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I am planning what to do with my 4x7 fold down train table.  I have toyed with Marklin HO 3 rail, HO 3 rail and just cannot enjoy them with my failing vision like I want to.  I have my dad's 0-27 set from the late 1940's and always enjoy running it on 0-27 track it came with.  I found his old book, The Golden Book of Trains published in 1953 that features Lionel.  There is a layout on pg 81 that has his exact engine and freight train pictured on it.  I recreated the layout in SCRAM.  Track will be early post war 0-27 with black ties, and the early hump backed remote turnouts, even though the layout in the book was manual( Im getting to old to reach way back and flip manual turnouts).  I dusted off the old 1655, her whistle tender and 3 car freight train and she still runs with the best of them.  Here is the layout I drew up in SCRAM for those that don't have this book in thier collection.   Mike



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Single train operation is fine as I struggle to keep up with two of them with the noise overload.  I am looking at putting some indoor/outdoor carpet as a table top surface over the green painted wood to keep the noise down a bit.  I saw method of using 2 zip ties to hold down the track instead of a screw.  This would transmit less noise to the table top.

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