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Hey Guys,

I want to run an O gauge handcar inside my layout, which would require curves that are tighter than 027.  Because handcars are so short, I would think that they could run on something like 024 curve or smaller.

Any ideas on how to buy or make those tighter curves?



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John Coy’s Glacier Lines has a very tight turn as a reverse loop using Gargraves flextrack. Could be 024.  Very small engine pushing a snowplow. There’s a video on You Tube showing it. Should be fine for a handcar. If you pickup some Gargraves. Purchase new stock if you can. May not hurt to spray the ties with some WD 40 as it let the rails move easier. Just find a flower pot or something the diameter you want to bend it around. When done just reposition the ties and fasten it down.

Last edited by Dave_C

I have bent Gargraves flex track to something just  under 024 using the method Dave C. outlined above. Use plenty of WD40 and even push some of the ties by hand if need be. I make a bending jig out of ply wood -- 1/4' is fine for this job. I cut a semi circle of the desired radius out of one piece and then screw it to the other piece leaving at least 6" from the outer edge of the radius exposed on the lower piece. Then holding the flex track on the lower piece of wood, slowly pull it against the curved piece to bend it.

I have bent Gargraves to tighter than O27, though rather than use sand as the filler(which is pretty clever actually,)  I inserted solid copper conductor that was slicked up with grease and then bent the track around a metal trash can with a tapered radius to the desired  curvature.The tie spacing can get crowded/problematic but can be eased with some selective clipping of the ties on the inside rail and centers.  Love those Gargraves wooden ties too, using spikes to fix minor gauge issues.

Last edited by atlpete

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