The intent of this thread is to explore O42 (O44.5), and if it is possible with FasTrack. It is, and results in a reasonable center spacing that accommodates even the large and scale LC+ SD60M. Cool!
The MTH RailKing Imperial Big Boy operates on O31 curves. I imagine the overhang on O44.5 is quite a bit less than the overhang of O31, but as I do not own one, cannot test.
Most likely the very broad spacing of FasTrack with 6" centers would work, so someone interested in operating the MTH Big Boy could do O36 inside, and O48 outside. OR, O31 inside and O44.5 outside with 6.5" center spacing. Anyway, that consideration is a different topic from the original thread topic.
Obviously, the VL Big Boy needs O72, so is out-of-place in this thread discussion.
An analysis of what center spacing clearance is needed for different locos at different curve diameters might make an interesting discussion in a new thread. I have data points to contribute to a new thread as above: at O36 and O44.5 diameters, LC+ steamers, train-set passenger cars, and the LC+ scale SD60M work on the 4.25" center spacing. Who else can add?
So, I added a discussion thread minimum parallel centers discussion