Adding ufos can take us from reality to pure fiction. keep in mind hat there are several well documented cases of ufo interaction with trains. In one such case a diesel freight stopped and then started up again after pass overs by ufos.
Bob C.
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Adding ufos can take us from reality to pure fiction. keep in mind hat there are several well documented cases of ufo interaction with trains. In one such case a diesel freight stopped and then started up again after pass overs by ufos.
Bob C.
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There was a thread a while back where people were posting photos of UFOs. Do a forum search and you should find it. There was some good stuff.
UFO's are not fiction, they are fact. There have been to many people/figures disappear (could be cats just not sure) on my layout without any explanation. Also according to the wife, new trains have appeared without explanation. So yes they do exist.
Heres the link to "everything you want to know" about modeling a UFO on a train layout!
The strip is wrapped wrapped around the 11/2" round cockpit. White paint is needed inside to block light bleeding thru the plastic. There is a small LED chip soldered to the strip. It is inserted in the instrument panel to shine light on the aliens' face. Power comes down from the two stainless wires.
Thanks, Bob......nicely done!
I have Harry and Ron in the blue Ford parked in the Whomping Willow by Hogwarts. Does that count?
i picked up this kit a few years ago...
still unassembled, i just got a kick out of seeing an actual scale for something that nobody has ever seen and likely does not even exist.
Will the Starship Enterprise count?
quite a nice job on that ufo
Bob C.
Bob C.
Bob Shaw posted:This is a scout UFO that is hung by .005" stainless wire. It looks much better than the photo.
I have those UFOs also. Lights look great. Below is a video of my lights.
For my application I chose not to install the interior. Instead I painted the "glass" to look like its a solar shield. My UFOs will eventually be chained down.
Here link for video of the lighting...
It is very hard to get pictures of UFOs. And it is easy to fake or photoshop them. I will keep looking for one and it would look good near my space period cars.
Choo Choo Charlie posted:It is very hard to get pictures of UFOs.
Yep, just like it's tough to get photos of leprechauns, unicorns, or Bigfoot.
It is difficult to photograph what isn't there yet people so badly want to be there anyway and will say anything they don't recognize is what they want to see.
As for me, you can probably tell I don't buy into UFOs, mostly because I've been to some of the places people think the government is keeping them and I've seen stuff that from a distance looks like it's from outer space but up close is clearly terrestrial by design and construction. Having a UFO on my layout would be the height of hypocrisy.
read the book DISCLOSURE by Steven Greer and then we can discuss alien ships off the Forum
Bob C.
Robert Coniglio posted:read the book DISCLOSURE by Steven Greer and then we can discuss alien ships off the Forum
I'm very aware of the book. Best piece of satire I've ever read.
if there really is intelligent life out there why would the come here!
AlanRail posted:if there really is intelligent life out there why would the come here!
Yep. They'd most likely do one of two things:
Even Carl Sagan admitted there was an equal chance that we could possibly be the first intelligent lifeform out there. Someone, he said, has to come first...
I have zero trouble accepting the possibility there's an alien on another planet smacking another with a rock to get it's food, but space-faring ones that have visited earth?
There is no credible evidence anywhere to support that other than some people who so badly want it to be so that they'll grasp at anything to support their backwards logic.
But all the UFO loonies really don't have a clue about many of the things they talk of. Like I wrote earlier, I have been to some of the places they like to name as 'proven' sites for aliens, and I know as a fact that there's no freaking space alien anything where I've been.
Want to deal with it in a funny concept or like it in sci-fi? I'll be right there with you. But you tell me that these places really have aliens or their stuff, then I'll know for sure you're full of sheep dip and have no earthly clue what you're talking about. These people are right up there with the people who think the Moon landings were faked.
Folks, I've worked for the government, and they simply aren't swift enough to pull off a large conspiracy. Even the secrets that were much smaller in scale they really did keep, like the stealth aircraft in the 70s and 80s, eventually got out.
So, I'll pull out of this thread now as with a topic like this, you either believe in this stuff or you don't and those who wanna believe will listen only to that which supports their original premise...
Well we are veering off course on this thread and it is my fault I fear. I apologize for this. I would like to see more layout model ufos. the ones I have seen so far are plain neat.
Bob C.
I've got this set:
So it'll be on my layout once the layout is built. Also have a whole army of the little guys to invade with. They fit perfectly in stock cars.
interesting item. I like these model ufos you guys are doing
Bob C.
Robert Coniglio posted:Well we are veering off course on this thread and it is my fault I fear. I apologize for this. I would like to see more layout model ufos. the ones I have seen so far are plain neat.
Bob C.
Since we are back on's some new vantage shots of my favorite UFO model from Forbidden Planet.
I have several non-Earth flying machines on my layout, but they have been identified by the ownesrs on television already... Pretty sure that the TARDIS and Doc Brown's engine don't count as UFO's since they have been identified. Otherwise yes.
a spectacular model space ship you have there.
Bob C.
Thank you, Bob.....after getting that model a few Father's Days ago.....I had no choice but to model my train layout with UFO's! Lol!
BFI66 posted:Robert Coniglio posted:Well we are veering off course on this thread and it is my fault I fear. I apologize for this. I would like to see more layout model ufos. the ones I have seen so far are plain neat.
Bob C.
Since we are back on's some new vantage shots of my favorite UFO model from Forbidden Planet.
I love that movie!
BFI66 posted:Robert Coniglio posted:Well we are veering off course on this thread and it is my fault I fear. I apologize for this. I would like to see more layout model ufos. the ones I have seen so far are plain neat.
Bob C.
Since we are back on's some new vantage shots of my favorite UFO model from Forbidden Planet.
Do you have Robot Astrogator for that bad boy?
What is the diameter of the model United Planets Cruiser C-57D?
I once bought a complete set of plans for Enterprise class star ships. never got to build one though.
Bob C.
ROBBIE the robot---a classic
Bob C.
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