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Cupola color for Pennsylvania RR N8 caboose?


I have an MTH #20-98098 N8 caboose that is lettered for "Pittsburgh Region" and has a black roof with a cupola painted black with yellow on the sides.  I am looking for prototype photos which show this "yellow cupola" paint variation.


Note: Also shown is the MTH #20-91049 N8 caboose lettered for "Buckeye Region" having an all yellow cupola.







Images (1)
  • MTH N8 CABOOSE 004
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Here is a portion of Pennsy Cabin Car info I copy from somewhere.  Not sure if from a fellow forum member or another site.


"NOVEMBER 1, 1961

Marking of cupola side sheets added for pool cars (cupola sides painted Chrome Yellow for cars permanently assigned to pool service, yellow donut [2" i.d., 5" o.d.] applied to cupola side sheets for cars temporarily assigned to pool service). Sets record for short lived scheme (see next entry!!!).

"DECEMBER 1, 1961

"Outline Keystone" (see below) tracing issued. Cars still painted as above, except cupolas on pool cars were entirely Chrome Yellow (including cupola roofs). Same yellow donut for cars temporarily assigned to pool service."



I think MTH might have used Morning Sun's photo in selecting their #478171 paint scheme.



MTH (and Atlas, Lionel and Weaver) make good use of the Morning Sun Color Guides and other references like the Railway Prototype Cyclopedias.  Page through one and you can usually match up the photos with several O scale models right down to the car number. 


The cover photo of the Northern Pacific color guide was used for for the Atlas Trainman NP RBL. 


Last edited by Ted Hikel
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