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@DL&W Pete posted:

What size is your layout, I would like to see more of it.

Mine is doing the same thing. It's like an antenna/comm issue. Start-up fine. Everything works great, until it starts moving. Whistle underway is sporadic at best. Speeds are crazy. Hard to start and stop. Loco sometimes stops on its own and goes into reverse. Other legacy locos that I have work great. sigh...

Picked up my NKP 765 Berk from my soon-not-to be-so-local hobby shop today, just about in time to place it into the moving truck...

As others have reported:  Some assembly required.  I was about to tell them to send it back, but flopping around in the box were the front coupler, the attaching screw and one bearing insert for the pilot truck.  The other inset was loose on the truck but didn't fall out.

After repairing the pilot truck, we put it on the store's test track and it ran quite well:  Forward, backwards, smoke, chugs, bell, whistle and (unfortunately) crew talk all worked fine.

After the test run, I reinstalled the front coupler, tricky for an old fool performing without an Opti-Visor.  The uncoupling lever has to be removed to make room for the screwdriver, it's sort of a friction fit so it was a little tricky to remove and reinstall.

Anyhow...  The Legacy Berkshire is a very nice locomotive, a runner-up to the Y3.  Eventually I'll paint the handrails and maybe graphite the smokebox and firebox, although the gray is beginning to grow on me.  I wish I had time to play with it and do an in-dept review and (unfairly) compare it against a River Raisin model.  But, gotta do more packing...


It seems like an antenna issue?


I had a similar problem the second time I tried to run my new NKP 765.  I thought I was destined for a trip to Concord for repairs but noticed my Legacy Remote batteries were low.  After a full charge I have not had this problem again.  This may be worth a check for you.

Unfortunately I do have a little gear noise pulling  a 2.0 % grade with no load.  So I may be calling Concord on that issue.


@Aflyer posted:


I had a similar problem the second time I tried to run my new NKP 765.  I thought I was destined for a trip to Concord for repairs but noticed my Legacy Remote batteries were low.  After a full charge I have not had this problem again.  This may be worth a check for you.

Unfortunately I do have a little gear noise pulling  a 2.0 % grade with no load.  So I may be calling Concord on that issue.


Thanks. No my batteries are new and fully charged. I called Butch at Charles Ro and things are being taken care of. Thanks again for the suggestion.


Carl, I am having trouble with my engine jumping off the tracks with one Gilbert switch with its pilot truck.  Did you place the washer right above the screw head under the pilot truck or on top of the pilot truck?


A friendly suggestion........

If Carl's suggestion does not solve the problem, you might check the gauge of the offending Gilbert turnout. I have noticed that some Gilbert switches, particularly those made in the later '50s are a bit off. Gilbert trains run fine through them, but some of the newer high rail steam engines can be problematic.

Have fun.


I worked on the right hand switch and corrected it just a bit.  It still jumps the track while tuning right, but going the other direction into the switch it stays on the track.  I could change out the switch but I have dozens of engines that have no problem. I will probably just live with it since I have 3 main lines on the layout.  Oh, The little things that are a pain in our hobby. 

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