Anyone else start out with great ideas to have an operating layout only to compromise due to space? I had great intentions that all my industries will come off of a siding and have runarounds. I was sure that I would never have to tie up my main line with operations. Well, reality set in. If I want to have a siding with a runaround for just 10 forty foot scale boxcars and caboose, I need at least 12 feet!
Now I have decided that if I need a run around, my engines are going to have to use the main line. Any on coming trains are just going to have to wait. Also, because I need about 12' for each siding, I will have several industries share as siding. I will probably only have about 2-3 sidings with 3-5 industries off each siding.
Anyway, here is a video of my first siding on my lower level. Planning on four industries attached to the siding, Dairy, Dry Goods, Beer, and Small Oil Co.