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@Pingman posted:

Bob, that's known as model train creep -- modest expenditure (~$200-$300) becomes much, much bigger (~$2,000+).  (It's similar to how the Pentagon buys new aircraft, ships, etc. or big public works projects cost 10X more than originally budgeted.)

My buddy did something similiar:  got a super deal on a 4 car set of LIONEL Northern Pacific dome cars N/OB at Spring 2021 York never having owned any NP items previously; and, has since spent thousands acquiring two sets of ABA TMCC equipped F-3 diesels and a mix of 18 or so custom painted, LIONEL, and K-line passenger cars--all because he got a good deal on those first 4 dome cars.

WOW . I love this Carl , Mitch  and Bob.     This really gets the juices flowing for shopping. 

(  I've gotta find some way to supplement my fixed income )

On December 3rd I went to the Taylor Hose & Engine Company’s Trains, Die Cast Toys and Railroad Memorabilia Christmas Show in Taylor, Pennsylvania. It was packed!! Great little show as always. Unfortunately, this is my last train show on my calendar for this year. I picked up a Lionel Uncle Sam’s boxcar, MTH Norfolk Southern tanker, and a Lionel sign I couldn’t refuse the price on.DEA04E01-1EB8-4995-96F7-CF0473148CE299FC8BB1-85EA-4D52-BC54-6A42CBCDC906

I picked up a new locomotive a few weeks ago too!!!! LoL $2 at Party City.608271E1-C6A8-41CB-AC5E-1B32AE3E128A01E511D5-807F-4C47-8B31-982AB708CDBD

A little over a week ago I also got a Christmas cookie tin with a train on it. Pretty cool! My mom found it at Walmart I believe. Great find mom! Thanks!9AC3A50D-1874-466E-B8F2-01D27D816EB1


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  • 9AC3A50D-1874-466E-B8F2-01D27D816EB1

This was my Christmas present from my wife.  I had been watching this and another cylindrical hopper for some time waiting for a price drop, and Nassau Hobby put it up for a very nice price on Black Friday.  This is my first cylindrical hopper, and like all the other Lionel cars I've bought recently, I'm very happy with the level of detailing.

I tend to buy cars I don't already have since I think the grandkids are more interested in seeing unique ones whizzing by than a string of, say, ore cars (even though that is more prototypical), but I could be wrong.

cylindrical hopper


Images (1)
  • cylindrical hopper

LOL This latest conversation is so funny, I was packing up a car I have sold to a forum member, and I told her it was to put into the train room fund in case I need more track for my layout redo. She said I thought it might go into savings for something maybe for the house, I just smiled and walked away! LOL

Great buys everyone!

I posted these on the "Christmas Trains " thread but thought there might be some interest here.  These lithographed houses were found (they appear brand new) in a local antique mart.  They are clearly 0 gauge size and uniquely lithographed with a different scene on each of the 4 sides.  There is no product advertising outside of the scene on them at all.  Their cost was $4 each so of course I had to get all the different ones they had.  These will become part of the Christmas village when I put it together next year. The roofs are in fact 3 dimensional and thus either peaked or mansard as shown on the lithographed scene.

Chrismas Houses 2Christmas houses 1

Best wishes and Happy Holidays



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  • Chrismas Houses 2
  • Christmas houses 1

Hello everyone,

  Even though I don't yet have a layout, purchasing things for it is still great fun. I have a large collection of 1:43 scale cars, so my layout will be more about scenery than tracks. That being said, since I grew up in the '70s, we all loved the movie "Smokey and the Bandit". Yeah, I still do! Anyway, since I'm planning on doing a large roadside diner, I'll need some semi trucks. I already have a black Trans Am so this was a no-brainer.

Found it on eBay by a man who customizes these trucks one at a time. It even has a Coors beer load! His eBay name is driverbob57. It's very well done and should be one of the highlights of the little world I'm creating. Hope you like it and Merry Christmas to everyone.


Picture 1 of 7

I needed to add something with fizaz to my Polar Express, so I just received these today from Train World Black Friday sale. I'm liking it! Happy Holidays!

Good thing I got the PE LionChief Plus 2.0 as it's pulling 10 cars now with electrical pickup rollers, that's a lot of drag and it has no problem. My original PE that came with the set would not be able to pull this consist.

Like you, I picked up the lighted tree car at Trainland.  This car is a perfect match for the Polar Express.  Also like you, I added the Lionel flat car with bell.bell car


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  • bell car
Last edited by FrankRazz

Hello everyone,

  Even though I don't yet have a layout, purchasing things for it is still great fun. I have a large collection of 1:43 scale cars, so my layout will be more about scenery than tracks. That being said, since I grew up in the '70s, we all loved the movie "Smokey and the Bandit". Yeah, I still do! Anyway, since I'm planning on doing a large roadside diner, I'll need some semi trucks. I already have a black Trans Am so this was a no-brainer.

Found it on eBay by a man who customizes these trucks one at a time. It even has a Coors beer load! His eBay name is driverbob57. It's very well done and should be one of the highlights of the little world I'm creating. Hope you like it and Merry Christmas to everyone.


Picture 1 of 7

Nice! I have been looking for this, and figurines. I've got the SP and Trans Am cars.

UP Sleeper 4

Had no idea Weaver produced this neat 15" UP sleeper car until I stumbled across it on ebay recently.  Its unique upper small windows represent the prototype UP sleepers documented by @T.Albers in this amazing build thread:

And it's new to me extrusion adds additional interest.  It will be a very nice addition to the donor cars being assembled for a UP City of ... paint project.  Now, if I could just find a 15" aluminum, blunt end observation car.

UP Sleeper 3UP Sleeper 2

(click on image to enlarge)

Merry Christmas to all!  And be safe --- it's getting very cold.


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  • UP Sleeper 2
  • UP Sleeper 3
  • UP Sleeper 4
Last edited by Pingman
@Pingman posted:

UP Sleeper 4

Had no idea Weaver produced this neat 15" UP sleeper car until I stumbled across it on ebay recently.  Its unique upper small windows represent the prototype UP sleepers documented by @T.Albers in this amazing build thread:

And its new to me extrusion adds additional interest.  It will be a very nice addition to the donor cars being assembled for a UP City of ... paint project.  Now, if I could just find a 15" aluminum, blunt end observation car.

UP Sleeper 3UP Sleeper 2

Merry Christmas to all!  And be safe --- it's getting very cold.

Nice find Carl, what a cool UP passenger car! thanks for posting it!

Nice find Carl, what a cool UP passenger car! thanks for posting it!

Scott, same extrusion was used to create a Pennsylvania sleeper with anodized (shiny) finish:  ebay item:144866620385

After this purchase, found an MTH version that is very similar: item 165839453896

MTH version is smooth-sided.

Will now look for more of these Weaver Gold aluminum cars with similar ribbed roofs and sides.

Last edited by Pingman

MR covered hopper Kline r

Took me awhile to respond to this thread.

First regarding creep. I thought all I would ever want was an O gauge 4x8 traditional Lionel layout with all the operating stuff. None of that fancy electronics stuff. 2 or 3 engines for my grandkids to play with and some rolling stock and then poof. Nearly 40 engines later and about 100 rolling stock, Ross track and switches - I am truly stunned by what I have done/spent in the past 4 years. Most of it used except I had to have the new MTH BigBoy, my single highest dollar purchase to date. Sold the BB RailKing version I had to have until I got it and put it on my layout and was disappointed at its lack of presence. I have scrimped and saved all my life, and do not feel bad about spending a few bucks. But I am still a tightwad at heart.

@rsjb18 when I saw your post regarding the Reading hopper, I thought I have one of those, I wonder if it is a K-Line die cast? After searching the shelves I realized I did not have one, but probably was looking at one to add to the collection. I have several K-line die cast 2 bay and 4 bay hoppers. Great looking cars and a shame the company become a fallen flag. Here is my Milwaukee Road 4 bay hopper. I think the detail is really good. The cover pops off easily.

I have to go now ---  the voices want to have a conversation : )

BTW - some of you are a bad influence, (but not in a bad way), a former member ScaleRail got me hooked on the Milwaukee Road - that has been expensive! 


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  • MR covered hopper Kline r
Last edited by ScoutingDad
@Pingman posted:

UP Sleeper 4

Had no idea Weaver produced this neat 15" UP sleeper car until I stumbled across it on ebay recently.  Its unique upper small windows represent the prototype UP sleepers documented by @T.Albers in this amazing build thread:

And its new to me extrusion adds additional interest.  It will be a very nice addition to the donor cars being assembled for a UP City of ... paint project.  Now, if I could just find a 15" aluminum, blunt end observation car.

UP Sleeper 3UP Sleeper 2

(click on image to enlarge)

Merry Christmas to all!  And be safe --- it's getting very cold.

Hi Carl- Liked this project car - different from the usual found on Ebay. Thanks for posting it and sharing the information. I especially like the fluted ribbing on the car. I live in UP territory- Salt Lake City.  Your comment mentioning a "UP City of...paint project" resonated with me . I thought it would be fun to pass along my recent UP City of San Francisco/City of Los Angeles project I just completed awhile back. The City of Los Angeles was first- the City of San Francisco will be second. Need to complete another donor Postwar 2343-2353 chassis. The goal was to restore a trashed Lionel 2343 ABA  "the beast" with good bones but awful cosmetics.  I had saved an old set of Walthers O scale decals for years with both the City of San Francisco and City of Los Angeles combined in the packet. The decals are almost extinct now & very difficult to find in good shape not cracked from age.

So let the fun begin..many hours of tedious work - but worth it. The ABA's were stripped, painted, clear-coated to protect the paint and decals, & complete chassis and driveline overhaul. I had a early set of Williams cars which got computer scanned and color matched (grey and yellow) and pumped into spray cans at my local Superior Auto Paint store. The red midline was hand painted with a brush. Loved seeing it "alive " again and going down the layout.  So - some pictures to enjoy for everybody .


Images (13)
  • IMG_0011-001: No respect for the past
  • IMG_0012-001: a face only a postwar collector would love
  • IMG_0019: you have to think of the potential
  • IMG_0028-001: more future potential
  • IMG_0048-001: parts inventory to see what else was needed
  • IMG_0052: love those RAYOVAC D size batteries
  • IMG_0064: kept thinking I have bitten off more than I can chew..
  • IMG_0032-006: finished on my work bench
  • IMG_0040-004: maiden run on the layout
  • IMG_0045-006: City of Los Angeles Williams cars in tow.
  • IMG_0060-002: custom computer match paint spray can
  • IMG_0044-005: just about to apply decals
  • IMG_0049-001: UP ABA chassis done and painted- ready to mount finished cabs

ScoutingDad writes:

“rsjb18 when I saw your post regarding the Reading hopper, I thought I have one of those, I wonder if it is a K-Line die cast? After searching the shelves I realized I did not have one, but probably was looking at one to add to the collection. I have several K-line die cast 2 bay and 4 bay hoppers. Great looking cars and a shame the company become a fallen flag.”

I’m sure Bob missed this, so I will presumptuously answer for him. This is a Railking 4 bay hopper from the 30-7017 Reading Freight Set. Plastic shell, metal sprung trucks and couplers, good weight for stable tracking, can handle O27 curves. As sold had a plastic coal load included.

ScoutingDad writes:

“rsjb18 when I saw your post regarding the Reading hopper, I thought I have one of those, I wonder if it is a K-Line die cast? After searching the shelves I realized I did not have one, but probably was looking at one to add to the collection. I have several K-line die cast 2 bay and 4 bay hoppers. Great looking cars and a shame the company become a fallen flag.”

I’m sure Bob missed this, so I will presumptuously answer for him. This is a Railking 4 bay hopper from the 30-7017 Reading Freight Set. Plastic shell, metal sprung trucks and couplers, good weight for stable tracking, can handle O27 curves. As sold had a plastic coal load included.

Thanks Mark.

@ScoutingDad- As Mark said it's a very nice car. Handles 027 curves without a problem too.


@pennsyfan posted:

Here’s one of my Christmas presents from the kids. It’s called traintrackr. It’s a NYC Transit map that lights up showing train positions. I still haven’t found out what the violet, blue and white lights are. It gets updates from transit.

That runs the cool meter up to 100! New York City Subway Route Map by Michael Calcagno

Last edited by RSJB18
@Mikado 4501 posted:

Here’s an early holiday surprise - Charles Ro shipped Lionel’s new 2022 run of the LEGACY Amtrak F40PH just in time for Christmas today!

Great detail, excellent graphics, and I love the sounds. The horn is awesome, but the CrewTalk is a very pleasant surprise! I love it!


Looks and sounds great! That horn sounds like the best KL5A in O scale! You really have my hopes up high waiting on those NPCU's!
She's gonna be waiting a long time for #9 as they discontinued the North Coast Hiawatha before I was born LOL. I like that detail though. It means its 1970-something and this locomotive is practically brand new

@mike g. posted:

LOL This latest conversation is so funny, I was packing up a car I have sold to a forum member, and I told her it was to put into the train room fund in case I need more track for my layout redo.                                                                                                                                                          ((  She said I thought it might go into savings for something maybe for the house, I just smiled and walked away! LOL ))

You bad Mike.   

( if she has left the go Mike )

@mike g. posted:

LOL This latest conversation is so funny, I was packing up a car I have sold to a forum member, and I told her it was to put into the train room fund in case I need more track for my layout redo. She said I thought it might go into savings for something maybe for the house, I just smiled and walked away! LOL

Great buys everyone!

You are SO in the doghouse. Been there/done that.

@AGHRMatt posted:

Well, I just snagged the last of my BNSF locomotives -- a GE AC4400W with scale wheels and fixed pilots. I now have four GE's, two EMD's and a Genset. That should take care of things now that I was unceremoniously kicked off the Isle of Denial.


Haha, I was eyeing that one on the bay, but had to pass as now is not the right time to be spending more money for me. We will have to meet up sometime and run ours together as I have another one of these in a different road number.

@bigboy25 posted:

Haha, I was eyeing that one on the bay, but had to pass as now is not the right time to be spending more money for me. We will have to meet up sometime and run ours together as I have another one of these in a different road number.

I have three of the BNSF Heritage ES44AC's. Basically, I wanted one in the 6000 series and one in the 5000 series, but the 6000's were sold out. So I bought two numbers in the 5000 series. Then one of the 6000's came up from a cancelled order and I pounced on it. I've been going back and forth about selling one of the 5000's as it's new in box.

Last edited by AGHRMatt

Got these mpc Santa Fe gp9. The power unit was from the bay, and the dummy from a forum member! A little tlc to the power unit and they're running awesome. Gonna add lights to the dummy.  These hold a special place in my heart. My dad, who didn't make a lot, but darn did he work his tail off 7 days a week for us. Still managed to go to church twice a week as well. I remember when I was about 6 he came home from the hobby store with the power unit. He was so proud of that engine. We ran it every Christmas and had it on our 5x9 layout. I know she's not a top of the line Lionel engine, but it brings back a lot of good memories of him and I together. This hobby has really helped me cope with the loss of him back in November of 2020. PXL_20221229_015652098PXL_20221229_015645687PXL_20221229_015704512PXL_20221229_015657769PXL_20221229_015637118


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@Donnie Kennedy, those are really nice Sante Fe GP 9’s, and the comments about your father, working so hard for his money and his love of this diesel is heartwarming. I’m proud to hear your going to make it a prized possession and remember your fathers love of model trains. And more importantly, his being a faithful church member is awesome. God is good.  I know losing your father must be difficult, but this kind of memory will be very consoling. My father past away when I was 12, in 1956…. He gave me my start with Lionel trains, I remember him every time we run trains in my basement. Good luck restoring this really nice MPC diesel. Happy Railroading Everyone.

@IRON HORSE posted:

That M&M's billboard looks like it was sprayed on using some sort of photo process.  Very nice job and very cool car -- love the hats they're wearing -- most worthy of posting here.  I met a lady from Minnesota a few years ago at a train show and she did the same sort of photo process thing, but I lost her card.  Would you mind sharing the contact of the seller?


Hello Mike, sorry for the delayed response. Holidays have been hectic. Anyways, thanks for the compliments and interest in the custom M&Ms car. The eBay sellers name is mayascoffeeshop.

Got these mpc Santa Fe gp9. The power unit was from the bay, and the dummy from a forum member! A little tlc to the power unit and they're running awesome. Gonna add lights to the dummy.  These hold a special place in my heart. My dad, who didn't make a lot, but darn did he work his tail off 7 days a week for us. Still managed to go to church twice a week as well. I remember when I was about 6 he came home from the hobby store with the power unit. He was so proud of that engine. We ran it every Christmas and had it on our 5x9 layout. I know she's not a top of the line Lionel engine, but it brings back a lot of good memories of him and I together. This hobby has really helped me cope with the loss of him back in November of 2020. PXL_20221229_015652098

Great locos Donnie. The tie to your Father makes them extra special. MPC gets frowned upon by many but they are reliable trains and will run for years to come.

I have the same loco btw.....


...............but it brings back a lot of good memories of him and I together. This hobby has really helped me cope with the loss of him back in November of 2020.PXL_20221229_015637118's good to grieve , but not forever .

It's great to have those " good memories "  Don , even if we stumble across the thought of loss.

Mom and Dad and my wife of 40 years gone now ,but not when I have talks with them when I think I'm alone.   

Glad you have these engines Donnie.

After a surprise purchase on Christmas 🎄 morning from eBay, these K-line Northern Pacific F7s arrived today.

Cosmetically they look great, and they'll be test run after inspection at the club on Saturday.


Purchased another Weaver 15" sleeper; uses the same interesting extrusion as the UP version mentioned earlier in this thread.  Will probably use it on the Texas Special train that's slowly progressing.


(click on any image to see full size.)

Happy New Year to all.


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Have I bought anything cool lately?  Yes, but in this instance not for myself.

Several days ago, in this thread, my train club friend was mentioned as an example of model train creep; i.e., spend a modest amount on a "great deal" then spend thousands adding on to this modest purchase.  In my friend's case, he got a great deal on four LIONEL NP full length aluminum vista domes, N/OB at Spring York 2021--$125.00.  He had no other NP trains since he began collecting trains 40+ years ago.

Since that modest purchase, he's spent a couple thousand dollars on additional K-Line, Lionel and custom painted pax cars and F unit diesels.

This is important background info since my contribution to this model train creep most recently occurred yesterday.  A new K-Line four pak of their popular NP NCL 15" aluminum cars showed up on ebay, N/OB so I "shared" the listing with him.  He'd previously purchased the two-car add-on set after @PaperTRW responded to my WTB on this forum and my friend bought them from a hobby shop in Michigan with me serving as his purchase agent.

He emailed me last night and asked me to order them for him (since he's averse to online buying)--and they are now on their way to him.

Picture 1 of 12

This may be a bit unusual in sequencing since he bought the two-car add-on set almost a year ago and wasn't looking for the initial four-car set. 

Truth be told, I just bought the K-Line F-7 AA set that goes with these pax cars and I already own the LIONEL TMCC F-3 ABA set for the NP NCL, and I'm in the midst of painting a set of ABA NP NCL F units using new components purchased from LIONEL during their most recent parts sale, Microscale decals, etc.

So I have my own version of model train creep.

Can't forget these guys -- a bag of 100 painted, seated figures to populate my NP NCL 10 car pax train as it nears completion.

The opportunities for humorous posing seem evident; I just hope they're of a suitable size; they're advertised as 1:50.  I'd have preferred something closer to S scale, 1/64 for my 15" aluminum cars.

One thing about LIONEL interiors, they went overboard on population control; no wonder intercity passenger trains failed.

I preordered the Base3 last Jan but as you all know there is no clear delivery date, so I grabbed a Cab1 system cheap off of  This is my first command system and I'm so impressed.  I know this only unlocks a small piece of the controls for legacy engines but it is so much better than Bluetooth or the universal remotes I have been using to date!



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  • 20221230_140105
  @Pingman posted:

Can't forget these guys -- a bag of 100 painted, seated figures to populate my NP NCL 10 car pax train as it nears completion.

The opportunities for humorous posing seem evident; I just hope they're of a suitable size; they're advertised as 1:50.  I'd have preferred something closer to S scale, 1/64 for my 15" aluminum cars.

One thing about LIONEL interiors, they went overboard on population control; no wonder intercity passenger trains failed.

I think I commuted with some of those folks back in the day

@Pingman posted:

This is important background info since my contribution to this model train creep most recently occurred yesterday.  A new K-Line four pak of their popular NP NCL 15" aluminum cars showed up on ebay, N/OB so I "shared" the listing with him.  He'd previously purchased the two-car add-on set after @PaperTRW responded to my WTB on this forum and my friend bought them from a hobby shop in Michigan with me serving as his purchase agent.

Well, Carl… I think that officially makes you a “Bad Influence”. Welcome to the club

@Apples55 posted:

Well, Carl… I think that officially makes you a “Bad Influence”. Welcome to the club

So true; so true.

The rest of the story is that when I sent him the link to the four-car set, his initial reaction was he "already has too much NP NCL stuff."

My reply was to point out that with this purchase he'd have the complete six car set.  He replied as mentioned above and the set was purchased on his behalf.

If I was truly evil, I'd offer him the K-Line F-7s I just bought; now that would be interesting.

By all means of measurement, you are truly a bad influence, Paul.  And I'm so pleased that you are.

@RSJB18 posted:

I resemble that remark.......

And I WAS one of those commuters on the LIRR back in the day.....Just missing the beer and a Marlboro....


Talking about smoke and beer on the LIRR - remember Tommy's Tavern On The Tracks (the bar car on the Pt Jeff branch)?

It was part of the consist on the 5:44 PM out of Hunters Point, it was PACKED! Non -stop from Jamaica to Greenlawn, a 40-45 minute stretch.

When the doors finally opened at Greenlawn one would have thought that the car was on fire with all of the smoke coming out!

Did I see you on that car Bob?

@Lionelski posted:

Talking about smoke and beer on the LIRR - remember Tommy's Tavern On The Tracks (the bar car on the Pt Jeff branch)?

It was part of the consist on the 5:44 PM out of Hunters Point, it was PACKED! Non -stop from Jamaica to Greenlawn, a 40-45 minute stretch.

When the doors finally opened at Greenlawn one would have thought that the car was on fire with all of the smoke coming out!

Did I see you on that car Bob?

It's entirely possible John. I was living in Huntington with my parents at the time after High School and before getting married. I wasn't a daily regular, but the company I worked for did a lot of trade shows in the City and I would often take the train back and fourth. Mostly to Penn Station though.

My mother used to make me change clothes in the garage. Amazing when you think back to the amount of second hand smoke we all inhaled.


Back in the day, one of my aunts was married to a bartender on the LIRR. She had to meet him every payday to get his check from him while he was still sober. As a kid, I remember my mother driving her sister, and a carload of us squirming kids, before seatbelts, gunning it to get ahead of an LIRR train and beat it into the next station, where my aunt would run up the stairs, get on the train, and get off with his check, before the train doors closed. Great fun for us, but pretty pathetic if you think about it.

Got these mpc Santa Fe gp9. The power unit was from the bay, and the dummy from a forum member! A little tlc to the power unit and they're running awesome. Gonna add lights to the dummy.  These hold a special place in my heart. My dad, who didn't make a lot, but darn did he work his tail off 7 days a week for us. Still managed to go to church twice a week as well. I remember when I was about 6 he came home from the hobby store with the power unit. He was so proud of that engine. We ran it every Christmas and had it on our 5x9 layout. I know she's not a top of the line Lionel engine, but it brings back a lot of good memories of him and I together. This hobby has really helped me cope with the loss of him back in November of 2020. PXL_20221229_015657769


You have inspired me with your reply on this thread to have some fun on a project that I had given up on .

A rather inexpensive Lionel ( I think it was a 48045 ) that I had bought for Christmas back in the late 70s for my daughter and my then wife .

It was in bad shape in my boneyard with a missing drive wheel , missing intermediate drive gear , missing truck side plate , no maintenance,  etc. , etc.    It too had memories attached and your love of your memories convinced me to revive the ole Santa Fe.   She once again provides the ozone atmosphere I remembered.

The Santa Fe can now reside with the Santa Fe switcher 6220 that my Dad surprised us with in the 50s.



Videos (1)
@Pingman posted:

Can't forget these guys -- a bag of 100 painted, seated figures to populate my NP NCL 10 car pax train as it nears completion.

The opportunities for humorous posing seem evident; I just hope they're of a suitable size; they're advertised as 1:50.  I'd have preferred something closer to S scale, 1/64 for my 15" aluminum cars.

One thing about LIONEL interiors, they went overboard on population control; no wonder intercity passenger trains failed.

Try this again...

I bought 2 bags of unpainted. I need to come up with a cute blonde. Many of them will be sacrificed to my lack of skills.


You have inspired me with your reply on this thread to have some fun on a project that I had given up on .

A rather inexpensive Lionel ( I think it was a 48045 ) that I had bought for Christmas back in the late 70s for my daughter and my then wife .

It was in bad shape in my boneyard with a missing drive wheel , missing intermediate drive gear , missing truck side plate , no maintenance,  etc. , etc.    It too had memories attached and your love of your memories convinced me to revive the ole Santa Fe.   She once again provides the ozone atmosphere I remembered.

The Santa Fe can now reside with the Santa Fe switcher 6220 that my Dad surprised us with in the 50s.


Wow. That's awesome. This is what I love about this hobby! All the great old and new memories that are made. This is a great group of quality people. Love it! Have a great new year. And thank you, and all the others for their kind words!! I'll be posting pics of the cars i got for the geeps, but once the light sockets come in for the dummy and I have time to wire them up!

@Pingman posted:

After a surprise purchase on Christmas 🎄 morning from eBay, these K-line Northern Pacific F7s arrived today.

Cosmetically they look great, and they'll be test run after inspection at the club on Saturday.


Ran them briefly at the club and they performed flawlessly.  The hardest part was coupling the two units together; must be a learning curve to deal with the diaphragms and tether.   Very pleased with this purchase; it exceeds my expectations.

Watch for the LIONE NP F-3s, 6-18147 (AB) and hard to find dummy A, 6-14561, in the For Sale or Trade forum shortly.

Posted a WTB for a dummy B unit since I'd rather repaint one than use K-Line's K2550-6514 that matches the AAs.

Recently picked up a Plasticville Hospital (With all the furniture intact! In the original box!). Not sure where I like it best, if anywhere, on the layout. The white is kinda glaring and I'm not sure my small country town merits a full on hospital. I am contemplating gifting it to my Uncle, who is a doctor & a county coroner, actually. He's been a long time model railroader & railfan.

I also got a Plasticville "House Under Construction". This one is definitely staying, and might be joined by some completed houses... I have to remember to take a picture of it on the layout, because it looks great. It's incomplete, unlike the hospital, so I don't feel so bad about doing whatever with it.

I found these at Savers, my local thrift store\vice. Passed on a covered bridge and split level house of the same vintage: early 1960s if I'm not mistaken. I knew I didn't have space for the covered bridge and the split level seemed like it would look off scale to me. One of these days, I'll learn to buy everything I see and like instead of waiting and regretting it! Regardless, it was a real find!


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@pennsyfan posted:

I just picked this up from METCA yesterday. I have two stories not sure which is more plausible. The Farmingdale (NJ) and Southern extended their trackage rights further South. Or the engine was purchased at auction from The Panama Canal Railway.

Bob - I’d offer a 3rd scenario, more dramatic - a runaway, all the way from Central America!!!😳😳😳

Happy New Year Everyone!

Right before Christmas I made a trip to Grzyboski’s and picked up a really nice ceramic Railroad Station and 3 short sections of tubular track. I already need to glue the one lamppost due to my clumsiness. On a side note, I’ve never seen Grzyboski’s so packed with customers of all ages! It was great! Plus they have some wonderful decorations on display. I only took one photo of the one inflatable train.31CD6B16-01DB-4443-A293-5EB0DFEE249716977EE6-6DD0-4BCC-98BD-4FFD620E7FD9

Next up is train I purchased at a local hardware store during their one day after Christmas 50% off sale! LoL40D4B3D0-3795-4EFC-A429-30ED31514A6A

Merry (belated) Christmas Everyone!


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@pennsyfan posted:

I just picked this up from METCA yesterday. I have two stories not sure which is more plausible. The Farmingdale (NJ) and Southern extended their trackage rights further South. Or the engine was purchased at auction from The Panama Canal Railway.

Looks at least as good as, or maybe even better than, the catalog image used for advertising, which you can see here:


Used up my train budget for a while but found a 50th anniversary 6-31705 set with 5 passenger cars plus the add-on dinner.  Last catalog for this was 2002. 50th anniversary of the 1950 773 passenger set that is.

Original 1950s set was a 773, 2426 tender with Madison, Manhatten and Irvington Passenger cars.   The Saeger observation and Baggage car to match the set didn't arrive until the modern era.

The anniversary set came with TMCC, the 5 passenger cars listed above and the addon dinner car with TMCC controlled sounds.  O54 track min, not O31 as listed on the lionel site.   A few sample pictures plus some comparing the original vs the new.  Original cars were 14" with window silhouettes. Anniversary set are 18" with detailed interiors.

Had to reseat 2 passengers, fix a couple of loose light connections and all working now.  Just waiting on the correct traction tires to arrive.


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  • 31705 box
  • 38041 engine: New engine
  • 38041 tender: New tender
  • Comparing passenger cars: Passenger car Compare
  • engine compare: comparing engines
  • comparing tenders: Comparing tenders
  • 2629 Hillside dinner: 2629 Dinner
Last edited by VHubbard

Most of my consists start with the purchase of an engine I like and followed up by adding a variety of matching cars over time, including a caboose. Often the caboose is hard to come by or awfully expensive. At York in the Fall, I found a Montana Rail Link Atlas extended vision caboose that I had on a "want to buy" list. Last Saturday, just for the heck of it, I did a search on Rutland rolling stock and a MTH Premier Rutland (#50) extended vision caboose popped up for $35. I bought it and got it today. Needs a bath, but I just don't see that many Rutland caboose for sale so I'm happy to get this one.  Ironically, someone else has the same version in #57 up for auction right now.  When it rains it pours?  I saw somewhere warm water and dish soap is good for cleaning the shell using a soft toothbrush. Disassembled of course.



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  • IMG_5354: MTH Premier Rutland Extended Vision Caboose
@Mooner posted:

Most of my consists start with the purchase of an engine I like and followed up by adding a variety of matching cars over time, including a caboose. Often the caboose is hard to come by or awfully expensive. At York in the Fall, I found a Montana Rail Link Atlas extended vision caboose that I had on a "want to buy" list. Last Saturday, just for the heck of it, I did a search on Rutland rolling stock and a MTH Premier Rutland (#50) extended vision caboose popped up for $35. I bought it and got it today. Needs a bath, but I just don't see that many Rutland caboose for sale so I'm happy to get this one.  Ironically, someone else has the same version in #57 up for auction right now.  When it rains it pours?  I saw somewhere warm water and dish soap is good for cleaning the shell using a soft toothbrush. Disassembled of course.


My same problem with Reading equipment has been well documented over the past couple of pages.

A Rutland caboose is on my list. Your's is very nice. Soap and water is a good plan for cleaning the shell.


This has been a year when I've had to increase the discretionary budget several times.  Sometimes I just can't pass up on a good deal for something I never thought I wouldn'tm own.  I found both on the bay with a Make Offer.  I made a reasonable offer for both the red and the blue Lionel Commodore Vanderbilt.  To my surprise, the seller accepted.  I now have all three Lionel Commodore Vanderbilts, the Gray, the Red, and the Blue.



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Just when I thought I had all three Commodore Vandibilt engines made by Lionel, Gray, Blue, and Red, I found another different one on the bay.  This is the Gray Commodore labeled "WEATHER" on the set box.  Again, I made a reasonable offer and this Weathered Vanderbilt will soon join its other namesakes in the roundhouse.



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I won't mention one other CV you need. Ok I will. Niel Young did one in rainbow colors for his I believe His Vapor Records.

Dave, The Neil Young Commodore was a one-of-a-kind custom-painted engine for Neil Young.  When Neil Young auctioned off his collection, the rainbow Commodore sold for $10,000 back in 2017.  I can always paint my gray Commodore in Rainbow colors. doubt if I would get $10,


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CED0E6A9-C979-46E7-A639-C8C5F5E77ADF5C9B4407-6C85-4572-BF58-73AE13C8DD42Another Trainmaster seemed like a good idea, but I wanted a dummy unit.  These are hard to find but this powered unit showed up online in the iconic JCL orange & blue scheme - for a “too good to pass up” price, so FedEx just dropped it off this morning.  Looks like it’s never been run.  Don’t know much about the mfr/importer but I like the engine !

Rich in SD


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I just took delivery of Mr. Muffins custom rum ex MTH now Lionel PRR ALCo RS27.


You probably cant see it but Lionel did up the details a bit by having the Grab rails separately applied rather than MTH moded in Grab rails an adding marker lights. It would have been really nice if there was a see thru radiator grill with simulated cooling fan.


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I just took delivery of Mr. Muffins custom rum ex MTH now Lionel PRR ALCo RS27.


You probably cant see it but Lionel did up the details a bit by having the Grab rails separately applied rather than MTH moded in Grab rails an adding marker lights. It would have been really nice if there was a see thru radiator grill with simulated cooling fan.

I’ve had the rs-27 on my wish list since they were announced. Is the space between the frame and body as noticeable as it was with the sd70 mac?


@trestleking posted:

CED0E6A9-C979-46E7-A639-C8C5F5E77ADF5C9B4407-6C85-4572-BF58-73AE13C8DD42Another Trainmaster seemed like a good idea, but I wanted a dummy unit.  These are hard to find but this powered unit showed up online in the iconic JCL orange & blue scheme - for a “too good to pass up” price, so FedEx just dropped it off this morning.  Looks like it’s never been run.  Don’t know much about the mfr/importer but I like the engine !

Rich in SD


The Trainmaster is a Custom Trains engine produced by Frank and Jack Rash in the 1980s-1990s in Wilkes-Barre, PA. They also produced freight cars and other rolling stock under the Frank's Roundhouse label. As Rod said, they used Samhongsa running gear; the shells were blank shells that they painted. The inside of the shells could be marked "Williams Reproductions LTD" (usually, but not always, scratched out) or "Custom Trains." The end of the box should have a label identifing it as stock number SA-1003 (although some of the boxes I have do not have labels; they've probably fallen off) and the road numbers would be 2342, 2343, or 2344.

An excellent site for information and pictures of the Frank's Roundhouse line is the Robert's Trains web site:

Click on the Trainmaster pictures for two pages of info on them. Again, as Rod said, they are great engines. I had Gunrunner John upgrade one of mine (SA-1017 PRR 8700) to TMCC. It's a great runner.



@GregK posted:


This isn’t a Legacy product, and I don’t really own any “premium” stuff to compare with, but I think this set is really spectacular for what it is. Really impressed.


That really IS cool!  I’ve wanted an O gauge Amtrak set for years but don’t have the space, so I recently bought a Kato N gauge set (from a Forum sponsor).  

I’m impressed that the Lionel set you got has a cab car.  What a great addition to the usual coaches.  Enjoy running it.  The Genesis consists look awfully sleek in any scale.

Tomlinson Run Railroad

@GregK posted:


This isn’t a Legacy product, and I don’t really own any “premium” stuff to compare with, but I think this set is really spectacular for what it is. Really impressed.

A great example why this toy train hobby is so much fun. An individual does not have to purchase high end products to be impressed. There is enjoyment at all price points.

Well we were away over the Christmas / New Year's Holiday visiting family and just had our "saved" mail delivered yesterday.  What should I find, but a Christmas present (from my wife) that arrived from Kalmbach books over the interval we were away.

I am not very expert on Diesel engines and it always impressed me how some on the forum could "rattle off" the make/model/statistics on what seemed to me to be a bunch of look alike locomotives.  So I wanted to gain some knowledge about these machines and in November spotted these two books being offered at a sale price on Kalmbach's site.  Mentioned this to the wife then promptly forgot about it and she went and ordered them for me!!   I have just cracked them open, but I can say that they are FULL of color and b&w pictures and just enough technical discussion that an amateur like me can follow it.   They cover both today's locomotives and the history of Diesel's and the companies that made them.

Trains Books

Well it looks like in the future I will just know enough to be dangerous

Best Wishes



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  • Trains Books
@bobfett posted:


The Trainmaster is a Custom Trains engine produced by Frank and Jack Rash in the 1980s-1990s in Wilkes-Barre, PA. They also produced freight cars and other rolling stock under the Frank's Roundhouse label. As Rod said, they used Samhongsa running gear; the shells were blank shells that they painted. The inside of the shells could be marked "Williams Reproductions LTD" (usually, but not always, scratched out) or "Custom Trains." The end of the box should have a label identifing it as stock number SA-1003 (although some of the boxes I have do not have labels; they've probably fallen off) and the road numbers would be 2342, 2343, or 2344.

An excellent site for information and pictures of the Frank's Roundhouse line is the Robert's Trains web site:

Click on the Trainmaster pictures for two pages of info on them. Again, as Rod said, they are great engines. I had Gunrunner John upgrade one of mine (SA-1017 PRR 8700) to TMCC. It's a great runner.



@bobfett,  thank you for the link & back story on these, very interesting.  My box end is SA-1003.  Found a price tag in the box, would $229.95 be an accurate MSRP ?

Rich in SD

@trestleking posted:

@bobfett,  thank you for the link & back story on these, very interesting.  My box end is SA-1003.  Found a price tag in the box, would $229.95 be an accurate MSRP ?

Rich in SD

Hi Rich,

$229 sounds like it was probably the selling price for the Custom Trains FMs when they were new. All of mine were purchased on the secondary market for $100 - $125 on the average.

Hope you enjoy running your engine as much as I enjoy running mine.


For postal purposes, this was the "Boone & Johnson City R.P.O.," and the clerk exchanged mail sacks with numerous small post-office routes scattered through the mountains. The sacks did not seem to be full, but it was an important service to those isolated mountain people. I rode with the clerk for awhile, who obligingly carefully postmarked some covers I had brought along.
-From "Chasing Trains," by Robert W. Richardson


RPO stamped cover, from the guy who later founded the Colorado Railroad Museum at Golden. This is from the very final day of RPO operations on the East Tennessee & Western North Carolina Railroad, in 1940. I never thought I'd have one of these but scored this on ePay and it showed up today!

The mark is for Boone, NC and Johnson City, TN. Only one railroad ever spanned between those towns!


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Just got this in the mail. I haven't gone through it yet but I'm really looking forward to that. The V&O was a real ground-breaking layout in the hobby for many different ways and I was always a fan.


And at the risk of name-dropping, I think it'll be clear where I got my copy...



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@p51 posted:

It's a totally different book. Ironically, it was published almost exactly when Allen McClelland passed away from a stroke.

I read it last night, and it's a really good book.

I'm looking forward to getting my copy of the new book. I have saved the original articles from RMC magazine. They are hiding in my library somewhere.

@Genemed posted:

Just received an order of misc. trees. The cost of trees add up quickly and these aren’t even top of the line.


I know what you are talking about Gene.     I've been getting quite a few this year and I've got an eyeful on the credit card statement.

Tomorrow the last of the  snow covered pine trees are finally going to be delivered .    I needed them for the Christmas layout.  I'll have to work on them and at least have them up for next Christmas.

The major problem i have with trees is the like to brake off every time anything come near them.  I'm considering the idea of using a plastic tube, like from lastruc, set the base of the tree in, and then when I need to work in the area I pull all the tress out and set them aside until I'm done, the advantage? is sometimes I don't put them in the same place, didn't notice until I looked at the pictures 

I bought a NIB 18314 Pennsy GG-1 Century Club Edition.  It is very nice.  One disappointing thing was that all the window openings were totally open.  I had to open it anyway to check the 20(?) year old battery, and it was fine.  I then installed some clear glass with double sided tapes in all the window openings.  I wanted to add some engineers as well, but it was too crowded and I didn't want to mess around that much.  Looks a lot better IMHO.



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Great buys everyone!! As always thanks for sharing!! It makes me feel better about my purchases LoL!

So I ended out the year with a few larger purchases from Menards. I took advantage of the recent deal with the FREE National Light and Power deal and I ordered the Tide Plant, Gamer and Thrones building, and the Sprecher Brewery. The second National Light and Power building is going to my buddy who’s a fellow forum member and the other is going up for sale.9FC3281A-5D4F-4728-BE72-1ECC51CBFACAC53C5328-1D88-47D0-87BF-3162CB4643B00B2480B0-8FEF-4E1B-B80E-A8E86F6EB805412A0E80-DF91-41C6-9743-DF504AD50ACB

I also ordered the M&Ms warehouse, a dealer pack of Dodge Ram pickup trucks, several diecast vehicles along with the Tide covered hopper, Save Big Money boxcar, the Green M&Ms boxcar, Skittles hopper, and the M&Ms bus on the flatcar. I also grabbed a dealer pack of 6 covered hoppers and a dealer pack with 4 flatcars carrying dodge power wagons and sweptsides.EC7EA1DA-87CD-494D-9C93-31EA9820B1C7AB346679-75B5-4FD4-B857-0417858FCD013440F146-ACD0-4AF6-B36E-5604570D25BCD8126DB2-7EE5-447E-BCE1-C1F85A6D58D6

Here’s an overall photo of the 4 orders I ended out the year with. Several items have been crossed off my list so it’s progress LoL!EB537667-B962-4D28-8349-872CA8801624

Onto 2023 with my growing collection and rebuild!


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Dennis, I got one of those when they first came out for a great deal.  When I was first getting back into trains, the owner of a local gun shop was really into Lionel so he had dedicated a portion of his shop to trains.  It was real close to home so I stopped in often.  I had the basic Lionel Iron Horse Freight set with a Wabash 4-4-2 steamer, and was looking for a second engine.  I saw this one in the catalog but the price was out of my league and I wasn't looking to go down the TMCC path until that fateful day I stopped by the shop and there it was, with what must have been a wholesale price on it.  The price was so low I thought maybe it was a conventional version so I went home to check the catalog.  No conventional version in the catalog so back to the store with a Fistful of Dollars and I owned my first TMCC engine.

@texgeekboy posted:

I bought a NIB 18314 Pennsy GG-1 Century Club Edition.  It is very nice.  One disappointing thing was that all the window openings were totally open.  I had to open it anyway to check the 20(?) year old battery, and it was fine.  I then installed some clear glass with double sided tapes in all the window openings.  I wanted to add some engineers as well, but it was too crowded and I didn't want to mess around that much.  Looks a lot better IMHO.


Sweet pickup!  I seem to recall some discussion about whether the windows would not allow any potential air flow that might "help" keep things "cooler" under the hood. I think that was mostly with respect tot he later conventional classics GG1's but maybe worth keep an eye on it when you run it the first few times and make sure it doesn't get to hot.  May be fine, just want to make sure she stays cool!

New year new buy! This is one of the more expensive purchases I’ve made thus far. For those of you following my recent purchases, the Menards collection I’ve been slowly purchasing is still in the works just on the back burner for the moment. The same gentleman had a brand new, never used TCA 40th anniversary ABA set along with 8 of the 9 cars to complete the set. He’s still checking the collection he’s selling off for the final City of Dallas car. This TCA set has been on my list for some time and the shape of the boxes are simply incredible! He also included a really nicely detailed KLine Conrail gondola with a scrap load for FREE!! What a wonderful guy I’m forming a great train friendship with! Thanks again Dean!!1AF3F9E5-A482-4F4B-A875-F11AC918854B5DFD5A6E-EA18-4E8A-ADC2-37AD55841984


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Sweet pickup!  I seem to recall some discussion about whether the windows would not allow any potential air flow that might "help" keep things "cooler" under the hood. I think that was mostly with respect tot he later conventional classics GG1's but maybe worth keep an eye on it when you run it the first few times and make sure it doesn't get to hot.  May be fine, just want to make sure she stays cool!

Open windows release the Lionel ozone from the pullmor motors better. I love that smell.

@Dennis Holler and @iguanaman3,

I did think about the heat buildup with no open ventilation before I closed it up.  I have an old 671, and it has no openings inside the engine casing (except for small areas around the base), even the smoke stack has insulation around its base, so I thought I would be safe (although I do realize it has only 1 motor).  On the GG-1 I also replaced one of the incandescent bulbs with a much brighter LED, so that will help.  I wasn't going to mess around with the lights on this, but the incandescent bulb was pretty dim compared to LEDs.  I made sure to put in the LEDs in a non-invasive way so as I could pull them out and restore it to the original config.  I'll be replacing the other incandescent later this week after some more test runs.

Thanks for the thoughts.

Last edited by texgeekboy

I feel like I just robbed a toy store!!!

There’s a new Tractor Supply store that just opened near me after having its grand opening day pushed back from the beginning of December. They had the toy isle fully stocked for the holidays with massive markdowns! I didn’t leave one truck behind! Still no bucket trucks found at any of my local stores.BD1E70B6-2FCC-4F01-B256-AC3D529FEA5B


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@Richizzle07- WOW man ! you now have more trucks than a auto dealer in Central Texas (That's a lot of Trucks, take my word for it!.)  Do you collect trucks as a hobby or do you intend to incorporate them into a train layout?  I say this because my weakness is steel / lithographed trucks mostly from the 1950's and 1960's (Marx, Wyandotte, Nylint etc).  I know how additive they can be (..."boys and their trucks and trains" my wife always said and we had 2 boys of our own).

Best wishes and good luck on your truck hunts


Thanks @Don McErlean! I intend on using a few on the layout, a couple will also be put to the side for changing up scenes on the layout, a few dump trucks might go to the local train club for a possible coal breaker that’s in talks. The remaining ones might make it to the For Sale forum with free York pickup but it’s still early with that decision. It is sparking an interest with the trucks though. I’ll eventually grab an 18 wheeler or two. Maybe even three LoL space permitting of course.

Last edited by Richizzle07

@Richizzle07- WOW man ! you now have more trucks than a auto dealer in Central Texas (That's a lot of Trucks, take my word for it!.)  Do you collect trucks as a hobby or do you intend to incorporate them into a train layout?  I say this because my weakness is steel / lithographed trucks mostly from the 1950's and 1960's (Marx, Wyandotte, Nylint etc).  I know how additive they can be (..."boys and their trucks and trains" my wife always said and we had 2 boys of our own).

Best wishes and good luck on your truck hunts


I too have weakness; thankfully many good looking trucks aren’t 1/43 or in the 50-60 era. I did go off the deep end a few months ago and purchased a few French trucks because I couldn’t find what wanted, eg a cement mixer, garbage truck, etc.

pennsyfan writes: “My latest arrival; a proto3 FM Jersey Central.
I am very happy that it starts running long hood forward and the crew is facing the right way!”

Bob - your comment leads me to believe your were uncertain of the initial direction of travel before verifying it on your layout. It appears MTH consistently poses their engines in their stock photos as if the engine was traveling left to right. Using this as a guideline, you can determine long vs. short hood forward. Or, just ask the seller for that info. 🤔🤔🤔

Last edited by Mark V. Spadaro

pennsyfan writes: “My latest arrival; a proto3 FM Jersey Central.
I am very happy that it starts running long hood forward and the crew is facing the right way!”

Bob - your comment leads me to believe your were uncertain of the initial direction of travel before verifying it on your layout. It appears MTH consistently poses their engines in their stock photos as if the engine was traveling left to right. Using this as a guideline, you can determine long vs. short hood forward. Or, just ask the seller for that info. 🤔🤔🤔


My comment was based on the fact that toy train mfrs at one point emanated the prototype conversion and had the short hood forward.

Currently populating 4 LIONEL 15" aluminum vista dome interiors, but must also add little people to other pax cars also.  BEEPEOPLE are much too large, and I'm not sure of the scaled size of the figures LIONEL used for them; only that there are far too few.

So, unable to find 1/64 S scale figures in quantity, I found these 1/75 seated people on eBay:

100pcs 1:75 to 1:200 Scale Painted Seated Figures - Picture 2 of 10

I'll take photos of the three (Lionel, BEEPEOPLE, and these) for comparison in due course.

Last edited by Pingman

I picked up another MTH premier wood sided reefer to go along with my Nathans one.  These are so good, I may start collecting a few more.  This Genco Olive Oil one was really well done and a nice offering by Roundhouse South down here in Florida.  Nice job - Love the “Importati Da Corleone, Sicilia Italia”


I think I see an olive oil factory/warehouse scratch build in my future!


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