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Last week I purchased an MTH Premier CSX AC44CW PS3. I wasn't able to run it until  today but finally she made her way out of the box and onto the mainline. She is beautiful if I do say so myself but while I was admiring her beauty, I noticed that one of the crew figures made his way from the future:


He is wearing a VISOR like Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge in Star Trek: The Next Generation! Lmao

Sorry, maybe I need to turn the smoke volume down on these MTH engines lol I might be going crazy but for some reason I found this hilarious!

Live Long & Prosper and Happy Model Railroading Friends!


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Oversized Self-Healing Shop Mat

1 Shop Mat

I purchased this Selfing Healing Shop Mat at Michaels, Commerce Township. Michigan.  I used a 40% off regular price store coupon. Final price $19.79 • Ask the cashier at checkout to scan Michael’s in store coupon.

The mat is 18 x 24 inches.

Wait there is more ………….. !  Great snack for any Train Room.   Unsalted roasted peanuts

2 roasted peanuts



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trainroomgary posted:

Oversized Self-Healing Shop Mat

1 Shop Mat

I purchased this Selfing Healing Shop Mat at Michaels, Commerce Township. Michigan.  I used a 40% off regular price store coupon. Final price $19.79 • Ask the cashier at checkout to scan Michael’s in store coupon.

The mat is 18 x 24 inches.

Wait there is more ………….. !  Great snack for any Train Room.   Unsalted roasted peanuts

2 roasted peanuts


I would have to have salted peanuts.😁 

trainroomgary posted:

Oversized Self-Healing Shop Mat

1 Shop Mat

I purchased this Selfing Healing Shop Mat at Michaels, Commerce Township. Michigan.  I used a 40% off regular price store coupon. Final price $19.79 • Ask the cashier at checkout to scan Michael’s in store coupon.

The mat is 18 x 24 inches.

Wait there is more ………….. !  Great snack for any Train Room.   Unsalted roasted peanuts

2 roasted peanuts


 Gary, did you put your nuts on the Internet? 

RSJB18 posted:

Picked up a pair of D&H passenger coaches. Needed something to pull behind my new D&H GP-9. Love the paint scheme on the D&H.


Bob, I really like the D&H colors and the more I see them the more I think I will be looking for an engine and passenger set.......... 

Well my last locomotive want, to complete things I wanted as a kid in the 90's, was a Lionel Warhorse Santa Fe hudson. Later, as I got back into the hobby several years ago after college/grad school, I discovered that MTH made a model of an actual Santa Fe 3460 class hudson. Lionel's model was just a NYC J1E scale hudson with Santa Fe paint. So I ended up changing my want to the MTH 3460 class model. I've been casually looking for one for about a month or so here but no one wanted to part with one. I did some looking around and found a model of 3463 with PS2 at a great price, about half of what it cost new, with 2 hours of run time. My eventual plan is to build an REA Express/Santa Fe express boxcar train or a Fast Mail express train for it to pull. 




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Mark Boyce posted:

Lou, That is certainly a very nice choice!!

Thanks. It runs beautifully and smokes great.

It may sound strange but this was actually the last locomotive I planned on buying. I had a set goal when I got back into the hobby after grad school to build a layout and acquire specific equipment that fit the Santa Fe/Southern Pacific in the 1948-1954 time frame. I've got everything I set out to acquire now:

ABBA Santa Fe F3s and a Super Chief consist

ABBA Santa Fe F3s and a El Capitan consist

AA Santa Fe PAs and a Chief consist

GS4 Southern Pacific and a Golden State consist (currently working on repainting/letter cars for)

ABBA Santa Fe F3s and an SFRD unit train

GP9/GP7 Santa Fe and a boxcar train

AS616 Southern Pacific and a freight train

3460 class Santa Fe Hudson and a fast mail express train (eventually I'll be buying rolling stock for it)

So from here on out it'll just be tinkering with things around the layout and scenery. Which is fine, as that's the cheap stuff

It looks like new, and everything works.   I did have to fix the flickering firebox, it was coming apart, but that was just bending the prongs to hold the lens in place.  Hardest part of the repair is taking the boiler shell off, but this one is easier than many.  While I was in there I looked in side the smoke unit, it didn't look like it was ever used!

Today I received two early birthday presents to myself.

1) MTH US ARMY 44 tonner 1663.  I like this little engine.  Good sound and a strong puller.  My only problem is running at low speed through tubular switches.  It has no problem at 15-30mph.  Appart from adding 6' of length, does anyone have any other ideas?

2) Atlas Hospital Kitchen Car 



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Got in a trivial item at a good price, but one because of its popularity among car nuts in all kinds of scales, including 1-1, has been hard to find...a Matchbox 1940 Ford pickup. This one new in box.  With 1940 as my model year, and other Matchbox pickups such as their 1930's Reo and IH long found, this one has been elusive.  There is a 1941 Chevy pickup in the same series that

Nice autos!

I’ve long been bewildered by the shortage of 1930’s autos and trucks. Admittedly, I’m a narrow-gauger and believe that Depression-era heavy metal sets the scene for those narrow gauge lines that succumbed just before and during World War II, but I can’t help but think that those runners and modelers modeling roads that dieselized early would be interested in having cars and trucks that were on the streets while steam was running, and not only after the fires were dropped and their beloved steam locomotives were cut up for scrap.


The smaller stuff is built dual purpose, model and toy. The toy sales on earlier styles likely isn't strong as anything from the 50s on just because of lack of exposure to to early autos... as you noted, we lost many candidates for restorations in recycling for wartime metal, there isnti as much exposure.

Larger scale models for collecting can be more highly detailed, and that is the attraction to those who buy road vehicles to display vs trains. Look to larger scales and the offerings seem a little more evened out by era... imo.

decoynh posted:

Today I received two early birthday presents to myself.

1) MTH US ARMY 44 tonner 1663.  I like this little engine.  Good sound and a strong puller.  My only problem is running at low speed through tubular switches.  It has no problem at 15-30mph.  Appart from adding 6' of length, does anyone have any other ideas?

2) Atlas Hospital Kitchen Car 


UPDATE:  Cleaned 14 switches and tightened the track connections, pins/etc.  Lubed the new engine per MTH instructions & exercised the 44 tonner for a good hour at 20 to 45 MPH.  It now goes through all the switches except 2 at 10mph.  Those 2 are remote 031 switches.  The 072 switches are all fine now.  Maybe I'll upgrade the 2 finicky switches to 072.  It's a funny coincidence that the PFA regards a sticky switch.  This little engine can pull 4 heavy k line cars at 2-3mph.

Last edited by decoynh
mike g. posted:

Matt, sure sounds like you have been busy! That little engine looks great! Just wondering do you use it to pull around the layout, or do you have a different engine for your military train?


B4 this engine and the Atlas Kitchen Hospital car, I only had a Menards flat with a tarp that I bought to get a "free" ambulance that didn't work.  So I really don't have a military train as such.  I guess it's a work in progress.  MTH has a pretty good selection this year, so I may have to part with some money.

decoynh posted:
mike g. posted:

Matt, sure sounds like you have been busy! That little engine looks great! Just wondering do you use it to pull around the layout, or do you have a different engine for your military train?


B4 this engine and the Atlas Kitchen Hospital car, I only had a Menards flat with a tarp that I bought to get a "free" ambulance that didn't work.  So I really don't have a military train as such.  I guess it's a work in progress.  MTH has a pretty good selection this year, so I may have to part with some money.

I Know I will need a military engine some day or just paint one of my older ones! LOL

mike g. posted:
decoynh posted:
mike g. posted:

Matt, sure sounds like you have been busy! That little engine looks great! Just wondering do you use it to pull around the layout, or do you have a different engine for your military train?


B4 this engine and the Atlas Kitchen Hospital car, I only had a Menards flat with a tarp that I bought to get a "free" ambulance that didn't work.  So I really don't have a military train as such.  I guess it's a work in progress.  MTH has a pretty good selection this year, so I may have to part with some money.

I Know I will need a military engine some day or just paint one of my older ones! LOL

Mike, I have no doubt that this little engine can pull 10 or 15 normal freight cars.  There are 2 motors with 2 traction tires on each truck set.  Its very heavy for it's size.  I'll also use this to pull track cleaning cars that I build.   I recently sold  a GP-9, that I previously used for that job.  I need to sell some rolling stock to make room for any future "military" expansion. 

Mike to answer your request.

Track cleaning cars:  Post war cabooses are good because of their short wheelbase, but almost any old car will work.  My preference is a RailKing MTH depressed flat car with a  (transformer load to hide added ballast weight) because a very thin spacer is all that's needed between the bottom of the car and the track.

Ballast weight:  Lead fishing weights work or anything heavy that fits in the car.

Materials:  Spacing material (sponge, wood, styrofoam etc.), Velcro tape (hook side), Scotch Bright scrub pads. Beer, Ale or your favorite adult beverage.


1)  Place car on track.  Measure the Distance from the bottom of your car to the track.  

2)  Spacer thickness = Distance - (thickness of Velcro HOOK tape + Scotch Bright thickness).

3)  Attach spacer material to bottom of car (Glue or fastening method of your choice).  Then  stick Velcro HOOK tape to the spacer. Next attach Scotch Bright to Velcro HOOK tape.

4)  Place on tracks and add required weights to keep car on track.

5)  Test run and enjoy adult beverage.

I permanently have one of these cars in the consist behind the locomotive or have a track cleaning consist parked on a siding that I run once a week.  Occasionally I remove the cars from the track to clean the Scotch Bright.  Once a year I use some denatured alcohol or track cleaner manually to clean track.

NOTE: I copied this design from a friend when I bought one of his cars.







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mike g. posted:

Thanks Matt! Love the simple idea, I think I can even do this one! LOL

If you have any questions along the way, let me know.  One thing that I forgot, make sure that you leave enough clearance from the spacer to the wheels for your tightest curve.

Funny thing this morning, I ran the 44 tonner to make a short film.  It was pulling 10 cars with no problem.  Some were heavy K Line, Atlas, Lionel, MTH & one was light, Menards.  After making one film, one of the couplers on the new Atlas Hospital Car started to open under the load.  It was the first car after the locomotive, so most of the weight  (10 cars) was on the front coupler.  When I put it at the end of the train, it was ok.  Visually there is no obvious weakness.  This is the first time I made a video with the iPhone on a tripod.  It does free up your hands to run the DCS, but I need practice and have a lot to learn b4 moving to the 35mm camera.  I also plan on seeing how many cars this little engine can pull or push! LOL.



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TomlinsonRunRR posted:


Thanks for the series of nice photos of your track cleaning cars and their construction.  With family in Maine, the CMP transformer in particular caught my attention - what a great car!

It's 90-degrees in my house today, so your first photo is giving me an idea ... :-)

Tomlinson Run Railroad

You and all of OGR are welcome to use the design.  It's good for keeping everyday dust off the rails.  It's 98f out on our deck right now - HOT!  That little transformer car was a Club car for the Maine Hi-Railers a few years ago.  There are still a few of those around at local train meets.  This year it's an MTH 44 Tonner in Maine Central Yellow.  I just went with the US Army version of the 44 Tonner & like it.

This might not make a lot of sense to some of you, but when my wife and I did out European trip in May, I wanted to get all the local model/real train magazines I could find for the month we were there (I'd done the same when I was in Europe for the first time, long before I was married, and I still have those). Sadly, I found almost none anywhere we went. I did find a Hornby magazine at a grocery store down the street from our hotel in London and a Railway Modeler magazine at Heathrow, but I never saw any other train magazines anywhere. None in Spain, Italy or France (and trust me, I looked*). I didn't have time to look in Portugal, though.

Anyway, I thought maybe there weren't any model train magazines in France as when I got back, I couldn't find many even on eBay. A while passed and I then I spotted the May and June issues of the aptly named 'Le Train' magazine so I got them online.

Maybe it's silly to get them long after the trip (especially as my French is very poor, mostly because I'd spent so much time learning German in my youth), but I know for certain I would have bought them if I'd seen them for sale anywhere!


*The funny part was while we waited to board our train to Bayeux at the Gare Saint-Lazare depot in Paris (yeah, the one Monet often painted), they had several magazine stores. They had Model Railroader in English, but not one French train magazine!


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Last edited by p51
Bill DeBrooke posted:

The four aluminum cars last week.  The red & yellow set earlierIMG_4672.1

This is all Williams product.  The aluminum cars are from 1976 when he did the Bicentennial set.  Three hundred remaining sets were sold to Andrew Kriswalus of KMT who did the circus design.

The Painted set was sold unpainted to Calvert Train Corp. of Baltimore, Md.

Does anyone have any advertising paper related to either of these two set.  If so I would like to purchase copies or the original.  Thanks, Bill

My sister bought this bad boy for me on Ebay as a birthday gift, I only have pictures from the listing so far. But I should have the model on Friday, according to USPS. Hopefully I will be able to test it fully at my local club this weekend, if it arrives on Friday.

Atlas O BNSF Dash 8-40BW #536 - Listing Pictures [1)

Few quick notes on the engine. It's brand new in the box, and it really looks like it spent it's entire life in the box; it's got the same electronics as my broken Amtrak Dash 8, but I won't cannibalize this model to fix mine; and I got it for around 250 dollars, which is a steal if it really is brand new in the box and untouched.

No freight cars for now, but those will come if this engine is in 100% working order. Of course I will watch over this engine like a hawk, since I would hate to see my Amtrak Dash 8s distant cousin also suffer from the same fate.


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  • Atlas O BNSF Dash 8-40BW #536 - Listing Pictures (1)
Last edited by MichaelB
MichaelB posted:

My sister bought this bad boy for me on Ebay as a birthday gift, I only have pictures from the listing so far. But I should have the model on Friday, according to USPS. Hopefully I will be able to test it fully at my local club this weekend, if it arrives on Friday.

Atlas O BNSF Dash 8-40BW #536 - Listing Pictures [1)


Very nice engine, Michael. I can’t figure out why, but I really like that BNSF paint scheme. Your sister is definitely a keeper   

Last edited by Apples55
Apples55 posted:

Very nice engine, Michael. I can’t figure out why, but I really like that BNSF paint scheme. Your sister is definitely a keeper   

Yeah I definitely owe her big time, without her this would not have happened. Mainly because my mom likes that I can actually get out of the house and do something fun with my life, instead of sit at my computer all day and play video games. But she doesn't want to spend a ton of money on a model that doesn't look that interesting.

Then there's my dad, he's pretty supportive on the hobby. But whenever I mention buying something new, he says he can buy something like a TV for the same price (which is kind of a lie to be honest). But he has a fair point, it's an expensive hobby. But I can't do much about the prices of brand new models.

And that's mainly why it's been about 7 years since I have had anything added to my collection. That and I took a long break after my favorite engine got sabotaged by some little brat at my local club. No I didn't have proof that he did it, or the engine would have been fixed a long time ago and at no cost to me.

Sorry for going on a tangent, I felt that I should clear that up so people can understand why I have a love/hate relationship with the hobby, 60% "love" and 40% "hate." But yeah, it's most likely going to be a great addition to my collection and an awesome workhorse at my local club in 2019.

Matt Makens posted:

Well if you ever decide you want to fix that dash 8, I have 3 or 4 of those boards in my parts stash

I would love to take you up on my offer, but those boards will most likely not work (since I won't know how to wire them up) and my sister is a bit sketched out from your offer. I mean, your intentions seem great and I think your a nice guy. But the internet can be a very dangerous place to send out your personal information, so I think I'll pass. But thank you very much for the offer!

Last edited by MichaelB
beardog posted:

Hey Dennis, is this old and broke enough for you. Fortunately it was broke when I

bought it, otherwise USPS would have made it so.  If anyone has any idea what this is

please let me know.


Hey John, I don't think it is Buddy L, but that is something I thought of when I looked at the pictures. I don't know anything about that, but when I was a squirt in the 1970's, my Uncle showed me something from one of his Model Railroader mags from I think the 1960's-70's of someone who had had pictures from the 1920's. That is about all I know about that, but here's a link talking a bit about Buddy L.

You may want to pop that engine over in the Tinplate forums or such, they have some great things over there(sure you already know that though). Good luck.

Wow, I'm amazed that you knew enough to take the old board out put new FETs on it and put it back in but aren't skilled enough to put the exact same board back into the loco you already to the board out of. IT's the exact same board that's already in your engine!!!! I'm just not sure how you can say it wont work but I'm done trying to help you out. 

beardog posted:

Thanks, Dave. My  first thought was perhaps Dayton, but the seller says he saw a pic some

where and its french, maybe I will start a new topic on it so everyone can see.

Glad to try and help, someone will know exactly what it is, that I'm sure of.

About the Buddy L trains, I remember telling my Uncle something to the tune of, "wait, they're riding on those" or something like that. I think they had some small stuff, but the outdoor railroad stuff kids could ride on or such. Vague memories, but one can always do a search to find something to trigger them.

Adriatic posted:

The smaller stuff is built dual purpose, model and toy. The toy sales on earlier styles likely isn't strong as anything from the 50s on just because of lack of exposure to to early autos... as you noted, we lost many candidates for restorations in recycling for wartime metal, there isnti as much exposure.

Larger scale models for collecting can be more highly detailed, and that is the attraction to those who buy road vehicles to display vs trains. Look to larger scales and the offerings seem a little more evened out by era... imo.

To return to an old topic and a dead horse, I agree that most 1:43 (and 1:45 and 1:48 scale) scale die-cast cars were built for the toy market as much as for collectors. However, I believe that the development of scanning and 3-D printing has made it possible for vendors to offer models of 1:43 and 1:48 scale automobiles without having to make huge investments in dies and tooling and losing their shirts if modelers won't buy.

I'm not so sure that your claim that World War II's scrap drives eliminated quite so many candidates for modeling as some people might think. I just made a search using the net (August 31st, 2018 ca. 10:50 AM CDST) that showed a fair amount of old iron that survived World War II and survived long enough to get photographed and/or scanned and uploaded.

So my new engine came today, and it really is brand new in the box. But it's got a manufacturing defect, which I'm not too upset about.


I checked the insides of the model and the only thing that is close to that area is the metal antenna. So I believe the person who assembled the model didn't allow the antenna to cool after soldering and thus the heat caused that area to warm up enough to where it got deformed like that.

The engine runs with absolutely no problems, so it's a keeper in my book. I don't really mind that melted spot, in fact I think it adds a bit of character to the model. I could give it a story of a tree fell on it, or something like that.

In any case, I can return the model in 30 days if that part of the engine starts bothering me.


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Mark Boyce posted:

Wow, Michael!  It would drive me crazy!  Just my opinion.

Fair enough! It mainly doesn't bother me, because I have so many other things to worry about in my life other than model trains. Yes, it looks bad for the most part and I was pretty frustrated when I saw that. But it adds some character, and it gives a perfect opportunity to try and weather it like something really heavy fell on it in that area.

Of course, if I complained about all the little problems with the hobby that I have and also got furious from stuff like that. I would not be able to enjoy it as much as I do!

Picked up a second Williams Penn Central scale GG-1 for a very nice price. 

PC GG1s_20180902_122857537

My plan is to replace the PC logo with the word "Amtrak" and thereby have an Amtrak GG1 like the one below. 

As luck would have it, 4882 kept its number throughout its life so I don't need to change that - just the railroad logo. 




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MichaelB posted:

So my new engine came today, and it really is brand new in the box. But it's got a manufacturing defect, which I'm not too upset about.


I checked the insides of the model and the only thing that is close to that area is the metal antenna. So I believe the person who assembled the model didn't allow the antenna to cool after soldering and thus the heat caused that area to warm up enough to where it got deformed like that.

The engine runs with absolutely no problems, so it's a keeper in my book. I don't really mind that melted spot, in fact I think it adds a bit of character to the model. I could give it a story of a tree fell on it, or something like that.

In any case, I can return the model in 30 days if that part of the engine starts bothering me.

Never ever I would keep an engine that showed up with a problem like yours. Send it back and get one that is perfect. 

Do yourself a favor and send it back for a replacement, you will be glad you did.


Michael, there is just no way that is a manufacturing defect. A lot of people saw that loco before it went in the box, that model got hot probably because the shell was put down near a soldering iron or something. Don't settle on seconds rate trains you paid first rate money on. You can get good deals on stuff. I have tons of stuff I'm willing to sell but not actively selling. Bunch of MTH premier stuff and a could of Atlas O Union Pacific SDP35s for a good price. There are lots of great trains you wont find anywhere else for sale here on the forum. Everyone Ive boguht from has been great to deal with. One day your tastes may change and your road or era is different or you'll just get bored with that engine and decide to let somebody else enjoy it. Id send it back.

david1 posted:

Never ever I would keep an engine that showed up with a problem like yours. Send it back and get one that is perfect. 

Do yourself a favor and send it back for a replacement, you will be glad you did.


I got it on Ebay, so I can't sent it back for a replacement. Other than that defect, it runs perfectly. I even tested it with TMCC today and it runs like a completely brand new unit.

Apples55 posted:

Absolutely what Mike said (and Matt and David). My biggest concern would be that there was an underlying heat issue directly beneath the warped shell. Depending on the ad’s claims, eBay should stand behind you.

I actually took the shell off as soon as I saw that, the only thing that was close to the affected area was the antenna. I also checked all the electronics and they are perfectly fine with no obvious signs of being hit by heat.

And again, I tested it in TMCC and conventional mode (mostly). There was nothing out of the ordinary and in TMCC mode the area around the antenna didn't even get warm. The only thing that gets a bit warm is the sides of the shell, where the sound driver board is at.

I have until September 29th to ask for a refund, if something does go wrong. So I will run it as much as possible to make sure that it really has no problems.

Last edited by MichaelB
MichaelB posted:

So my new engine came today, and it really is brand new in the box. But it's got a manufacturing defect, which I'm not too upset about.


I checked the insides of the model and the only thing that is close to that area is the metal antenna. So I believe the person who assembled the model didn't allow the antenna to cool after soldering and thus the heat caused that area to warm up enough to where it got deformed like that.

The engine runs with absolutely no problems, so it's a keeper in my book. I don't really mind that melted spot, in fact I think it adds a bit of character to the model. I could give it a story of a tree fell on it, or something like that.

In any case, I can return the model in 30 days if that part of the engine starts bothering me.

That doesn't look like a "new" factory defect. And no solder joint on a train will stay hot long enough to do that. It looks like a solder iron's pattern to me too.  Turn it over and lets see the wheels/rollers.

Send this back; file a grievance if you have to. Accepting crap like that makes things hard on everyone imo. The chances of that seller not knowing is slim imo. Maybe selttle for a lowball chassis price to keep it if offered, but get a GREAT deal or pass, don't  reward bad business.


Adriatic posted:
MichaelB posted:

So my new engine came today, and it really is brand new in the box. But it's got a manufacturing defect, which I'm not too upset about.


I checked the insides of the model and the only thing that is close to that area is the metal antenna. So I believe the person who assembled the model didn't allow the antenna to cool after soldering and thus the heat caused that area to warm up enough to where it got deformed like that.

The engine runs with absolutely no problems, so it's a keeper in my book. I don't really mind that melted spot, in fact I think it adds a bit of character to the model. I could give it a story of a tree fell on it, or something like that.

In any case, I can return the model in 30 days if that part of the engine starts bothering me.

That doesn't look like a "new" factory defect. And no solder joint on a train will stay hot long enough to do that. It looks like a solder iron's pattern to me too.  Turn it over and lets see the wheels/rollers.

Send this back; file a grievance if you have to. Accepting crap like that makes things hard on everyone imo. The chances of that seller not knowing is slim imo. Maybe selttle for a lowball chassis price to keep it if offered, but get a GREAT deal or pass, don't  reward bad business.


I agree with the others Michael. Contact the seller and ask for a refund due to this issue. The longer you keep it and don't say anything the more likely the seller will claim you did something to it. I'm curious if the post had any pictures of the loco out of the box? If not then the seller knew full well that this was not a "factory new" engine. You've got a solid case with Ebay if the seller doesn't cooperate. AND- you've got proof because you posted pictures here. Sounds like you were really looking forward to getting this loco. Don't regret keeping it just because you wanted it for a long time.


MichaelB posted:

So my new engine came today, and it really is brand new in the box. But it's got a manufacturing defect, which I'm not too upset about.


I checked the insides of the model and the only thing that is close to that area is the metal antenna. So I believe the person who assembled the model didn't allow the antenna to cool after soldering and thus the heat caused that area to warm up enough to where it got deformed like that.

The engine runs with absolutely no problems, so it's a keeper in my book. I don't really mind that melted spot, in fact I think it adds a bit of character to the model. I could give it a story of a tree fell on it, or something like that.

In any case, I can return the model in 30 days if that part of the engine starts bothering me.

I can only hope you're kidding about not sending it back!

I feel like I am "progressing" into my childhood playing army.  In the past 10 or so days, Mr. Muffin (if you are not buying from him you should be) has sent me the MTH premier spirit of the UP engine along with two ambulance on flat cars and a 4 pack of tanks on flat cars.  I also picked up a couple Atlas cars that are just gorgeous.  


Happy labor day!!!

A few things I've acquired over the summer.

A Lionel Postwar 41 switcher.  Body and window struts are all intact, however it is missing the front coupler which will be an easy fix.



I picked up the older Lionel TMCC N&W 611, the N&W Auxiliary tender, as well as the newer 18" aluminum Pocahontas cars.  I also added the MTH N&W tool car, a modern NS gondola and a modern N&W caboose to mimic modern excursion run ferry moves.




I picked this up while visiting Scranton back in July.  We have a PS boxcar at work that was repainted several years ago into this Cotton Belt scheme.  Aside from the number, this model is identical to the appearance of that car.


I picked up this old MTH "General" and three W&A passenger cars that I intend to utilize on my public Christmas display at the Redford Theatre in Detroit this year.


I just got a decent deal on the Lionel JLC model of PRR 4866 today.  It'll join my currently inoperable JLC model of PRR GG1 4925 in pulling my MTH Congressional cars.  I'm looking forward to running this one as the 4925 was always a favorite of mine to run.



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SantaFe158 posted:

A few things I've acquired over the summer.

A Lionel Postwar 41 switcher.  Body and window struts are all intact, however it is missing the front coupler which will be an easy fix.



I picked up the older Lionel TMCC N&W 611, the N&W Auxiliary tender, as well as the newer 18" aluminum Pocahontas cars.  I also added the MTH N&W tool car, a modern NS gondola and a modern N&W caboose to mimic modern excursion run ferry moves.




I picked this up while visiting Scranton back in July.  We have a PS boxcar at work that was repainted several years ago into this Cotton Belt scheme.  Aside from the number, this model is identical to the appearance of that car.


I picked up this old MTH "General" and three W&A passenger cars that I intend to utilize on my public Christmas display at the Redford Theatre in Detroit this year.


I just got a decent deal on the Lionel JLC model of PRR 4866 today.  It'll join my currently inoperable JLC model of PRR GG1 4925 in pulling my MTH Congressional cars.  I'm looking forward to running this one as the 4925 was always a favorite of mine to run.



always liked that Cotton Belt scheme 

MichaelB posted:

So my new engine came today, and it really is brand new in the box. But it's got a manufacturing defect, which I'm not too upset about.


I checked the insides of the model and the only thing that is close to that area is the metal antenna. So I believe the person who assembled the model didn't allow the antenna to cool after soldering and thus the heat caused that area to warm up enough to where it got deformed like that.

The engine runs with absolutely no problems, so it's a keeper in my book. I don't really mind that melted spot, in fact I think it adds a bit of character to the model. I could give it a story of a tree fell on it, or something like that.

In any case, I can return the model in 30 days if that part of the engine starts bothering me.

Why let the ignorant seller laugh all the way to the bank with your money?

Regarding the melted BNSF engine, if the melted portion was not disclosed you may have reason to complain.  If it was sold "as is" then you are stuck with it.  The engine works and you can probably get a new shell.  Just hope it didn't cost too much.  If you are okay with it then fine with that.  We've all gotten burnt somewhere along the line so there is probably some pent up negative vibes thrown your way.  Take that with a grain of salt and move on.

Working on a Hospital Military consist to go behind my US Army 44 tonner.   After using for a while,  I'm not impressed by the Atlas Hospital cars, poor couplers.   Saturday the USPS dropped this MTH 4 car flat set with 2 ambulances each.  Check out the packing job by MTH.  It looks like they bandaged up the Dodge Trucks on the flatcar LOL.  Takes forever to unpack. Still have one more to go.

Well Mike, what do you think?



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Matt, Now that really looks SHARP! I was a little worried from the first picture, but after you took all the bandages off, really looks nice! Great job!

Looks good Bob, I am thinking you got the better end of your deal for them! Maybe if you grow your layout Paul aka APPLES55 will sell you what you need! LOL

Paul, not my kind of engines, But I sure do like your engine service house! NICE!

Apples55 posted:
RSJB18 posted:

Finally got some time to unpack my new-to-me Rail King D&H streamline coaches. Very nice set of cars. Going to look at adding passengers in the future.


Ultimately I will be going for this.....


Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your point of view), these won’t run on O-27 curves...


I hope to get rid of my 027 and go to bigger curves one day.......I will have to open negotiations with the landlord/ CEO for additional land rights first.


mike g. posted:

Looks good Bob, I am thinking you got the better end of your deal for them! Maybe if you grow your layout Paul aka APPLES55 will sell you what you need! LOL

Mike... please don’t give Bob any ideas!!!

Paul, not my kind of engines, But I sure do like your engine service house! NICE!

And you don’t like PA’s??? HERESY   I have a couple of sets - D&H, Pennsy, NYC, Santa Fe, Erie, and New Haven.

Thanks for the kind words on the engine house - that is a Korber model which I bought built up at York a couple of years ago. It was built (and signed) by Alex M.

Well today marks the day that phase one of the yard improvement is nearing completion. All I have to do now is finish nailing tracks and start adding ties to where I removed them due to cut track. Phase 2 will consist of smaller buildings and lighting.C39F9939-1AAD-4A9C-A707-78602FE9A54CEF875BBF-BBD2-4E06-A869-7E8982A10C6A40FAEBE7-7AE1-49AA-BFBC-1D37E5D97EB8Here is the new car shop that is 90% complete. Hoping to finish up tomorrow and start planning the supply list for phase 2 improvements.


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NS6770Fan posted:

Well today marks the day that phase one of the yard improvement is nearing completion. All I have to do now is finish nailing tracks and start adding ties to where I removed them due to cut track. Phase 2 will consist of smaller buildings and lighting.C39F9939-1AAD-4A9C-A707-78602FE9A54CEF875BBF-BBD2-4E06-A869-7E8982A10C6A40FAEBE7-7AE1-49AA-BFBC-1D37E5D97EB8Here is the new car shop that is 90% complete. Hoping to finish up tomorrow and start planning the supply list for phase 2 improvements.

Who makes the car shop kit?


Carl Peduzzi posted:
NS6770Fan posted:

Well today marks the day that phase one of the yard improvement is nearing completion. All I have to do now is finish nailing tracks and start adding ties to where I removed them due to cut track. Phase 2 will consist of smaller buildings and lighting.C39F9939-1AAD-4A9C-A707-78602FE9A54CEF875BBF-BBD2-4E06-A869-7E8982A10C6A40FAEBE7-7AE1-49AA-BFBC-1D37E5D97EB8Here is the new car shop that is 90% complete. Hoping to finish up tomorrow and start planning the supply list for phase 2 improvements.

Who makes the car shop kit?


Carl ,

keep in mind it is HO , if interested in a Oscale  2 track one , very similar but different enough not to cause any issues with Walthers

I have one made but not assembled , email in my profile for any interested parties .

 I saw this car on eBay and being a modeler of northeast in the steam era. I thought it would look good on the layout. Won it for the starting bid. I use Kadee's but figured I would need to swap out the 2 rail trucks . But it tracks perfectly through my Ross turnouts. It's on the light side. But I think I'll just leave it as is and run it on one of my locals.





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Just what l (didn't) need!  Another kit for my grain elevator fetish came in....Right-On-Track-Models' "Heartland Grain Elevator".  I think there is just one kit for an elevator l have heard of, that l haven't gotten my claws on.  And l haven't gotten photos of last few non-elevator structures posted.  I fantasize a prairie branch that will serve more than one, although no room for all of them.

Ralph M posted:

Patience it seems is a virtue. I've been stalking this piece for years now and one finally fell into my lap - a Williams E7 B unit in Baltimore & Ohio. Now I have the matching A-B-A set.  Boy, E-units are l-o-n-g !

BO E7 B_20180914_135539840

BO E7 ABA_20180914_135444014

Look great, Ralph!!  I bought a set of those once, and I was surprised at how long they are.  They were just too long for my space, so now someone else has them!  

John Rowlen posted:

I have been looking for a Santa Fe "Whiskers" Freight engine ABBA set and found one on Ebay. The B-units are both 200B, but the effect is good when the train is moving.  The smoke/diesel exhaust can be severe as seen in the photo.  I am still looking for a Santa Fe 200A Powered B-Unit.

Sincerely,  John Rowlen


Wow, if I ran a train that smoked like that at the San Diego 3 Railers. The visitors would be running for the exit. XD

But in all seriousness, that looks awesome. But it's totally unrealistic, since that would most likely signify that the engines have serious mechanical problems.

Last edited by MichaelB
John Rowlen posted:

I have been looking for a Santa Fe "Whiskers" Freight engine ABBA set and found one on Ebay. The B-units are both 200B, but the effect is good when the train is moving.  The smoke/diesel exhaust can be severe as seen in the photo.  I am still looking for a Santa Fe 200A Powered B-Unit.

Sincerely,  John Rowlen


Very nice set John- how long does it take to fill the room with smoke with those 4 guys running????

John Rowlen posted:

I have been looking for a Santa Fe "Whiskers" Freight engine ABBA set and found one on Ebay. The B-units are both 200B, but the effect is good when the train is moving.  The smoke/diesel exhaust can be severe as seen in the photo.  I am still looking for a Santa Fe 200A Powered B-Unit.

Sincerely,  John Rowlen


BREAKING NEWS: 5,297 recently embarked train passengers file class action suit over second-hand smoke!!!

But seriously John, very impressive set.

The ABBA Santa Fe "Whiskers" engines will either turn off the second B-unit smoke generator, or pop the ZW-L breaker.  With 17 lighted passenger cars and another engine smoking on the layout, it is more than the biggest transformer can handle.

The smoke is usually OFF, so I can see the other side of the layout.

I also have several Legacy engines on the rails drawing a low level of power for their lights.

The picture is highly impractical, but shows that the smoke generators all worked, if not for long.

Sincerely, John Rowlen


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RSJB18 posted:

Spent money at Menards (on line) for the first time. Bought the REA flat car with delivery truck, got the free lighted Hummer too.

Lighted 1:48 Die-Cast SUV [Red)

Ni Bob, but be very, very  careful! Thing at Menards can get you hooked very fast! Then you will probably have to join the Menards Train support group! Enjoy!

RSJB18 posted:
das boot posted:

Having a few new trains on order between now and next spring, I told myself no more postwar Lionel till next year. My addiction won out, when will I learn to say no? 


s-l1600 [1)

Very nice. I would remain happily addicted if I kept finding beauties like those also. The ATSF set looks brand new.

I was most fortunate, being in the right place at the right time, the trains arrive on Monday. 


Haha.  Thanks Pat.  Too bad all their great hitters don't hit!!  Guess they figure Judge is gonna come back and hit 3 homeruns per game.

Anyway, here are some more.  Best to click on the bottom photos, easier to see.  There's nothing like the Yankees in any sport.  IMO, the most attractive team logo, uniform, cap, and colors of all.

I've never seen this one before or since, so, I snapped it up from the web.


Lots of Yankee stuff.  Clocks, shakers, logos, baseball cards, and a pic of Lou and Yogi, signed by Lou.



The new style bobbleheads are much smaller, so I had to make a base for the triple crown Mickey, and surrounded it with pics of twelve of his baseball cards.  On top is a pic I took of his monument plaque at the stadium.



My favorite.  It's on a shelf below the overhead tracks.



These are on the much larger table layout.


A vertical one inch balsa strip with Aaron Judge pics, hides a lot of wires.  But, not the top of the basement fridge...


The old stadium.  Mantle at bat, Berra on deck.  No way to get the trains to run where the subway is, so, they go in front.


Can't please them all, but hope some of you guys like this Yankee stuff....



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JerryG posted:

Haha.  Thanks Pat.  Too bad all their great hitters don't hit!!  Guess they figure Judge is gonna come back and hit 3 homeruns per game.

Anyway, here are some more.  Best to click on the bottom photos, easier to see.  There's nothing like the Yankees in any sport.  IMO, the most attractive team logo, uniform, cap, and colors of all.

I've never seen this one before or since, so, I snapped it up from the web.


Lots of Yankee stuff.  Clocks, shakers, logos, baseball cards, and a pic of Lou and Yogi, signed by Lou.



The new style bobbleheads are much smaller, so I had to make a base for the triple crown Mickey, and surrounded it with pics of twelve of his baseball cards.  On top is a pic I took of his monument plaque at the stadium.



My favorite.  It's on a shelf below the overhead tracks.



These are on the much larger table layout.


A vertical one inch balsa strip with Aaron Judge pics, hides a lot of wires.  But, not the top of the basement fridge...


The old stadium.  Mantle at bat, Berra on deck.  No way to get the trains to run where the subway is, so, they go in front.


Can't please them all, but hope some of you guys like this Yankee stuff....


Jerry -  I'm a Red Sox/Mets fan and I appreciate it.  When I lived in Brooklyn back in the '50s, we had the 3 best center fielders in Baseball - Mickey, Willie & the Duke!  Great fun and rivalries.  Thanks for the photos and memories.  My dad loved baseball and when the Giants and Dodgers moved west, he became a Mets fan. Late '50s, I remember listening to Giants games rebroadcast on radio with phony crack of the bat & cheers in the background.  Good times!


No doubt, those were the days.  I still play Strat-o-matic, from Glen Head, NY.  Most ML GM's have played the game that invented sabermetrics before there was sabermetrics.   Mickey, Willie, and the Duke are still banging them out at my house, and have been since 1966.  I'm a baseball guy first, train guy second.

Sorry for the flash, here is Larsen's first pitch to Gilliam on October 8, 1956.  That's Larsen's signature.  Mantle and McDougald are hidden behind Berra and Pinelli.  It's in the pool room, but no trains circle around that one.  I'm afraid a steel beam prevents it.  I definitely wish it weren't so.


There were a ton of Giants/Dodgers fans that became Mets fans.  Citi Field had so much Dodger stuff that current Met fans had to complain.   Where were Seaver, Koosman, Jones, Gooden, Strawberry, Carter, and the rest?

The move to NH made you a sawk fan.  I went to Plymouth State.  Saw lots of games at the phone booth.  Good times.

Getting back to Buy Anything Cool Lately, here are two of my latest...


So you can tell the scale, that is a Santa Fe light switch plate, underneath a mammoth, extremely cool, engine front.  The forum guys turned me onto it with pics from the Big E train expo.  A husband and wife business in Georgia, they make fantastic train stuff.  I'm sure the guys will know the name, which I can't seem to find.




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JerryG posted:


No doubt, those were the days.  I still play Strat-o-matic, from Glen Head, NY.  Most ML GM's have played the game that invented sabermetrics before there was sabermetrics.   Mickey, Willie, and the Duke are still banging them out at my house, and have been since 1966.  I'm a baseball guy first, train guy second.

Sorry for the flash, here is Larsen's first pitch to Gilliam on October 8, 1956.  That's Larsen's signature.  Mantle and McDougald are hidden behind Berra and Pinelli.  It's in the pool room, but no trains circle around that one.  I'm afraid a steel beam prevents it.  I definitely wish it weren't so.


There were a ton of Giants/Dodgers fans that became Mets fans.  Citi Field had so much Dodger stuff that current Met fans had to complain.   Where were Seaver, Koosman, Jones, Gooden, Strawberry, Carter, and the rest?

The move to NH made you a sawk fan.  I went to Plymouth State.  Saw lots of games at the phone booth.  Good times.

Getting back to Buy Anything Cool Lately, here are two of my latest...


So you can tell the scale, that is a Santa Fe light switch plate, underneath a mammoth, extremely cool, engine front.  The forum guys turned me onto it with pics from the Big E train expo.  A husband and wife business in Georgia, they make fantastic train stuff.  I'm sure the guys will know the name, which I can't seem to find.



Jerry - Got this Mets Mug in 1972 when Willie came back to the Mets to finish his career.  Amazing like the Mets, he homered in his first at bat against  his old team, the Giants.  He retired after he drove in a run in the 12th inning of Game 2 World Series against Oakland.  The Mets went on to lose that series.

PS  The Red Sox have a chance to clinch tomorrow night against the Yankees in the Bronx.  Imagine 103 wins and still a few more games to go.  

When I was a kid I saw many a Yankee game on a 19" B&W TV,  including Larsen's perfect game in WS & also in 1961 when Mantle & Maris chased Ruth's 60 homer mark.  Great memories.



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Hi All. I would really like to say I bought all this. But a good friend knows how strapped I am with my truck going down, along with all the other stuff I have going on in my life right now! 

He sent all this as a gift from a great friend!


I cant thank him enough! 

I will tell you this, I have made more great friends on this forum, and you all never stop amazing me with your friendship!

Bless you all!


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Mike, great post, good stuff.  The guy with the most friends, is the luckiest guy.  I try to follow your progress with the new train room/layout.  I have three of those particular items on the table layout, plus six more.  No room to add any more...



Love those Menard's billboard signs.  I have two.  The other one isn't shown.



My camera makes them so bright, I had to turn the light out on it, to be seen.  Perfect brilliance in the room, however.  Not sure if you can make it out in the distance, but the lighted sign decal goes great with the Morton Salt factory.


Best wishes,



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Wow Mike!  That’s a great haul!  Like Jerry, I have several of those items, and they look good even on unballasted track and bare Homasote!  I cherish my friendship with you and all my Forum friends, though you are 2500 miles away and some are on a different continent!!!

Jerry and Matt, my brother still has our Stratomatic Baseball, and I have the tabletop hockey game we wore out!!!!  Our Stratomatic is no more than 3 years newer than yours.  My guess is ‘69.  It was before the great Pirates teams of the ‘70s and ‘80s.  We can’t boast the players New York had, but we had Clemente, Stargell, and Mazeroski!

JerryG posted:

Mike, great post, good stuff.  The guy with the most friends, is the luckiest guy.  I try to follow your progress with the new train room/layout.  I have three of those particular items on the table layout, plus six more.  No room to add any more...



Love those Menard's billboard signs.  I have two.  The other one isn't shown.



My camera makes them so bright, I had to turn the light out on it, to be seen.  Perfect brilliance in the room, however.  Not sure if you can make it out in the distance, but the lighted sign decal goes great with the Morton Salt factory.


Best wishes,


Jerry, you sure have your share of some good stuff there yourself! I really think Menards is hearing what people are saying, not only about what they want, but also about the price! Smart People over there at Menards.

But Back to my post, Great people here and I would like to call great friends into trains! I could list all the people I like to call friends, but with my luck I would forget to put someone in and there goes that. So its better to just say if you would like to call me a friend on here, then your my friend also!

Jerry I will update my train room build as soon as I get something new done! LOL

Last edited by mike g.

I am officially one year older and the proud new owner of a Menards Morton Salt Building/buzz machine lmao! I have been wanting one for some time now but with no local Menards and crazy shipping prices I just kept putting it on the back burner. My wife is a great listener and remember I wanted one and she got it for me 😍😍 she's a keeper!

Well here is the building on the layout and running off of track power (need to stuff the buck under the building just wanted to test the circuit for a bit before I finalize it):


Also, I got a gift to self, a "new to me", Southern 2-8-2 Legacy Heavy Mikado #4866. I don't have a great photo other than just before I took it apart to service the smoke unit (the motors were loud) and make sure everything was fine under the shell:


She is beautiful, also my first legacy engine to date. It runs so good I literally bought a Legacy System to really take advantage of all the features this engine has. I've pretty much always been an MTH guy and have a DCS system as my local HS is heavy into MTH and I have never been let down by an MTH, something I can't say about Lionel but in their defense it was a lioncheif + engine I had issues with so I as a result I have learned that you get what you pay for, I digress, but I'm definitely glad I picked this beautiful steamer up, I definitely will keep my eye on Lionel steamers from now on.

P.s. I take every moment I possibly can to make it known that I love this forum and the amazing people that are a part of it. I don't have any friends in the hobby at all, no family or anything to ask for help. To date, I have never met a person not willing to help myself or a fellow forum member when in need. My local HS Ready to Roll Trains in Miami, FL has also been a plethora of  is a pleaknowledge. It is a pleasure to share this hobby with all of you.



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