IF I ever did cull more SG real estate, and could add to what I already have...
I'd definitely want/need a 2 ft x 2 ft "lift out", ie. a hinged door with handle. Here is a mockup on graph paper showing the existing table, adding a second table of same dimensions, and adding a triangle in the inner corner. The door is marked.
What could be attached to the door, other than a big power station?? I'm just not that jazzed about the big power station.
I think if I went larger than 2' x 2' for this door , it could possibly mpede being able to have 3 - 4 roundhouse sections and accompanying turntable and tracks.
I now have only two loops of 42 curves. I'd want to add 54 curves and maybe a loop of 72 curves. Maybe a 45 crossover?
A second level?
Larger layout wish list: 444 roundhouse sections, turntable, a Hellgate Bridge, a tunnel- maybe I create my own version of the SG corner tunnel, another (124?) station, 155 freight platform(s)...