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I am in the process of building a large 3-Rail layout using tin plate Gargrave phantom track, Midwest cork roadbed and chicken starter grit( fine crushed granite) as ballast. With a limited supply of Pollyscale acrylic Rust and Rail Brown, insufficient to paint the outside rails, I went to the local Hobby Lobby and purchased two heavy pigmented acrylic paints, one being FolkArt 2502 Rusted Pipe and the second Delta Ceramcoat 02411 Raw Sienna. Mainline tracks I brush painted Rusted Pipe and yard tracks Raw Sienna, painted track looks good. Now comes the question, since the paint is acrylic and the outside rails are a smooth silver coated surface, the paint that was applied to this surface is a coating with no penetration, will the acrylic weathering paint bleed or run when sprayed with isopropyl alcohol as a wetting agent and when the 50% mixture of Elmer's glue and hot water is sprayed on the ballast? I have painted a large amount of track using these acrylic paints.

If these acrylic paints will bleed or run, is there a way to seal this paint to prevent bleed or run prior to applying the wetting agent and ballasting?

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Once the paint sets it should not be affected by water or glue, alcohol maybe if you use a strong mixture. That said, I paint the rails after ballasting. I have used both brushes and Q tips to apply the paint.

Depending on how many feet of track you have you might consider spraying your desired color on some cardboard and taking to a paint store and have it scanned and gallon of latex mixed up. One gallon will cost about the same as 4 or 5 bottles of Poly Scale.



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