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The Atlas O Trainman Dash-8's are on the way - and there are four road names and four versions.... They'll be at our place the last of May.

  • 3 rail Conventional
  • 3 rail TMCC
  • 2 Rail 
  • 2 Rail Gold

We have a bunch of these coming and Atlas O has a few extras - and I would like to grab some - but I need orders so I know what to get..... 

If you're willing to order one, or more, and pay for it now, we will give you an additional discount below the minimum advertised price (MAP). I can't say how much - that would get me in trouble - but you can see the discount in the cart. 

The discount code to use is "Dash4Me" - order up you guys!

You can find all of the Dash 8's here on my website



Images (3)
  • IMG_6917
  • IMG_6918
  • IMG_6919
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