Well, I made a couple of blowups of the original ad as well as the doctored-up Lionel ad version. These will be nice additions to the train room.
I wonder if that proud mother/wife ever considered that the family constipation problem might have something to do with her cooking? 
It's interesting to think of the societal changes that have occurred since the time that ad was run. Smiling fathers and sons on the floor playing with trains was a common vision of calm and order in a home, promoted by countless Lionel ads back in those days illustrating the same vision. Fathers and sons playing with trains in a home, like a family sitting around the radio listening together in earlier times, for example, was looked upon as an entirely usual and normal thing, and evidence of family health and well-being. Nowadays such a picture, particularly with a laxative ad, would be looked upon as a real oddity. The connection would be completely lost.