Came home from the club with more than I brought to the club… you know… good deal, can’t pass it up… pre-bachmann Williams Alco FA A-A set like new for cheap! Only issue was burnt out headlights, but I actually had a couple bulbs in my parts bin!
Last month my C-Liners arrived, followed by the Vision Line Class A & Hog cars. Not great video, but it works.
@Steaming Jon posted:
Just when I thought I had all three Commodore Vandibilt engines made by Lionel, Gray, Blue, and Red, I found another different one on the bay. This is the Gray Commodore labeled "WEATHER" on the set box. Again, I made a reasonable offer and this Weathered Vanderbilt will soon join its other namesakes in the roundhouse.
I won't mention one other CV you need. Ok I will. Niel Young did one in rainbow colors for his I believe His Vapor Records.
@Dave Nichols posted:I won't mention one other CV you need. Ok I will. Niel Young did one in rainbow colors for his I believe His Vapor Records.
Dave, The Neil Young Commodore was a one-of-a-kind custom-painted engine for Neil Young. When Neil Young auctioned off his collection, the rainbow Commodore sold for $10,000 back in 2017. I can always paint my gray Commodore in Rainbow colors. doubt if I would get $10,000...
Another Trainmaster seemed like a good idea, but I wanted a dummy unit. These are hard to find but this powered unit showed up online in the iconic JCL orange & blue scheme - for a “too good to pass up” price, so FedEx just dropped it off this morning. Looks like it’s never been run. Don’t know much about the mfr/importer but I like the engine !
Rich in SD
I just took delivery of Mr. Muffins custom rum ex MTH now Lionel PRR ALCo RS27.
You probably cant see it but Lionel did up the details a bit by having the Grab rails separately applied rather than MTH moded in Grab rails an adding marker lights. It would have been really nice if there was a see thru radiator grill with simulated cooling fan.
Rich, that is a Samhongsa (I know that’s not the correct spelling) but that is a terrific engine that will last a lifetime.
Picked up the Donald Trump 2024 50'double door box car at Just Trains yesterday.Very sharp looking as well.
@prrhorseshoecurve posted:I just took delivery of Mr. Muffins custom rum ex MTH now Lionel PRR ALCo RS27.
You probably cant see it but Lionel did up the details a bit by having the Grab rails separately applied rather than MTH moded in Grab rails an adding marker lights. It would have been really nice if there was a see thru radiator grill with simulated cooling fan.
I’ve had the rs-27 on my wish list since they were announced. Is the space between the frame and body as noticeable as it was with the sd70 mac?
@trestleking posted:
Another Trainmaster seemed like a good idea, but I wanted a dummy unit. These are hard to find but this powered unit showed up online in the iconic JCL orange & blue scheme - for a “too good to pass up” price, so FedEx just dropped it off this morning. Looks like it’s never been run. Don’t know much about the mfr/importer but I like the engine !
Rich in SD
The Trainmaster is a Custom Trains engine produced by Frank and Jack Rash in the 1980s-1990s in Wilkes-Barre, PA. They also produced freight cars and other rolling stock under the Frank's Roundhouse label. As Rod said, they used Samhongsa running gear; the shells were blank shells that they painted. The inside of the shells could be marked "Williams Reproductions LTD" (usually, but not always, scratched out) or "Custom Trains." The end of the box should have a label identifing it as stock number SA-1003 (although some of the boxes I have do not have labels; they've probably fallen off) and the road numbers would be 2342, 2343, or 2344.
An excellent site for information and pictures of the Frank's Roundhouse line is the Robert's Trains web site:
Click on the Trainmaster pictures for two pages of info on them. Again, as Rod said, they are great engines. I had Gunrunner John upgrade one of mine (SA-1017 PRR 8700) to TMCC. It's a great runner.
@GregK posted:
That really IS cool! I’ve wanted an O gauge Amtrak set for years but don’t have the space, so I recently bought a Kato N gauge set (from a Forum sponsor).
I’m impressed that the Lionel set you got has a cab car. What a great addition to the usual coaches. Enjoy running it. The Genesis consists look awfully sleek in any scale.
Tomlinson Run Railroad
@GregK posted:
A great example why this toy train hobby is so much fun. An individual does not have to purchase high end products to be impressed. There is enjoyment at all price points.
At 18” the passenger cars are enormous for O36 curves but they run. Now I might need the coach two pack to fill out the consist… and maybe another Genesis in one of those nice anniversary paint schemes. 😂
Arrived the other day, the MTH repro of the American Flyer Wide Gauge Switch Tower. Will be used on The VintageHubby’s new WIDE GAUGE/STANDARD GAUGE Basement Layout.
Well we were away over the Christmas / New Year's Holiday visiting family and just had our "saved" mail delivered yesterday. What should I find, but a Christmas present (from my wife) that arrived from Kalmbach books over the interval we were away.
I am not very expert on Diesel engines and it always impressed me how some on the forum could "rattle off" the make/model/statistics on what seemed to me to be a bunch of look alike locomotives. So I wanted to gain some knowledge about these machines and in November spotted these two books being offered at a sale price on Kalmbach's site. Mentioned this to the wife then promptly forgot about it and she went and ordered them for me!! I have just cracked them open, but I can say that they are FULL of color and b&w pictures and just enough technical discussion that an amateur like me can follow it. They cover both today's locomotives and the history of Diesel's and the companies that made them.
Well it looks like in the future I will just know enough to be dangerous
Best Wishes
@bobfett posted:Rich,
The Trainmaster is a Custom Trains engine produced by Frank and Jack Rash in the 1980s-1990s in Wilkes-Barre, PA. They also produced freight cars and other rolling stock under the Frank's Roundhouse label. As Rod said, they used Samhongsa running gear; the shells were blank shells that they painted. The inside of the shells could be marked "Williams Reproductions LTD" (usually, but not always, scratched out) or "Custom Trains." The end of the box should have a label identifing it as stock number SA-1003 (although some of the boxes I have do not have labels; they've probably fallen off) and the road numbers would be 2342, 2343, or 2344.
An excellent site for information and pictures of the Frank's Roundhouse line is the Robert's Trains web site:
Click on the Trainmaster pictures for two pages of info on them. Again, as Rod said, they are great engines. I had Gunrunner John upgrade one of mine (SA-1017 PRR 8700) to TMCC. It's a great runner.
@bobfett, thank you for the link & back story on these, very interesting. My box end is SA-1003. Found a price tag in the box, would $229.95 be an accurate MSRP ?
Rich in SD
@Carey TeaRose posted:
Neat! Years back I picked up a Wings of Texaco DC3 at a local Texaco Station.
If you look in the lower right hand corner you will see the box.
@trestleking posted:@bobfett, thank you for the link & back story on these, very interesting. My box end is SA-1003. Found a price tag in the box, would $229.95 be an accurate MSRP ?
Rich in SD
Hi Rich,
$229 sounds like it was probably the selling price for the Custom Trains FMs when they were new. All of mine were purchased on the secondary market for $100 - $125 on the average.
Hope you enjoy running your engine as much as I enjoy running mine.
RPO stamped cover, from the guy who later founded the Colorado Railroad Museum at Golden. This is from the very final day of RPO operations on the East Tennessee & Western North Carolina Railroad, in 1940. I never thought I'd have one of these but scored this on ePay and it showed up today!
The mark is for Boone, NC and Johnson City, TN. Only one railroad ever spanned between those towns!
@Carey TeaRose posted:
Classics, very nice.
Latest RTC acquisitions: Two 3659 dump cars and a 2657 caboose courtesy of RTC sponsor E.O. Costello. In very good nick (all the solenoids work) which gives me train show ideas for using the 3659s as mobile candy dispensers for the kiddies...
Goes nicely with the 248, sez I.
Just got this in the mail. I haven't gone through it yet but I'm really looking forward to that. The V&O was a real ground-breaking layout in the hobby for many different ways and I was always a fan.
And at the risk of name-dropping, I think it'll be clear where I got my copy...
My grandma passed away and grandpa is selling their house. This hung in the kitchen for decades so I grabbed it.
Bought this CLW PS-4 recently. Needed a little tweaking but is now running well...Tender was already painted in my favorite paint to the paint booth for the loco!
@Don McErlean posted:
Years ago Jeff Wilson wrote separate books on EMD E and F units which I purchased since these are, by far, my favorite locomotives.
If his single volume on both is nearly as good, you'll have hours of interesting reading and photos to enjoy.
Just received an order of misc. trees. The cost of trees add up quickly and these aren’t even top of the line.
Continuing my delivery of preorders... I got these several weeks ago but finally found time to inspect them...
All photos taken by me.
Figured the three Wings of Texaco aeroplanes and the two Barclay pilots needed an AF 769 rotating airplane beacon.
Arrived yesterday. What you are seeing is a PRETTY PROP. This original SG Lionel 1835E & it’s matching 1835W tender. There are too many reasons and too many problems to mention here, but it’s going to be shipped back & returned for a full refund. *sigh*
@p51 posted:It's a totally different book. Ironically, it was published almost exactly when Allen McClelland passed away from a stroke.
I read it last night, and it's a really good book.
I'm looking forward to getting my copy of the new book. I have saved the original articles from RMC magazine. They are hiding in my library somewhere.