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I had the pleasure of attending one of Lerro Production's photo charters at Huckleberry Railroad last week.  I was really hopping there would be snow, but mother nature didn't deliver.  

I just finished editing some video I took of the afternoon runs where they doubleheaded the two locomotives.  

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"The Alaska Railroad came into being in 1914 when Congress purchased the Alaska Northern and authorized funding to complete a line from Seward to Fairbanks, realizing that a privately funded railroad probably could not complete the link to the state's largest cities due to the high cost and relative low return on investment (in other words, the new business gained would not be able to cover construction expenses). With the government takeover and new funding the first step was to purchase the narrow-gauge Tanana Valley Railroad near Fairbanks, which operated about a 45-mile system serving nearby mines."

smd4 posted:

"The Alaska Railroad came into being in 1914 when Congress purchased the Alaska Northern and authorized funding to complete a line from Seward to Fairbanks, realizing that a privately funded railroad probably could not complete the link to the state's largest cities due to the high cost and relative low return on investment (in other words, the new business gained would not be able to cover construction expenses). With the government takeover and new funding the first step was to purchase the narrow-gauge Tanana Valley Railroad near Fairbanks, which operated about a 45-mile system serving nearby mines."

Now THAT makes more sense!  Thanks.

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