I have just finished laying out my track on my first real layout in tpost-war Lionel tubular track . I'm not sure if I like it or not . Please advise what track he would recommend if I choose to redo the layout with new track and switches .i Have several 07 2 and 022 switches (around 50) along with a lot of 072 , 054, and 04 2 track. If somebody would be interested in this track and switches I might be willing to part with it. I do like the look of the more scale appearance tracks such as gargraves.
Again, please advise which rack you think would be best for Lionel post war and Legacy engines along with MTH Premier engines. If you could recommend a good source to buy a bunch of recommended track and switches I would appreciate it very much. If anybody has some of this track hand switches that are in good condition I would appreciate knowing about that also.
Thank you very much as always,