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Hi all,

Here's a link to a youtube video (ca. 2008) for a 4x8 fastrack layout having an inner loop with some interesting zigs & zags: ( ).  I can't quite replicate the inner loop without gaps or cut pieces...the video certainly makes it look as if it's all standard pieces (and this was before 031 was manufactured for f-track).  Attached is a picture of about as good as I can get with SCARM (and scarm file)4x8_Clover_street_fastrack.

Anyone up to tweaking it?



Images (1)
  • 4x8_Clover_street_fastrack
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Rerailer (David),

Here's the plan fitted and elevated to 3". It's a 317 Lionel bridge. Select a small piece and look in the lower left of SCARM to identify if it is 1 3/8 or 1 3/4.

Build your own pylons or cookie cutter a sub-roadbed. The kink near the crossover is strange, but you would have it even with O31.

The plan that Daz found is in the upper left. Click and drag the bottom right triangle to expand.

I also used dirt bumpers for the trolley.


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