Have I bought anything cool lately? Yes, but in this instance not for myself.
Several days ago, in this thread, my train club friend was mentioned as an example of model train creep; i.e., spend a modest amount on a "great deal" then spend thousands adding on to this modest purchase. In my friend's case, he got a great deal on four LIONEL NP full length aluminum vista domes, N/OB at Spring York 2021--$125.00. He had no other NP trains since he began collecting trains 40+ years ago.
Since that modest purchase, he's spent a couple thousand dollars on additional K-Line, Lionel and custom painted pax cars and F unit diesels.
This is important background info since my contribution to this model train creep most recently occurred yesterday. A new K-Line four pak of their popular NP NCL 15" aluminum cars showed up on ebay, N/OB so I "shared" the listing with him. He'd previously purchased the two-car add-on set after @PaperTRW responded to my WTB on this forum and my friend bought them from a hobby shop in Michigan with me serving as his purchase agent.
He emailed me last night and asked me to order them for him (since he's averse to online buying)--and they are now on their way to him.

This may be a bit unusual in sequencing since he bought the two-car add-on set almost a year ago and wasn't looking for the initial four-car set.
Truth be told, I just bought the K-Line F-7 AA set that goes with these pax cars and I already own the LIONEL TMCC F-3 ABA set for the NP NCL, and I'm in the midst of painting a set of ABA NP NCL F units using new components purchased from LIONEL during their most recent parts sale, Microscale decals, etc.
So I have my own version of model train creep.