active, seemed electric.   Most dealers seemed engaged, items were moving.  We are getting older.  I was touched by the mid 40's son wheeling his elderly father through the hall.  The older man was enjoying his time, probably reliving memories.  At this point in my hobby career, can you say that, I am not looking for anything in particular, just enjoy the vibe.  Picked up another tropicana car, my unit train gets ever longer plus now i don't feel bad adding graffiti decals.  Also picked up some very inexpensive HO track to build out my micro layout.  Leaving at 1 I was speaking with another attendee who was making a trip to his car with an armful and said he had to go back in to get the rest.  Who says the hobby is dead?  Not at this show. 

Returned to the Spring thaw meet after a two year absence and found it to be just as crowded and exciting as I remembered.  In my opinion business was very brisk and the dealers were quite willing to engage and negotiate.  I saw multitudes of customers walking out with their arms filled with merchandise.  I was there on Saturday at 9:00 AM and the line to enter was very long.  There were two younger men behind me in line who apparently had never been to a train show or meet before and were commenting to one another that the long line was insane and that they couldn't believe the number of people who were attending.  When I left at 1:30 PM people were still entering.  Glad I went.  

Saturday was packed. We were waiting in line outside at 9:10 am and early admission guys were coming out with their arms full.

Saw some things I almost bought but didn't have to have them so I passed. Talked to a bunch of train nuts, I mean friends.

I did get into a verbal altercation with some clown trying to push his way through an aisle bottle neck that everyone was trying to navigate. The first time I bit my tongue.  When the same guy did it again in the next aisle, I made sure to let him know exactly how I felt.

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