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I'll be finishing deconstruction of my table top layout this weekend and prepping to build a new "around the walls" layout.

Been back in the hobby for about 2 years and I've been running Legacy with a couple of diesels and steamers with no issues or problems to speak of and have a couple new Legacy BT engines on pre-order.

I'm trying to decide if I should add DCS to the new layout. If I did, I would go the TIU, WIU, Premium App and iDevice route. I like the idea of being able to run wirelessly on my iPhone or iPad and I know that will spark the grandkids' interest as well.  I also like the idea of being able to run and compare different equipment, like a PS 3 locomotive.

The additional expense and work to the layout are not primary considerations but, if I'm going to do it, I'd like to do the work now, rather than having to add DCS in the future. 

My biggest concern is all the issues that seem to come up with the DCS system. My unscientific polling is that the problems and complaints on this Forum with DCS seem to run about 5 to 1, as compared to Legacy/TMCC issues, and I'm concerned that adding DCS may be more trouble and expense and turn out more unsatisfying than it's worth.

Any comments/suggestions are appreciated.


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I have both on my layout, and I haven't really had any problems that make me want to remove that control system. There is going to be some things to figure out as with any setup, but me personally have had few and far between. Also, most of my locomotive power is supplied by MTH, I have a grand total of two Lionel Legacy Engines.

You may want to consider getting the MTH DCS Companion Book that Barry wrote, as that will go through how to wire it up, and various other recommendations. You may want to consider getting the DCS Wi-Fi Companion since you are talking about using the App and WIU, for information regarding that.


Whether you decide to use DCS or not make sure your wiring scheme will support it. By this I mean DCS needs what some people call a  'star' pattern. DCS works by sending and receiving signals through the power and ground lines so unless something has changed in the last few years (I don't use DCS) then each power/ground  pair must be the same length. Legacy won't mind this wiring scheme at all.

If you are serious about DCS then buy the OGR DCS Video giude or the latest copy of the DCS Companion book by Barry ?Broskowitz?


Last edited by Joe Fauty

 I have been using it a long time (14 years?). There are times that have tested my patience. Mainly software bugs or new design flaws that had to be ironed out. If you think some other product won't take patience you'd better stay away from (current) toy trains!

I have tried other brands and seen many other users chase after the latest greatest things.

It works, costs less, free DCS software upgrades, very flexible, and does more than many other systems still. There are so many features built in that it is tough to list them all here. I believe it actually does more than any other system out there, just with the built in features. I have not outgrown it yet.

 Some posters will try to post any drawback they can come up with. They fall short of all the positives of the system. I even use it outside on my G scale too.

As far as the wiring, it works on many different types of wiring and layouts. If the power is distributed to larger layouts correctly, the signal will too. Mine works all the way around my outside backyard.

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