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I have just finished laying out my track on my first real layout in tpost-war Lionel tubular track . I'm not sure if I like it or not . Please advise what track he would recommend if I choose to redo the layout with new track and switches .i Have several 07 2 and 022  switches (around 50)  along with  a lot of  072 , 054, and 04 2 track. If somebody would be interested in this track and switches I might be willing to part with it. I do like the look of the more scale appearance tracks such as gargraves.

Again, please advise which rack you think would be best for Lionel post war and Legacy engines along with MTH Premier engines. If you could recommend a good source to buy a bunch of recommended track and switches I would appreciate it very much. If anybody has some of this track hand switches that are in good condition I would appreciate knowing about that also.

Thank you very much as always,


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Jerry you are going to get 50 replies & 50 different opinions on this one!  Mine is to stick with tubular if you already have it.  Clean it up & it is ready to roll.  Tubular is much easier to custom-cut specially sized sections per your specific needs, plus is quieter during operation than either of the plastic bed track systems from Lionel & MTH.   Most of all... enjoy what ever you decided to do!  


This question seems to come up almost every other month. If you are looking for opinions, the general consensus is GarGraves track and Ross switches. That combination seems to be favored by at least 50%, my personal choice as well.

In your case, it sounds like you have quite a stash of traditional switches. Lionel has a beautiful design and they work great, but the styles are limited. Fastrack offers a little more variety, but Ross takes the cake. I personally wouldn't get involved in Fastrack, it has a number of disadvantages in my opinion.

Infinite flexibility with Ross / GarGraves combo!



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Last edited by Big_Boy_4005

Yep. Many answers. They all work and have good points and bad.

Purely esthetically, MTH Scaletrax (NOT Realtrax) is the winner, hands down.

But, GarGraves and Ross would be my choice, again. I have it - mostly GG. Various Ross (Yard Set) and Curtis (now defunct) pieces.

Many here seem to say "GG track and Ross switches". I have mostly GG switches, too - they seem fine, though mine are 25+ years old (the 0-100 "standard" GG switch - very forgiving). So I will say GG switches and/or track - and/or Ross switches and/or track. I like the looks/spiking method of the Ross track better. Flextrack? I don't bend my own track a whole lot - most efforts I have seen and done are lacking in results. 

GG is more cost-effective; Ross is snazzier; both are great, compatible and available. 

But why, oh why, does neither of them offer all 3 rails blackened/darkened? I have had to spray paint every piece of their track that i have ever bought before putting it down! 

Last edited by D500

"GG is more cost-effective; Ross is snazzier; both are great, compatible and available" I stole that directly from D500.  The Gargraves flex track and the wide array gives anyone the greatest flexibility, less hand-laying, track.  The over-sized track can be overcome by weathering and ballasting effectively. 

Thanks guys,

I really want to stay with the Lionel tubular track because that's what I grew up with in the fifties. Is there anyway to modify the 072 switches to make engines run over there more smoothly? I am testing out my track with a Lionel  T1 duplex engine and it is all over the place when going over the switches. Please advise.

D500 posted:

Purely esthetically, MTH Scaletrax (NOT Realtrax) is the winner, hands down.

As an owner and user of Scaletrax, do yourself a favor and pick something else.  While it does look nice, it is not easy to put together.  I have broken many a tie trying to get them together using the prescribed methods.  Some pieces are not perfect so there are noticeable dips at some joins.  Switches can be hit or miss and need some rework to prevent shorts or derailments.  It can be delicate and flimsy.

I purchased mine right after the 1st Rich Batista video and got it really cheap from various online vendors.  I was buying O-72, #4 and #6 switches for $35 and $40.  That was a main driver for my decision.  Now,  even if you can find the #4 and #6 switches, they are almost double the price.

If I were staring over I would go with Atlas for looks or with Ross for function.

Good Luck... and have fun.




I also have a rather large investment in Lionel tubular track ... 031, 054, 072 radius curves.  However for performance reasons I sold all of my Lionel 022 and 072 switches and replaced with Ross tinplate switches.  All of my Lionel PW, MPC, and Modern Era engines and cars move smoothly thru these switches with no derailment problems.  Certainly worth the extra cost for the switches for me.

D500 is 100% Correct...50 opinions, 50 Different Opinions, WOW! Track is the best investment you can make for Good, Smoothe, Flawless Operation. If you think about keeping your layout for 25 or more years, My recommendation is, Atlas O Track, Ross Custom Switches with Under table Tortoise Switch Machines, or top of the table DZ1000 switch motors. Pre curved 072, 081, 091, 099, 0120.... I recommend 072 your minimum curve...Atlas 0 uncouplers.....Legacy Command. Great Question, Answers will be coming.....Happy Railroading...




I recently moved to CA from PA and moved all of my tubular track with me. After adding up the cost of a new track system, I decided to use the tubular track with Ross switches. I like the ease of installation and simply the "feel" of the old track I grew up with and very much like the reliability of the great Ross switches with DZ1000 motors.

I added roadbed, ballast and extra ties and enjoy the look and the extra money still in my pocket!



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Last edited by stangtrain
Dennis posted:

Without a doubt, Ross Switches, Gargraves Track.



And, FWIW, they're both made in the U.S. of A., and both companies run by wonderful, helpful, hobby-supporting people.  Items they manufacture are always in stock.  And, you may have noticed Ross' ads in the publications, comparing their products/prices with others (o/s manufactured)......VERY interesting!

They probably wouldn't admit it, but I've always felt those two companies enjoy a (word-of-the-day) symbiotic (engineering/marketing/positive sense) relationship....meeting periodically halfway between Norwich, CT and North Rose, NY at some pub...sampling craft brewskies in the back room...talking 'business'...slapping high-fives!

Well, why not?  The preferences in this thread say it all...

IMHO, of course.


Note to argue with any one's sage advice, there are a number of good options, I like both Atlas and Ross/Cargraves.   But here is some nice work with Lionel Fastrack (not my work).  Fastrack switches are bullet-proof or nearly so, the switch motors are hidden, and they can be controlled through Legacy/TMCC so no control panel is required.




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The best track in my opinion is Gargraves track with Ross switches. Get stainless steel if you need to be concerned with moisture. If I was going to do my layout over I would use only Gargraves track and Ross switches. 

Lionel Fastrack tarnishes too quickly and has electrical issues, and the switches are a few dollars more then Ross Custom switches.

Also track with built-in roadbed has diameter limitations, especially Fastrack! MTH's Realtrax and Scaletrax are duds with the switches.

Lee Fritz

Last edited by phillyreading

I have pulled the AtlasO 21 car California Zephyr train with my 1954 Lionel Santa Fe diesel on GarGraves stainless track on a level surface with no problem.  I was concerned that the lack of magnetic attraction would be an issue, but I had no problems at all.  Here in Hawaii I MUST use stainless or nickel silver track; tinplate rusts very quickly and becomes unusable.

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