You need more than just the slave board to make the conversion. You will need the board, a complete wiring harness, and the plug and socket to connect the A and B units. And once you do the conversion, the second unit cannot be run by itself.
The parts show up occasionally on eBay or the OGR For Sale board, or you could post a WTB ad on the OGR board. There are a lot of them floating around from units that have been upgraded to PS/2. You can check with GGG, he might have a set to sell as he does a lot of MTH upgrades.
I once did a crude conversion to make a pair of PS/1 A units run back to back. I rewired the second A unit so it started backwards from neutral and coupled it up to the lead unit. When I was running the pair I usually locked out the reverse so I wouldn't accidentally get one unit pulling in each direction. Later on I got hold of a complete set of master and slave boards and upgraded the AA pair to PS/2. This might not work with your Dallee board because it's likely the two units would run at different speeds, so you would have to put a DCRU in the trailer. That's easy enough and old DCRU's are a dime a dozen.
Here's a photo of the wiring harness out of a Proto-1 slave unit. It is from a DL-110B.