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@StevefromPA posted:

Got a TON, IMO, of cool stuff from the 2-3 weeks prior to York until now!!

but for this post, I’ll just give pics of my pre-York “big buys” and what came in the mail today

Pre- York Diesels:

FINALLY- first o scale Legacy Conrail Diesel! SD40 Savings Bonds Scheme. CR is my fav RR


another FINALLY- Norfolk & Southern Legacy SD60m.


This & the CR SD40 are such “key” additions for me because of their RR’s large geographical & the eras each encompasses. The CR covers the 80s and early 90s, east coast & Midwest. NS can cover to present day and can be seen almost anywhere


Another  “key” addition- Legacy Santa Fe SD40 in blue/yellow freight scheme. Got it for almost  half off since it was a store display model & has a partially broken window. But it functions great!


Why is this a key addition? First, I have plenty of western RS- especially Santa Fe. Before this loco, I had an ATSF GP35 Kodachrome and ATSF GP35 with BNSF stamp, and while I love those locos- neither is your “normal” regularly seen Santa Fe freight puller with six axles


Wanred to include this as well even though it’s not a loco- Atlas A&B TTX/SP Gunderson twin stacks. I’ve always loved the look of these intermodal well cars and while only 2 isn’t prototypical, I’m very happy to have these to run with intermodal & auto train rolling stockB4C1183F-F22A-4B88-B5CA-13340C8F48DF

As for today’s Friday deliveries:

2 Lionel CSX boxcars.


love the bottom one( it’s Lionscale) Wish I would’ve looked more into the“ big blue” prior to buying, issues with prototypicality. Regardless, the Lionscale boxcar is a nice addition to my modern and I love that it has safety stripes

And two hoppers from Atlas- LV PS4227 low side and UP 40’  air slide.


Bought the LV to add variety to late 60s and 1970s Eastern consists, should look nice w/ Penn Central & other fallen flags led by a CR loco. The UP essentially for the same reasons except west coast and 60s/70s.

more to come!(hopefully soon!)


Let me appraise this reply posting of your's Steve................WOW.

Got 6 Woodland Scenics engineer figures off eBay. Tried to stage some of them having an "engineer's conference" on my layout between two locomotives after getting the idea from WesternPacific Scott. Only he's much better at it than I am.


Thanks Vern for the comment! You'll have a blast with the WS engineer figures. I have a trick when placing the figures for photos, I use tacky wax  to hold them in place. It's easy to clean off too. :-)

When I saw the nearly complete set of Golden Gate Depot B&O Columbian cars show up for sale on Trainz, I knew this was a once-in-a-lifetime chance to get them to pair with my F3s and future 3rd Rail EMC EAs.  Unfortunately, somebody snagged the starlight dome before I could!  Buddy, if you're reading this, I'll be happy to make a sweet deal with you!!



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@Catonsville Central Railway, Wow, that’s a beautiful set of B&O passenger cars made by Golden Gate Depot, and I would like to know their length, if aluminum/brass and what curve radius they require, they are top of the line. I just purchased a like new Lionel 18 inch aluminum set of B&O cars and will be looking for the 2 car add on pack, but will be running the Heavyweight StationSounds diner with my set. I post pictures tomorrow, they are still in their original boxes. I will pull  them with Lionel’s TMCC version of the B&O F 3’s. Powered A, powered B, dummy A. @@Biscuitag97, that’s a nice IKEA train cabinet, and some really nice trains inside. Did the cabinet come with the glass shelves? What size is the cabinet. Great buys everyone… 1C0E3411-5684-4503-97A6-3C738E012BE5


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@leapinlarry posted:

@Catonsville Central Railway, Wow, that’s a beautiful set of B&O passenger cars made by Golden Gate Depot, and I would like to know their length, if aluminum/brass and what curve radius they require, they are top of the line.

Thanks!  Yes, they're really a sight to behold.  The cars are each a full 21" in length.  They negotiate O-72 without much problem, but I wouldn't want to go lower than that.  Construction is aluminum with plastic end caps and brass detail pieces.

Beautiful F3s!  Those are actually the same F3 units from Lionel that I will be using with these cars until I can get the 3rd Rail EMC EA set later this summer or fall.

Woody, thank you for the quick response. I would love to run 21 inch scale cars on my layout, and my minimum radius is 072, going to 0120, they just dwarf my layout. The 18 inch aluminum cars just fit my layout well. I think that GGD will be offering 18 inch scale cars sometime in the future. I place pictures of my cars tomorrow. I sure am impressed with your B&O set. They are awesome. Happy Railroading Everyone

@Dallas Joseph thanks! Certified appraiser doing work for the forum? Ha. Again,  thank you very much for your comments. And, like I said- more to come!

@leapinlarry thank you for your comments! Just curious, do you use the sounds and feel it makes a better experience? I have an old PRR VISIONLINE stock car that does sounds via the remote & max/min switch. That said, I don’t run any stock cars and the coupler is SUPER long. Just wonder what it’d be like to 1.) have a sound car that fits with the rest of the train and 2.) use the sound car to see if it adds to the experience/compliments other things going on with the train or layout

@Don McErlean Great story and definitely cool! That boxcar is almost like an unknown progenitor of trains & John Deere! ( Considering Lionel’s line of John Deere product) But that’s not what matters- what matter is you got a cool, unique item- the whole package. Not just the boxcar, which has really cool graphics, but the nicely  finished wood, the plaque,  and mounting track is cool in an of itself! I lIke when such large companies like John Deere decide to make/use a train for gifts to employees for special events. It’s a different kind of special run. The early/mid-90s must’ve been big for trains as gifts to employees. Modern Marx made a boxcar for GE  RailCar Services in 1993(?). There as one by K-Line that I wish I would’ve purchased  when I got back into the hobby a couple of years ago. In the mid-90s(I think 95), PP&L signed a deal with K-line to have K-line produce sets for PPL employees. Pictures below((sorry for the quality)


The set included an mp15 switcher, crane car, work caboose, gondola with containers(which I actually have), flat with transformers load, and bulkhead flat with wire reels. Neat looking set especially if you’re a PA person. Anyway, the set proved to be quite popular and K-line recognized that fact so they began to produce & sell the sets at retail. However,once PPL heard of this situation they weren’t happy.  K-line’s action overstepped the terms of Its agreement with PP&L as the later never gave K-line a  a license to reproduce its name for profit, it was only  to produce a select number for PPL. Thus, they weren’t out very for general resale for very long. Just thought I’d share another K-line. Company exclusive type item story


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Ok, here are the pictures of my Lionel 18” B&O aluminum passenger cars, set of 4, and my 18” Lionel B&O Heavyweight StationSounds diner which will be in the consist. As far as I’ve seen real passenger trains, there are mixed cars from different years, and I feel good about this set up. They are not GGD, however there fine for my size layout. 17 by 36. Happy Railroading Everyone 8CFDE52F-B10F-4887-A9A8-2A567AC714DD637AE517-D211-4840-8D23-A9EA2D8E9255C3F0BD8A-448C-4253-9420-BFA90D12BA29336F3C94-4D98-47B0-9EA0-372C6A7E2689F2E3B54F-F71C-4856-8BC7-E5C9BF226D541B24FD76-00E6-4E99-ACF1-99FD35C382E89471AB80-36C3-4689-BFC7-CFD369BBE2E2B93FDA55-7DBB-4ED4-842C-C1501A9EF3CD08B76F00-CABD-4C71-BD4E-4709AB777BBBB647B467-0AA4-468A-A665-0BC092ADF8518D50993E-6CC5-4476-8AC5-814540BB13CD64631D2C-0ACF-4441-A735-02960211EEBC


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@leapinlarry posted:

Ok, here are the pictures of my Lionel 18” B&O aluminum passenger cars, set of 4, and my 18” Lionel B&O Heavyweight StationSounds diner which will be in the consist. As far as I’ve seen real passenger trains, there are mixed cars from different years, and I feel good about this set up. They are not GGD, however there fine for my size layout. 17 by 36. Happy Railroading Everyone

Larry, those are some really nice passenger cars, what a great looking looking train. If you can find time, do a video at/or around track level with the B&O train crawling by, so we can get a good look at it in motion. :-) Plus, it would be nice to hear the dining car sounds. No pressure! ;-)

WOW! Looks like everyone's wallets are a bit lighter around here.

Not to worry....I'm holding up my end of the deal. I just ordered a couple of the new RMT ore cars in LIRR from Trainworld. Should arrive later this summer. I seem to be heading down the proverbial slippery slope with ore cars. I have 1 LIRR already, just bought 2 of the Menards PRR cars, and now these RMT's. I plan to do custom sand loads in all of them since the only real mining that ever took place on Lawn-guy-land was sand mining......




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@pennsyfan posted:


Remnants of sand mining on Cape May.

yea- I saw that story the other day on Accu-Weather's site. Pretty cool. We had a huge mine on the north shore that's is now a golf course. The mine produced tons of sand that was used to build much of Manhattan's iconic skyline including the Empire State Building.

Long Island is one giant sandbar courtesy of the glaciers from the last ice age, also how Long Island Sound was formed.

@coach joe posted:

"The mine produced tons of sand that was used to build much of Manhattan's iconic skyline including the Empire State Building.", courtesy of Colonial Sand & Stone.  There's still a little piece of equipment up there in Port Washington that was made into a monument or memorial.

Right along the 2nd hole of the executive course......👍👍🏌️‍♂️🏌️‍♂️😂😂

The remnants of the tunnel and conveyor to the harbor were preserved.



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Picked up this Railking reefer today from Mainline Hobby in Blue Ridge Summit PA. I happened past the shop when dropping my son in law  and his brother off on the Appalachian Trail, and after hiking a short distance along with them. Not a paint scheme I would have considered had I not seen it in person. I assume this is a fantasy scheme based on a fruit label. If there is any authenticity to this paint scheme, or if reefers were ever painted this elaborately; I would appreciate your thoughts. I think it an attractive car either way.20220518_190245 [1) Thanks, Jeff


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Coach Joe, I am from Long Island and I never knew the story of LI Sand being so crucial for construction in the city.  I have the LIRR on my little layout, and now grasp the importance of the sand hoppers, and the memorial is beyond beautiful, it is striking.  Obliviously rather recently created, and be that as it may, to see the Twin Towers preserved is memorable by itself.  Thanks for sharing.

@StevefromPA :  Thanks for your comment on my John Deere display.  I also liked the posting of the PP&L K-line sets, never had seen those before, neat stuff.  @RSJB18 and @coach joe :  I lived in the Long Island area for many years (in my youth) and never knew the story of the "Long Island sand" - a fascinating piece of history and the monument is really neat.  Thanks for posting.  @jeffrey O'Brien :  Neat refer, I expect that the livery comes from a fruit label, the Florida fruit companies were famous for their elaborate labels.  But prototype or not, its a neat looking car.  

Great finds everyone.  Thanks for a great thread!

Best Wishes


@Chuck242 posted:

Coach Joe, I am from Long Island and I never knew the story of LI Sand being so crucial for construction in the city.  I have the LIRR on my little layout, and now grasp the importance of the sand hoppers, and the memorial is beyond beautiful, it is striking.  Obliviously rather recently created, and be that as it may, to see the Twin Towers preserved is memorable by itself.  Thanks for sharing.

Chuck that was Bob that was good enough to find a post a picture of the monument.  I've never actually seen the monument but I've seen that conveyor tunnel plenty working in the vicinity of the golf course before it even was a golf course.  I read about the monument after it was dedicated.

@pennsyfan posted:

My friend Sam recently wrote an article about JEP Trains for the METCA WayBill. After reading it and looking at his pictures/videos I thought that a JEP set would be a nice addition to my new Tinplate Room. This just arrived today.
My first foreign train and first clockwork.

Looks great Bob!

I'm telling you, once you buy these European pieces, there's no going back.

Dealing with a ton of yard work, then I found this little package from Nassau hobbies at my door and all was well! Strangely, my back doesn’t hurt anymore, LOL!  -


The other fish belly with a different road number arrived about six months ago.  They are going to nicely pair with that Trainworld work train engine pre order.  


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Nathan's Woodsided Reefers

Sweet, Corey. I also picked up.a set from Train World. Ken and MTH did a great job on the cars. And you really have to have both!!! Really miss Nathan’s hot dogs - and don’t forget the amazing fries!!! Loved it when they opened a place at Shea Stadium (sorry… refuse to call it Citi Field). Good. But not as good as Surf Avenue

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Dealing with a ton of yard work, then I found this little package from Nassau hobbies at my door and all was well! Strangely, my back doesn’t hurt anymore, LOL!  -

The other fish belly with a different road number arrived about six months ago.  They are going to nicely pair with that Trainworld work train engine pre order.  

I love Nassau Hobby 🙂

Latest acquisitions😁

Pecos River Kansas City Southern double door automobile boxcar

Lionel three car set of USRA Steam Era Western Maryland 2 Bay Coal hoppers

MTH premier six car set of Steam Era Western Maryland 2 bay offset hoppers

Both the USRA and Offset Hoppers came in literally within minutes of each other haha

Yes Mark Boyce I was competing with you for that six car set from Tristan Mundis on the MTH Buy Sell and Trade Page😂





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From another forum member at a genuinely affordable price - 1st version of Lionel CN cylindrical hopper. Very thankful. Adds a little color to the layout and with a rebuild coming up with wider curves (O-63 and O-72) adding in some longer rolling stock is now an option. Everything up until now has been 2 bay coal hoppers, PS-2 covered hoppers and 40' boxcars.

CN_hopper Large


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  • Canadian National Cylindrical Hopper
@Mister_Lee posted:

I bought an MTH Premier BL-2 in EMD demonstrator colors on the Bay recently.

Ahh.....another BL-2 fan! Great looking loco IMHO! I have the Railking version.

2019-12-30 16.01.06

@leapinlarry- those 86 footers are huge. They look great on your layout.
@Mooner- that CN car should have Crayola on the side.
@p51- glad you found that book. I assume you read French?



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Well folks here is my story today, a new acquisition about which I am really excited.   I did post a few pictures of this loco on "Front End Friday" but I thought I would post some additional pictures here.  I must admit, I am really enthusiastic about this locomotive.  Its my first Amtrak loco and my first large Williams by Bachmann locomotive.  I had bought 2 Williams GE 44 tonner's before and they were great operators so I thought I would try this larger engine.  Man! I am excited.  This gal runs like a charm, smooooooth and powerful , takes 0-31 curves with no problem had great sounds and a cool horn.  The level of detail is really wonderful.  

Its the Amtrack, F59PH Pacific Surfliner.  Here is the side view of the entire locomotive.

Amtrak F59PH side

The next two pictures gives you a glimpse of the level of "add on" detail Williams provided to this locomotive.  Windshield wipers, crew, lights, crew ladders , rear view mirrors, etc.

Amtrak F59PH front by depotAmtrak F59PH front quarter on curve

Here she is with her current train.  The loco so over-shadows the PW Lionel passenger cars that its clear to me, I will need some additional and more appropriate Amtrak cars.

Amtrack F59PH locomotive and train fron high view

Folks, I am used to the pre (sometimes tinplate) and post war level of detail.  The detail on the roof of this locomotive is amazing to me.  You can see fan blades under the fan screen, vents are actually open and the horn array is highly detailed.  This is really cool to me.

Amtrak F59PH top

Here is a little video of her in action.


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  • Amtrak F59PH front by depot
  • Amtrak F59PH front quarter on curve
  • Amtrack F59PH locomotive and train fron high view
  • Amtrak F59PH top
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Amtrak F59PH number 1

@Don McErlean NICE BUY!!! I’m a Big Amtrak fan so it’s always nice to see people posting Amtrak pics- even better when it’s their first Amtrak loco. Congrats!

Such a nice loco. Have an MTH PS2 Amtrak F59PHI that’s been in pieces ever since something got fried in the board- I do miss it. Regardless- looks like yours runs really well and that horn is certainly better than I woulda thought! Love seeing a ‘silver streak’ passenger consists highballing down the mainline like that- looks even better when it’s head by something with such a sleek nose(no offense to my beloved F40PH).

For the sake of the Williams in WBB, I wish we’d see posts like yours more often- but also understand why we don’t, unfortunately. I started off in conventional( my second loco for Christmas of 1998 or 1999 was a Williams Amtrak GP9) and after resuming the hobby in 2018 it was still my go to loco. Definitely see improvements made with that loco vs the 2 or 3 Williams locos I have, which is nice to see because I had always assumed WBB was just Bachmann selling Williams locos without any type of upgrades. Come to think of it, One of my LHS had a WBB ES44 or Dash 9 heritage LV and that sucker ran very smooth(assume increased gear ratio) it really caught my eye.

Not sure what type of Amtrak passenger cars your seeking, but I have some I’m willing to sell. You mentioned o-31 curves, I have quite a few 15” , 16” & 18” cars I’m willing to sell(prices range from $40-$120). Have some 12.5” and/or 13.5” as well.  Mainly MTH & Lionel, I think one or 2 Williams.

Again- Nice Buy! You’ve earned USA Rail Pass with this purchase!

7F4E087C-377A-4114-9E76-720087B5B849Still never got to showing my pre-York and York purchases. And since York was almost a darn month ago it’s time to get these posted:

Despite being at Lionel for repairs, I’ll still lead off with one that I held out on last time: 


Lionel Legacy CSX(ex-Conrail) SD70MAC!! Received this late March/Early April from Mr. Muffins!(thanks Steve & Jeff!)  Was so excited to get this...only to have issues with start-up & the rear coupler out of the box-  it’ll be back eventually! Sh’s definitely a looker!


Next up- Atlas Trainman KCS coach in Southern Belle livory & Lionel KCS boxcar. Both of these purchases were spurred on by my KCS SD70ACe


A Pair of Atlas 62’ bulkhead flats (TTX & Union Pacific) both with safety stripes


Atlas  “On Track for a Cure “  Breast Cancer Awareness Pink Railbox boxcar


Got an old Lionel freight station kit(work in progress), a Siku dump truck and some Model Tech Studios “Pre Aced” accessories to fill out this corner


Lionel Conrail PS-4 52’ flat transporting a Corgi Classics Churchill Tank


Some Santa Fe- Atlas Berwick 60’ hi cube & modernized 50’ PS-1(really love the master line modernized PS-1s!)


Some MTH Premier modern freight, now up to FRA regs. NS 50’ waffle boxcar already had safety stripes, I applied them to the 50’ hi cube on the right


Some more modern, all FRA up to date! Atlas CSX gondola & a previously shown but now w/ safety stripes CSX 50’ boxcar


Bought these  Atlas 17,600 gallon corn syrup tankers- Both are exquisite. SYRX rep mark on the rIgor and on the left, being much less discreet about its contents, a Corn Products with reporting mark UTLX


MTH Premier Penn Central X71 boxcar. Thought it was fitting to put this next to the yellow door Conrail, as that’s what the PC X71s became!


That’s pretty much it for pre-York Cool stuff!


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Making coal loads is not rocket science.  I did some just cutting a piece of 2" construction foam to shape to fit in the hopper and rounding the top like a mount of coal.  I painted the foam piece black so any voids or the edges wouldn't show.  I then slathered White Glue generously on the top and rolled it around in the coal.  After it dried initially, I filled in any bare or thin spots with more glue and coal and cleaned any excess off the sides.  Once it dried again, presto I had a coal load.

@StevefromPA:  Thanks for your comments on my new Amtrack engine.  As you might tell, I am pretty enthusiastic about it at the moment, its really smooth and powerful (at least when pulling my little trains).  About the cars, I measured what I had and it appears about the longest anything is at the moment is about 12 1/4". I suspect 13 or maybe (?) 15" might work but longer seems unlikely. I would not use many perhaps 2 or 3 not sure as my layout is small.  Anyway thank you for your comments.


I was just hoping to match the loads in the other 3 hoppers.  I thought if I made my own it may be too different.  I've seen a Weaver 3-bay coal load on eBay but for $24.95 + tax + shipping it wont be going in my $16.00 hopper. So I may just wind up making my own if one doesn't present itself in the not too distant future.

@coach joe posted:

I was just hoping to match the loads in the other 3 hoppers.  I thought if I made my own it may be too different.  I've seen a Weaver 3-bay coal load on eBay but for $24.95 + tax + shipping it wont be going in my $16.00 hopper. So I may just wind up making my own if one doesn't present itself in the not too distant future.

Coach Joe, I made coal loads the same way as Gun Runner John suggested and they come out great. I was surprised how easy it is, besides being cheap. I used some gloss black for the coal.




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These 3 Industrial Rail cars arrived on my doorstep today. I only bought my first O gauge car a year ago but have come to love Industrial Rail because they look great, are highly affordable, and the couplers always, always work, unlike those on more expensive cars I have. As if by magic, a separate package appeared at my door with a Lionel 1033 transformer, beautifully restored. I don't know how UPS knew that I needed this, but it's a happy coincidence, because only an hour earlier I had ordered my first old-school conventional cheap locomotive and think this transformer is what I might need to power it. Now I just have to learn how to connect the TVS Diodes. Then find out what "TVS" means and what a "Diode" is.



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Well folks here is my story today, a new acquisition about which I am really excited.   I did post a few pictures of this loco on "Front End Friday" but I thought I would post some additional pictures here.  I must admit, I am really enthusiastic about this locomotive.  Its my first Amtrak loco and my first large Williams by Bachmann locomotive.  I had bought 2 Williams GE 44 tonner's before and they were great operators so I thought I would try this larger engine.  Man! I am excited.  This gal runs like a charm, smooooooth and powerful , takes 0-31 curves with no problem had great sounds and a cool horn.  The level of detail is really wonderful.  

Its the Amtrack, F59PH Pacific Surfliner.  Here is the side view of the entire locomotive.

Amtrak F59PH side

The next two pictures gives you a glimpse of the level of "add on" detail Williams provided to this locomotive.  Windshield wipers, crew, lights, crew ladders , rear view mirrors, etc.

Amtrak F59PH front by depotAmtrak F59PH front quarter on curve

Here she is with her current train.  The loco so over-shadows the PW Lionel passenger cars that its clear to me, I will need some additional and more appropriate Amtrak cars.

Amtrack F59PH locomotive and train fron high view

Folks, I am used to the pre (sometimes tinplate) and post war level of detail.  The detail on the roof of this locomotive is amazing to me.  You can see fan blades under the fan screen, vents are actually open and the horn array is highly detailed.  This is really cool to me.

Amtrak F59PH top

Here is a little video of her in action.

That is one great looking engine, Don! Now if you can find some Amtrak Surfliner cars to go with it, you'll have an awesome looking train.

I've ridden the Surfliner several times from San Diego up to Los Angeles and back. It is one beautiful ride! I took this photo back in September of 2018, just before boarding. The EMD F59PH locomotives were replaced with the Siemens Chargers a short time later.

WBB did an awesome job on this one. Nice going.

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leapinlarry and Yellowstone Special - thank you for your comments on my new Amtrack engine.  Larry I hope your are right about Williams running and running, my experience with my 44 tonner's does support this for sure.  Yellowstone thanks for your comment and the 1:1 picture of the actual locomotive, amazing Williams really did seem to get the livery and detail correct. Now...for those Amtack cars...

Best wishes all, Happy Memorial Day


Well, just taking a break from staining the deck. Came down to the cool basement to run trains for some therapy. Here's another shot of my Woodland Scenics engineer figures. The previous photo of them didn't turn out so well. 😉IMG_5511

Vern, swabbing the deck doesn't sound like much fun! ;-) Nice to take a break with some train action. That Geep 7 looks awesome with the engineers on it! Nicely done photo, too! Looks like the guy in the peach shirt is trying to take a nap. LoL Happy Thursday!

This Williams 9632 Pennsylvania Sharknose arrived on my doorstep today, along with an MTH N-8 Pennsylvania caboose to run with it. Until now I had only 3 LionChief/LionChief Plus locomotives, so I hesitated about diving into something transformer-controlled. But the AA pair of sharknose units that I really want cost over 10 times what this single unit cost. I read here that Williams engines can be jack rabbits, and I like to be able to run slow.  I was also concerned because the website didn't say whether this even has a horn, and I could tell it only has a dummy coupler on the rear because it was originally part of an ABA set. I hooked it up to my new refurbished Lionel 1033 transformer, putting it on the B-U posts as I read here. It runs great, and can even start slower than my LionChief Santa Fe FT, and it doesn't die out when going over the switches slowly like the other engines. This frees me up to an entire range of more economical engines that look great. Question: I am ok with the 3 position forward-neutral-reverse, but turning the lever to Whistle just makes the engine go faster. Does this engine not have a horn? I didn't even try switching to the A-U posts to see if a higher voltage does anything because I like the slow starts and the high range is plenty fast enough. It didn't come with a manual and I can't find any database for Williams engines. A Worthpoint webpage says it has dual motors with flywheels and a 6 amp electronic reverse unit, but no mention of sound. Don't need a horn, but is that normal to go faster on the whistle lever if there's no horn?



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@Lou1985 posted:

Got this Lionel 6-24574 Union Pacific E7 AA set for a great deal. It was mint and un-run till I pulled it out of the box. TMCC, Odyssey, and Railsounds 5.0 with 8 RPM levels. Pretty nice locomotive set.


Lou, beautiful model from 2006! Lionel made great quality highly detailed models for a reasonable price during this time period. Congratulations, nice find! Simulated Mars light too.

This Williams 9632 Pennsylvania Sharknose arrived on my doorstep today, along with an MTH N-8 Pennsylvania caboose to run with it. Until now I had only 3 LionChief/LionChief Plus locomotives, so I hesitated about diving into something transformer-controlled. But the AA pair of sharknose units that I really want cost over 10 times what this single unit cost. I read here that Williams engines can be jack rabbits, and I like to be able to run slow.  I was also concerned because the website didn't say whether this even has a horn, and I could tell it only has a dummy coupler on the rear because it was originally part of an ABA set. I hooked it up to my new refurbished Lionel 1033 transformer, putting it on the B-U posts as I read here. It runs great, and can even start slower than my LionChief Santa Fe FT, and it doesn't die out when going over the switches slowly like the other engines. This frees me up to an entire range of more economical engines that look great. Question: I am ok with the 3 position forward-neutral-reverse, but turning the lever to Whistle just makes the engine go faster. Does this engine not have a horn? I didn't even try switching to the A-U posts to see if a higher voltage does anything because I like the slow starts and the high range is plenty fast enough. It didn't come with a manual and I can't find any database for Williams engines. A Worthpoint webpage says it has dual motors with flywheels and a 6 amp electronic reverse unit, but no mention of sound. Don't need a horn, but is that normal to go faster on the whistle lever if there's no horn?


John, I believe Williams put the horn in the dummy A unit of an A-A set.  If I remember correctly the older transformers sent an increased voltage necessary to operate the horn or whistle circuit when the whistle button was pushed.  Without that circuit the engine would speed up due to the increased voltage.

Here’s some rolling stock I’ve acquired over the passed 2 weeks and some York stuff:

Arrived in the mail yesterday- first pink grain hopper! Love the Lionscale line, a nice PS2-CD 4740 Klemme CO-OP


Pairing nicely w/ the above, this vera nicely weathered Soo PS4750 from a Mr. muffins auction came last week


Next-My first Atlas O “Premier” train arrived on Tuesday- TTX 50’ Hi Cube!


both of these might as well be from York-
MTH Railgon 52’6” coil gondola(MTHRRC) I bought there. However, I forgot where the white MTH Conrail coil car was as 6pm rolled around. Luckily, I posted a WTB and a forum member came to the rescue !


Last but certainly not least- Atlas O Conrail 60’ boxcar and die cast Weaver trucks from Mr. Muffins!C12D34E8-89B0-4C71-86AE-34691272909F

special Thanks   to @Jeff78rr and @brianel_k-lineguy  who helped verify this was a prototypical model(former Erie-Lackawanna) on the Real trains forum!


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This Williams 9632 Pennsylvania Sharknose arrived on my doorstep today, along with an MTH N-8 Pennsylvania caboose to run with it. Until now I had only 3 LionChief/LionChief Plus locomotives, so I hesitated about diving into something transformer-controlled. But the AA pair of sharknose units that I really want cost over 10 times what this single unit cost. I read here that Williams engines can be jack rabbits, and I like to be able to run slow.  I was also concerned because the website didn't say whether this even has a horn, and I could tell it only has a dummy coupler on the rear because it was originally part of an ABA set. I hooked it up to my new refurbished Lionel 1033 transformer, putting it on the B-U posts as I read here. It runs great, and can even start slower than my LionChief Santa Fe FT, and it doesn't die out when going over the switches slowly like the other engines. This frees me up to an entire range of more economical engines that look great. Question: I am ok with the 3 position forward-neutral-reverse, but turning the lever to Whistle just makes the engine go faster. Does this engine not have a horn? I didn't even try switching to the A-U posts to see if a higher voltage does anything because I like the slow starts and the high range is plenty fast enough. It didn't come with a manual and I can't find any database for Williams engines. A Worthpoint webpage says it has dual motors with flywheels and a 6 amp electronic reverse unit, but no mention of sound. Don't need a horn, but is that normal to go faster on the whistle lever if there's no horn?

Nice loco. I have a Williams NYC shark AA set. IIRC the horn is in the dummy unit as Joe mentioned. I can check mine if you like.

For the speed issue, you can wire the motors in series to slow it down. I've done all of my Williams engines and it makes a big difference.


@John's Trains awesome to hear that your Pennsy works well at low speeds and that your enjoying it!

regarding the horn- when you activate the horn on your transformer whether by turning the handle or pressing a button, a small amount of DC + is superimposed onto the track and it’s that positive DC voltage that activates the horn(if a loco has a bell and you have a bell button negative DC voltage activates that). It’s like that for postwar locos and modern conventional electronic horns, such as Williams true blast. See the thread below for sone good info

Regarding the increase in speed, iirc, when I would apply the DC to my postwar 2056(horn in the tender) it would speed up. Again, iirc, my Powered units w/ horn:  RMT buddies, K-line by Lionel box Cab, Williams Amtrak GP7 w/ true blast, etc... also speed up somewhat when the DC voltage is applied to sound the horn.

@StevefromPA posted:

@John's Trains awesome to hear that your Pennsy works well at low speeds and that your enjoying it!

regarding the horn- when you activate the horn on your transformer whether by turning the handle or pressing a button, a small amount of DC + is superimposed onto the track and it’s that positive DC voltage that activates the horn(if a loco has a bell and you have a bell button negative DC voltage activates that). It’s like that for postwar locos and modern conventional electronic horns, such as Williams true blast. See the thread below for sone good info

Regarding the increase in speed, iirc, when I would apply the DC to my postwar 2056(horn in the tender) it would speed up. Again, iirc, my Powered units w/ horn:  RMT buddies, K-line by Lionel box Cab, Williams Amtrak GP7 w/ true blast, etc... also speed up somewhat when the DC voltage is applied to sound the horn.

THANK YOU Steve, Bob, and Joe for the excellent information! Now I know I'm not doing anything wrong.


I think I may have a "buying trains" problem. Have a few of items being shipped in - a couple of old Walther's O scale Milwaukee Road passenger type car kits. Ended up buying two plus a woodsided caboose kit I will convert to Illinois Central (orange) - all to combine shipping of course.  Now I need to replace my not so good paint sprayer with something better.  Then won an auction today for an old Weaver brass M1a Mountain loco - set a max price and it held - wow.

Then on a lark walked in to a local shop converting over to R/C and archery. 5 years ago they had a demo layout for O, HO and N - almost nothing now.  Well, pulled these 2 off the shelves and asked what they wanted for them. $40 and I was out of there with a new haul.  The building needs TLC but I knew it was probably missing pieces and maybe dropped. Once home nothing I cannot fix and no serious damage. The internal WS lighting is in bad shape, but the exterior looks good. MTH premier box car - well cannot have too much ICG anything.

ICG and Emilios

Of course have been watching a few cars on Trainz and trying hard not to pull the trigger on those at least till I get back from the train show up in Wheaton this weekend.

So maybe nothing cool - but they are new treasures for me. 


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  • ICG and Emilios

Great buys everyone! This past week I recently picked up a Woodland Scenics Water Tower from a LHS. I’ve wanted this water tower since seeing it on the shelf back in January. Amazing details and the graffiti sure does make it authentic.

At this rate I’m going to have a layout of water towers. Hahaha! Possibly just one more track side water tank for the steam locomotives and roughly 6-7 more buildings from Woodland Scenics. (Anyone with a good source on WS items at a reasonable price?)


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So last week, I got from @boomer0622 a Navy Alco 224 with matching B-unit. I had the caboose for a couple years now but never found an engine. Our module group is setting up this weekend for a local railroads in the parks event in NE Ohio metroparks. I waited for an entire week just so I take these couple photos while we are setting up. Now I need to find the Navy cars to go with them.


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@StevefromPA posted:

@NS1975 very cool Rock Island SW1200! Looks like it’s a really well done model! How does it run? Has me really excited for my PB&NE SW1200, which will be my first diesel yard switcher, to arrive!

It is a very smooth runner and creeps along at very slow pace if you want. Lionel improved their crew talk a while ago, so it is not that new of a feature but the dialogue is better than my other two switchers because it is a little more authentic sounding.

Last edited by NS1975
@cpowell posted:

Went to the N. Smith tent sale a couple of weeks ago. I got this MTH GP20 PS 3.0 really cheap ($50.00) because it doesn't run - trips the transformer when powered up. It will become a dummy on the layout. I also got this Strasburg trolley. I know they didn't have one, but I like the colors.




For $50 bucks you could probably send it to one of our MTH wizards here on the forum and get it straightened out and have a fully functioning engine for half of list price.


That’s a very interesting photo. The use of the word “case” followed by a numberin the title on the back made me wonder whether it was an insurance, liability, or trial photo.  It looks like the switch is the main focus but a quick web search didn't turn anything up to support that theory.  The photographer was buried in West Springfield, so he at least was local.

Enjoy your find; one of my favorite NE railroads.

Tomlinson Run Railroad


That’s a very interesting photo. The use of the word “case” followed by a numberin the title on the back made me wonder whether it was an insurance, liability, or trial photo.  It looks like the switch is the main focus but a quick web search didn't turn anything up to support that theory.  The photographer was buried in West Springfield, so he at least was local.

Enjoy your find; one of my favorite NE railroads.

Tomlinson Run Railroad

I didn’t even notice that, probably cause I was to happy to find it. There was about 10 photos available all by the same person. We are going back in two weeks. If we stop in again I will see if they are labeled case as well.

@cpowell posted:

Went to the N. Smith tent sale a couple of weeks ago. I got this MTH GP20 PS 3.0 really cheap ($50.00) because it doesn't run - trips the transformer when powered up. It will become a dummy on the layout. I also got this Strasburg trolley. I know they didn't have one, but I like the colors.




I like that trolley. Interestingly, there kinda sorta is a prototype for a Strasburg trolley of sorts. Wikipedia shows that Conestoga Traction, later Conestoga Transportation Company, had a network of lines radiating out from Lancaster City to different towns including a line terminating in Strasburg. Photos of its trolleys are for sale online.Conestoga Traction Company


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On Memorial Day, I visited the Hesston Steam Museum in Michigan City IN  (awesome place; just down the road from the "I Love Toy Trains" store), and picked up a wayside signal that had been donated by the CN.   With a little wire-brushing, a lot of WD-40, and spray paint, I've got a nice addition to my future layout room. IMG_3565


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Went to the Hamburg Pa. train meet this past Sunday. Wasn't looking for anything in particular, but stumbled across a Lionel pw 736 w/ correct tender at a very good price and also Lionel pw 1948 set, 1656 switcher w/ 2403B slope back tender, 6456 LV hopper, 6465 Sunoco tanker, 6257X SP caboose, and transformer.   

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Norfolk Southern Legacy SD45 Numbers 1145, 1766, and 1795 arrived today. Two are powered along with 34C3B8DA-6C62-4D69-8A79-60DCD3C695C003EE6C07-4AA0-4060-81F1-AD2C6B3F956Done super base. The fourth Norfolk Southern Legacy Engine a SD70Mac arrives later today.  These are last of current orders, except for one item, the Rain Deer car (to much fun-for wife).


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As I inch closer to finishing the 9 car NP NCL pax train, I realized my excruciatingly slow progress would mean a long time before I'd complete the ABA units for it.

So, as an interim source of power, I purchased a LIONEL F-3 AB set from 1997 in NP NCL livery w/ TMCC, AND a fairly scarce dummy A unit produced in 2002 to create the prototypical ABA power.

Photos and video to follow.

Awesome finds everyone! It seems I’m posting new buys weekly so I might calm it down for a bit (until that Menards email comes hahaha).

Yesterday I stopped by Grzyboski’s for my monthly visit ONLY expecting to pick up some short tubular track sections. Needless to say that didn’t go as planned. I found several items to my liking and almost left the store without getting the initial track sections! Ended up leaving with a box of goodie’s and feeling relaxed from some good train therapy.


First up is the Lionel Maintenance Shed. I built  one of these over 20 years ago with my Mother and late Father. I still have it and decided I wanted a second one on my second level of my layout.

Next up is a boxcar that has some meaning behind it. It’s a Lionel Hamm’s Beer boxcar. This was my late brother’s beer of choice so I simply couldn’t set it down. He would have loved seeing this running behind our late Father’s Lionel 2035.

Following that meaningful find, I set eyes on a Lionel PRR ORE car. Introducing my first ever ORE car.


The rest of the items are Plasticville, Mattel, and a few sections of track. The chicken coop and greenhouse will be perfect addition’s to my farm scene. The garage is a 1972 Mattel.

As always, keep sharing all your cool purchases everyone! I love checking this thread daily!


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New to me LIONEL F-3 ABA Northern Pacific Loewy livery for my NP NCL.  A first TMCC loco for me.  Serviced before running today by my fellow club member, Ed, a retired Lionel tech and train store owner; and, who schooled me on how to program the three units.

An unusual ABA set:  The powered A and B units sold in 1997; and, the dummy TMCC A sold 5 years later in 2002.

Also, the powered A unit has fluting molded into the shell sides (which I'd not seen before) below the white line; but, there is no fluting on the B or dummy A units--their sides are smooth as was typical for non-scale F units.

A purchase that has exceeded my expectations.

@Pingman posted:

New to me LIONEL F-3 ABA Northern Pacific Loewy livery for my NP NCL.  A first TMCC loco for me.  Serviced before running today by my fellow club member, Ed, a retired Lionel tech and train store owner; and, who schooled me on how to program the three units.

An unusual ABA set:  The powered A and B units sold in 1997; and, the dummy TMCC A sold 5 years later in 2002.

Also, the powered A unit has fluting molded into the shell sides (which I'd not seen before) below the white line; but, there is no fluting on the B or dummy A units--their sides are smooth as was typical for non-scale F units.

A purchase that has exceeded my expectations.

Very sharp consist, Carl. Mr. Loewy certainly had a great eye for design!!!

@Pingman posted:

New to me LIONEL F-3 ABA Northern Pacific Loewy livery for my NP NCL.  A first TMCC loco for me.  Serviced before running today by my fellow club member, Ed, a retired Lionel tech and train store owner; and, who schooled me on how to program the three units.

An unusual ABA set:  The powered A and B units sold in 1997; and, the dummy TMCC A sold 5 years later in 2002.

Also, the powered A unit has fluting molded into the shell sides (which I'd not seen before) below the white line; but, there is no fluting on the B or dummy A units--their sides are smooth as was typical for non-scale F units.

A purchase that has exceeded my expectations.

The "fluting" was added to the sides of the F3 A unit molds in the early MPC era when the Santa Fe F3 was reintroduced. It was to help factory workers align the warbonnet stripes. Lionel removed the "fluting" from the sides of the A unit shells sometime between 1998 and 2000, and also added the vents back to the front of the shell.

@Richizzle07 - Neat new stuff.  Most of the plasticville and Lionel I have seen before but the "corn crib" (last photo) is a new one to me, is it plasticville?  @Pingman - NP livery is just beautiful I have always loved it but have never connected with any significant trains with that as decoration.  A B A is beautiful.  Good luck with it.  DMASSO - cool covered hoppers, Brach's candies especially their "Good and Plenty" is my wife's favorite candy - so I am going to have to be on the lookout for one of those hoppers.  @carnerd3000 - I agree with Dallas, Amtrack may not have them but you do and they are neat!

So what might I have to offer on this (very) hot Sunday afternoon. Well as I might have said before, I cannot guarantee you will see this as "cool" but then again it only cost $5.  I found that my imaginary brakemen on top of my cars were taking a terrible risk because I did not have any warning of an approaching overpass.  SO....I have acquired a "Tell Tail" for my layout.  It was listed as Marx and indeed my Marx reference lists a #313 "low clearance Tell-tail" with a chrome round pressed base.  It even has a picture of this item, which is similar if not exactly what I have.  So although it is not marked "Marx" I am going to assume that is what it is... here she is:

Tell Tail 1Tell Tail 3

The "fingers" are a very stiff cardboard and the rest is all metal.  The heavy wire support is bent at a rt angle and soldered into the bottom of the top of the dome of the base.  The entire thing except the fingers is a moderately shiny sheet steel but not "chromed" in the automotive sense.  

Well that's my "Cool" thing for today.  Not much I suppose but hey for $5 what do you expect !

Best wishes



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  • Tell Tail 3
@Lou1985 posted:

The "fluting" was added to the sides of the F3 A unit molds in the early MPC era when the Santa Fe F3 was reintroduced. It was to help factory workers align the warbonnet stripes. Lionel removed the "fluting" from the sides of the A unit shells sometime between 1998 and 2000, and also added the vents back to the front of the shell.

Thanks, Lou.  They didn't need help with the stripes on the B unit sides?

I'll need to checkout the F-3s others run at the club of that era.

@Pingman posted:

Thanks, Lou.  They didn't need help with the stripes on the B unit sides?

I'll need to checkout the F-3s others run at the club of that era.

Apparently not. They just added the fluting to the A unit shells to line up the warbonnet. Around the time Lionel made the green and tuscan PRR F3s they also removed the second set of side louvers in the F3B, but those also got added back in the late 90s/early 2000s.

Last edited by Lou1985

A few things:

#1, an MTH Rosebud Mining ore car.


#2, a new motor for my Lego Liner as I tried to do some Rocket Surgery and mate a Lionchief board to an MTH trolley, with unfortunate results... At least Trainz had a beat up MTH trolley with a fully functional motor for cheap.


And #3, some Legos to upgrade the caboose on the Lego Liner from it's usual Red/Yellow all year format to a Red/White/Green Christmas format, allowing it to pull double duty as the Lego Liner's caboose as well as a Christmas caboose when the Christmas season arrives.



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@Richizzle07 - Neat new stuff.  Most of the plasticville and Lionel I have seen before but the "corn crib" (last photo) is a new one to me, is it plasticville?

Thanks Don! Yes, it’s a plasticville item. The date stamped on the bottom says June 17, 1952 with Pat.# 2,600,900.



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Last edited by Richizzle07
@Pingman posted:

Thanks, Lou.  They didn't need help with the stripes on the B unit sides?

I'll need to checkout the F-3s others run at the club of that era.

Here's my 1996 vintage TMCC Santa Fe F3s. The fluting is still in the mold and apparently Lionel still used it to line up the warbonnet. B units never got fluting as I suppose it was easier to keep the stripes in line without the curve of the warbonnet.



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@RSJB18 posted:

Picked up a pair of K-line LIRR streamline coaches from a forum member.  I have the Greenport Scoot set with coaches 2842, and 2843. These will be a nice addition.

2022-06-13 15.41.21

Bob don't ya just love the K-line semi-scale stuff from the 90's! While Lionel was making similar semi-scale passenger cars with white frosted plastic windows and silhouettes, K-line had clear windows with interiors and a few seated figures for around the same price. I can't tell from the photo, are those 15" cars? Nice purchase, enjoy!

Bob don't ya just love the K-line semi-scale stuff from the 90's! While Lionel was making similar semi-scale passenger cars with white frosted plastic windows and silhouettes, K-line had clear windows with interiors and a few seated figures for around the same price. I can't tell from the photo, are those 15" cars? Nice purchase, enjoy!

Yea, they are all good. The cars in my set have figures that were added by the previous owner. They are 13" cars.

2017-06-03 07.31.512017-06-03 07.31.582017-06-03 07.32.04


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@RSJB18 posted:

Yea, they are all good. The cars in my set have figures that were added by the previous owner. They are 13" cars.

2017-06-03 07.31.512017-06-03 07.31.582017-06-03 07.32.04

K-line, the little details like the window blinds printed on the inside of the windows! Stuff like that is what set K-line apart from the other manufacturers in that price range. Too bad they're gone. Very nice set of passenger cars Bob, enjoy! Video coming?

A Weaver Brass Pennsylvania M1a Mountain arrived the other day from Stout. I am not typically an eastern railroad guy but the M1a with the dog house has always intrigued me. So home it came.

Had a part and a couple of tiny screws laying around in the box.  Found out it was the "maintenance shelf" at the front of the boiler.  What I cannot easily see is a way to get into the boiler to re-insert the screws which hold the shelf in place. Any ideas? At some point this may receive an ERR - perhaps a case of killing 2 birds with one stone?  Not quite as detailed as I thought, but still nice and from what I understand the first Korean Brass engine imported by Weaver.

The shelf supports are tapped to accept the screws which would be inserted through the boiler head and tighten into the shelf.   


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My only Weaver is a brass turbine. When I unpacked it the rear wheels fell out of the tender. As I was bringing my set to the layout my friend was taking his engine out of the box and the chassis fell back into the box. When he picked that up the motor came loose from the chassis. I was never interested in brass after that. I still have the engine it runs ok.

Bob that does not sound like a happy circumstance. I had read some positive things about the Weaver Korean brass imports. Thought I would give it a try since the "price was right".  I'll have to put it on the layout in a couple of weeks to see how it runs, but it is a nice looking engine appearance wise. Funny I picked up a 3RD Rail M10000 which had a broken pickup wire. Sat in a box for 20 years and never was taken out. Like being the first owner. Good thing there was not a 20 year old 9v in the shell. That would have been a mess.   

@ScoutingDad and @pennsyfan:

I am sorry to hear of your bad experiences with Weaver brass locomotives. I have two, a PRR 4-6-0 and a PRR 2-8-0 that were previously owned. I had no trouble with either of them. A photo of the 4-6-0 is below. The detail on these models is SUPERB! Though it was a rather tedious and expensive process, I found a repair man who knew how to convert these to MTH ProtoSound 3 and had them both weathered by Harry Hieke in New Jersey.

IMG_20210903_1201147601 [1)


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@Randy Harrison  HI Randy and all,  I would not say I had a bad experience with the the Weaver M1a mountain steamer. A couple of screws loosened up and I have to re-attach. A little more painful than an MTH diesel, but I am not expecting anything major. On the other hand if the brass solder joints were coming apart that would be a different matter.

There are a few Weaver GG1s available right now. Kind of curious if you were to buy just one GG1 for your layout which one would you choose, but has to be scale proportions, the more detailed the better (to a point).  Weaver brass, MTH Premier, 3rd Rail, Lionel? (not a Lionel guy so I have zero familiarity with their engines. Have seen the arcing catenaries  - that is pretty cool).  I have always wanted a GG1 since I was a kid.  Bought a RailKing version - but its just not right with the shortened body : ( 

BTW I am thinking about dipping into ERR for this engine and a couple of trolleys and interurbans.

Just received this K-line 15" aluminum coach that I purchased NIB on eBay from seller I've done business with before, his stuff is great. It's going to be added to my K-line California Zephyr set, but do you notice what's not right with this coach? LoL

That's right, it's New York Central!!! K-line did not make matching standard coaches for the Cal Zephyr set, so I'll have to create new nameplates with the California Zephyr name and rename the coach to the Silver Feather. This will not be a prototypical Cal Zephyr car because the Zephyr didn't have any standard non dome coaches, all the non domed coaches were sleepers or diners. As usual one of the passengers is dislodged from his seat and has his butt up against the window on the left. At least he's not mooning us!

I'll change the nameplates when I disassemble the car to paint the interior seating, carpet the floor, install interior wall paneling, and replace the incandescent lights with LED's to match the rest of my Cal Zephyr coaches.


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Last edited by WesternPacific2217
@ScoutingDad posted:

@Randy Harrison  HI Randy and all,  I would not say I had a bad experience with the the Weaver M1a mountain steamer. A couple of screws loosened up and I have to re-attach. A little more painful than an MTH diesel, but I am not expecting anything major. On the other hand if the brass solder joints were coming apart that would be a different matter.

There are a few Weaver GG1s available right now. Kind of curious if you were to buy just one GG1 for your layout which one would you choose, but has to be scale proportions, the more detailed the better (to a point).  Weaver brass, MTH Premier, 3rd Rail, Lionel? (not a Lionel guy so I have zero familiarity with their engines. Have seen the arcing catenaries  - that is pretty cool).  I have always wanted a GG1 since I was a kid.  Bought a RailKing version - but its just not right with the shortened body : (

BTW I am thinking about dipping into ERR for this engine and a couple of trolleys and interurbans.


I am glad to hear that you consider the loose screws a manageable problem and that the rest of your Weaber brass experience has been good. I have been watching Ebay and many GG-1s have come up for sale at reasonable prices. I have an MTH, Premier, Scale GG-1 that I use to run on my club's layout. It is an older one that came out before ProtoSound was created. Therefore, it was conventional control. I had the late, Wayne Renga, the patent holder of the Battery Component Replacement (BCR) upgrade it to ProtoSound 2 to operate it with the MTH Digital Command System DCS. Though I don't have a good side shot of the engine, photos of it running are below.

I am a Pennsylvania Railroad (PRR) junky! My maternal grandfather was a 42 year man on the Pennsylvania Railroad and took me, beginning at the age of 3, on many train trips up and down the electrified PRR Northeast Corridor from Washington DC to New York and out to Harrisburg, PA after his retirement in 1953.  Consequently, I have ridden behind and seen many GG-1s up  close. I find that the detail on a GG-1's body and trucks can be sufficiently captured in a plastic body. For outward appearance sake, I like the MTH locomotive as much as I do the Weaver GG-1 and MTH now comes with ProtoSound 3 with a GREAT sound package and remote control capability. IMHO brass models of Diesels and electric locomotives do not buy you as much as brass does with steam due to all of the steam's exposed piping, and other parts attached visibly to the outside body of a steam engine. Also, if you want to convert Weaver to MTH ProtoSound, the process is very tedious and costly as I mentioned in my previous post. Lionel and MTH make superb scale GG-1s. I prefer MTH due to the quality and the fact that they have been traditionally a lower price point than Lionel. If you run conventionally with no aspirations of future remote control, Weaver is a good choice because of the current prices they are bringing. I have also included a photo of my PRR 4-6-0 brass engine. Click on the photo to enlarge it and you may be able to see the applied piping and other details.

I hope my "dissertation" has not confused you and is helpful in your decision process.

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Dunno it this belongs here; if not moderators please move it to the proper category.

When my dad passed, there were very few items worth saving; he was a VERY HEAVY smoker, so most of his stuff was permanently "damaged" by the constant fog of smoke. I did keep the 1939 Hamilton Beach #18 milkshake maker (it was wrapped in plastic, so it didn't absorb too much smoke.)

The other thing was this:

tool #1

tool #2

Tool #3

Tool #4

It runs really well; is a little slower than my modern Dremel, so it's handy for polishing wheels, etc. Interesting that it was made by the "Excel Auto Radiator Co." ...  

Mark in Oregon


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