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I've uncovered my fathers 110/111 trestle set, but no instruction sheets. I'm not sure how to connect my tubular track to the Lionel 110-29 tie channels, or how to connect the 214 up... I may be missing hardware so I'm hoping someone here can set me straight. I haven't decided if I am going to be using O-27 or O track yet on this upper loop - I suspect there may be different sets of hardware?

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To bmoran4:


I used to use these trestles and the 3 sided metal pieces that connect the trestles to the track either tubular 031 or 027. Use the screws that came with the trestle sets. Insert the screws up though the holes in the 3 sided metal pieces and then into the holes in the track ties. There are some new unopened trestle sets in my local train store but they are the newer sets that use plastic connectors instead of the metal ones that I still have at home if you need a set or two of the trestle sets. Phone me Thursday or Friday during the day @ 914 478 9365.

Originally Posted by KOOLjock1:

HERE's what you need!






Unfortunately, those instructions are about 50 years too new and reference the newer style plastic retainers, not the metallic ones from the 1958 black set I have. I'd like to see the original instruction sheet to know if/how I need the following:


Lionel 110-19, 110-3, 110-20, 110-18 etc...

#4 sheet metal screws are the right diameter. I think you will need something longer than 1/2 inch.
The "U" shaped pieces slide into the channel on the tops of the trestles. Then the screws go through the ties, and into the pre-drilled holes in the "U" piece. The holes have different spacing because they are used for both 0 and 027 track. Only use the matching holes. A complete trestle set will have two of each, sizes "A" through "L". The "L" trestles are often missing. They are just thick rectangles of plastic.


The instructions posted by Jon are fairly close. The main difference being that the modern set does not include the "L" trestles, and the channels are plastic instead of sheet metal.

Last edited by C W Burfle

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