It would be nice if the "Recent Posts" list could be accessed on mobile display. It could be added to the right slide window (the one that opens when clicking on the down arrow) under the "Mark All Topics As Read". (It looks like the CSS for the list might need some tweaking for mobile as well.)
Replies sorted oldest to newest
You can access it by turning your phone to horizontal.
Or you can just navigate/bookmark to this link on mobile:
@Hot Water posted:As compared to turning your smart phone sideways, i.e. horizontal?
That's a lot of work.
I have wanted this but didn't know landscape is all it took. Nice!!
I don't care for using the forum on mobile but sometimes I just don't want to fire up the ol' laptop.
@BillYo414 posted:I have wanted this but didn't know landscape is all it took. Nice!!
I don't care for using the forum on mobile but sometimes I just don't want to fire up the ol' laptop.
Totally agree with this. I think it's because I got my start on OGR by killing time on a work computer. Now I'm just used to that version.
I only access the forum on a desktop as well but I was curious as to what it would look like on a mobile display and the lack of being able to access the Recent Posts stood out like a sore thumb. As more users access this site via mobile, it would be advisable to expend effort on making the forum more mobile friendly.
@A. Wells posted:I only access the forum on a desktop as well but I was curious as to what it would look like on a mobile display and the lack of being able to access the Recent Posts stood out like a sore thumb. As more users access this site via mobile,
Just how do you know THAT? I'm willing to bet that the vast majority of participants on the OGR Forum use a computer!
it would be advisable to expend effort on making the forum more mobile friendly.
Friendly to those that don't know to turn their smart phone horizontal?
63% of viewers on this forum use a PC or a MAC. This is from Google stats. That percentage has remained in the 60-65% range for several years.
As you can see, just turning your phone to landscape mode solves the problem. There is no need to insert additional CSS into the code.
@Rich Melvin posted:63% of viewers on this forum use a PC or a MAC.
Well, that leaves 1/3 of them using some other device. OTOH, I agree that since you can simply rotate the phone, it seems redundant to expend extra effort to add this simple feature.
If you really wanted to make it more "mobile friendly", it takes more than a couple of CSS tweaks, hence more effort and expense.
I'm on Android and I have to go to the top right corner of my phone and click the vertical 3 dot line to open the dropdown menu.
That gives me the option to change to the desktop site.
Then the recent posts show. That's how I view them.
I only use my phone and turning it horizontal does not work on my phone.
Given the tiny screen size on a phone, I cannot imagine trying to read this forum on my phone. It’s just too small.
@Rich Melvin posted:Given the tiny screen size on a phone, I cannot imagine trying to read this forum on my phone. It’s just too small.
Rich, I marvel at the people that do everything on their phones, I sure could never do it! Give me a full sized keyboard and multiple large screens and I'm all set.
@John H posted:
OK wiseguy, let's see this thread on your phone.
Improving the Lionel Phantom Locomotive
I do prefer the computer, but I just meant that it is not all that tough to read the forum on my phone. As for your example, You have to do a lot of scrolling on either device. I find it much easier to post pictures from phone, because I can do it directly, and I can reduce the size to upload faster. It's easier than hooking up my camera to the PC, downloading, filing and then posting , without your gigabyte/second speed. A longer thread isn't much different on either device.
I prefer my computer also, but I do keep updated with my phone and comment with it sometimes like now!
99% of my OGR time is using my phone. No problems so far. I can always turn my phone sideways if I need to.
I don't have or use a computer. 100% of everything I do is on my phone. I'm shocked honestly at how many still have computers on this forum. Most people I know abandoned computers long ago.
@Brian DeFazio posted:I don't have or use a computer. 100% of everything I do is on my phone. I'm shocked honestly at how many still have computers on this forum. Most people I know abandoned computers long ago.
It all depends on what you do with your computer.
- I could not retouch photos in Photoshop for publication in the magazine on a phone or tablet.
- I could not update the web sites that I maintain (about 12 of them) on a phone or tablet.
- I could not process the data for the renewals or the magazine press run on a phone or tablet.
On the other hand, if you are just a casual user browsing the web, running your trains, and getting your email, a phone or tablet is fine.
At work I view the forum on the computer. At home it’s my iPad. I don’t like using the phone for viewing the forum its tedious
@John H posted:I do prefer the computer, but I just meant that it is not all that tough to read the forum on my phone. As for your example, You have to do a lot of scrolling on either device. I find it much easier to post pictures from phone, because I can do it directly, and I can reduce the size to upload faster. It's easier than hooking up my camera to the PC, downloading, filing and then posting , without your gigabyte/second speed. A longer thread isn't much different on either device.
I find it useful to have the smart phone linked to the desktop/laptop. I use an app called my phone, but there are others. I view messages, photos, etc. on my laptop from my phone without downloading the photos and get instant access. If I want to have local use of the photos, I save to desktop. Works well as I can write and email using the laptop and take a photo with the phone and attach to the email. All without wires or downloading more than what I need. I like a full size keyboard when I write emails.
Another option would be to use your phone connected to cloud storage. You could then get access to files and photos from any device as long as they are also linked to the cloud storage.
Just a thought.
How much would it take for someone to just come read it to me?
I'll show myself out, thank you.
@Rich Melvin posted:63% of viewers on this forum use a PC or a MAC. This is from Google stats. That percentage has remained in the 60-65% range for several years.
As you can see, just turning your phone to landscape mode solves the problem. There is no need to insert additional CSS into the code.
I use my iPad a lot and have no issues horizontal or vertical I see everything the same way. So I would agree with Rich and GRJ if it ain’t broke no need to fix it.
Having been here since week #1, I find this thread to be one of the most hilarious.
It is hard to believe that someone would want to have the CSS "tweaked" because they don't want "the inconvenience" of turning their phone horizontal. I'm still trying to understand why this is even worth all of the discussion. Maybe I'm too easily satisfied because I can't find anything wrong with this forum whether on my iPhone, iPad or MacBook Pro.
I see the word "broken" mentioned. I never inferred anything was broken per say. I was suggesting an improvement to the forum that would aid those who do view the forum on their mobile device. I understand there are a lot of older folks who only use desktop computers but the younger generation is more inclined to do (or attempt to do) everything from their smart phone. As more of the younger generation gets involved with this forum (fingers crossed), it think move effort should be extended by the CrowdStack people to make the site more mobile friendly.
@A. Wells posted:I see the word "broken" mentioned. I never inferred anything was broken per say. I was suggesting an improvement to the forum that would aid those who do view the forum on their mobile device. I understand there are a lot of older folks who only use desktop computers but the younger generation is more inclined to do (or attempt to do) everything from their smart phone. As more of the younger generation gets involved with this forum (fingers crossed), it think move effort should be extended by the CrowdStack people to make the site more mobile friendly.
EXACTLY. Everyone complains that the younger generation isn't picking up the hobby.....but from what I've seen, both online (facebook) and at train shows, there is A LOT of renewed interest in o-scale and the hobby in general. I think the renewed interest is largely thanks to all the modern electronics and features. Those folks attracted by those features are surely using a mobile device, at least some of the time, when they are browsing the web.
@Brian DeFazio posted:EXACTLY. Everyone complains that the younger generation isn't picking up the hobby.....but from what I've seen, both online (facebook) and at train shows, there is A LOT of renewed interest in o-scale and the hobby in general. I think the renewed interest is largely thanks to all the modern electronics and features. Those folks attracted by those features are surely using a mobile device, at least some of the time, when they are browsing the web.
As an iDevice user I don't understand this problem. As others have said change the orientation to landscape and there ya go. Is this an issue only on non-iDevices? JUst trying to understand the issue.
I agree as the youth of the hobby come on board the smart device will gain more traction. Both Lionel and MTH see that as well as Bachman.
The problem with the younger generation is they don't want to be "inconvenienced" by simply turning their smartphone 90 degrees. They want everything handed to them on their terms.
I can view this site just fine with my desktop, MacBook or iPhone.
@MartyE posted:
As an iDevice user I don't understand this problem. As others have said change the orientation to landscape and there ya go. Is this an issue only on non-iDevices? JUst trying to understand the issue.
I agree as the youth of the hobby come on board the smart device will gain more traction. Both Lionel and MTH see that as well as Bachman.
No, it is a non-issue for Android devices too. Rotate. (to landscape)
@Brian DeFazio posted:I don't have or use a computer. 100% of everything I do is on my phone. I'm shocked honestly at how many still have computers on this forum. Most people I know abandoned computers long ago.
Sorry to disappoint you. We're all confirmed luddites here -- every last one of us is a technophobe and stuck in the past. After all aren't trains ancient history?
I'm shocked honestly at how many people still make trains their hobby. Most people abandoned trains long ago.
Aside, to the rest of us: Have you ever noticed how frequently someone barges into a well-running thread in order to insinuate that the whole thread is all nonsense, and a complete waste of time, because everyone who's posted before them is not looking at the simple facts? This is quite similar.
@MartyE posted:As an iDevice user I don't understand this problem. As others have said change the orientation to landscape and there ya go. Is this an issue only on non-iDevices? JUst trying to understand the issue.
I agree as the youth of the hobby come on board the smart device will gain more traction. Both Lionel and MTH see that as well as Bachman.
NEVER knew till reading this thread that turning the phone sideways would in any way change the view of the forum. Wouldn't have even occurred to me to try it, as reading looks much better in portrait view vs landscape.
Lot of amusing complaining in this thread
I use the site from my phone if I'm out and about or don't feel like firing up the laptop. I prefer it on the laptop though. It's easier to see pictures and format my posts. I think it would behoove OGR to be as mobile friendly as possible. The mobile version isn't too bad at all right now.
@Brian DeFazio posted:I don't have or use a computer. 100% of everything I do is on my phone. I'm shocked honestly at how many still have computers on this forum. Most people I know abandoned computers long ago.
I wonder how you'd design circuit boards on your phone? Working on large spreadsheets is another interesting exercise on the phone... Just drawing a fairly simple graphic is a challenge on the phone...
I just tossed my PC and monitor into my driveway, and I’ll be embracing a computer free lifestyle, as soon as I find my glasses to read the itty bitty, teeny weenie print on my phone!
@Mark V. Spadaro posted:I just tossed my PC and monitor into my driveway, and I’ll be embracing a computer free lifestyle, as soon as I find my glasses to read the itty bitty, teeny weenie print on my phone!
No need to find your glasses. Just make the font size bigger