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I am trying to set up a loop of track in conventional mode using the variable 1 channel of the TIU. I go through the following steps taken from The DCS O Gauge Companion guide. When I get to the part Add track/Add TIU Track the display on the remote reads "Max number of TIU tracks reached". I have never set up any tracks prior. When I scroll through all the track numbers, they all show up blank. I even tried deleting a track but I still get the same error message. Any ideas on what I might be doing wrong or how I can correct the problem.  I am using a Loinel 1033 transformer for track power. I also plugged in an MTH Z-750 into the AUX port of the TIU but still get the same error. 

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I don't think the power supply is giving the right wattage required to run our TIU. 

The Z750 is perfectly fine to power the TIU via the Aux. Power port. Also, the 1033, while by no means a powerhouse of a transformer, should be adequate to operate a single conventional locomotive.


I've never seen the message that you reference, however, I've never tried to sign more than one TIU Track per TIU channel, which seems to be what the message is trying to tell you.

I have never set up any tracks prior. When I scroll through all the track numbers, they all show up blank. I even tried deleting a track but I still get the same error message.

Some questions:

  • What version of DCS are you using?
  • Are you sure that the TIU is powered, i.e., is the red LED inside the TIU lit?
  • What number is the TIU, i.e., how many times does the red LED blink at TIU power-up before coming on steady?
  • You state: "I have never set up any tracks prior. When I scroll through all the track numbers, they all show up blank. I even tried deleting a track but I still get the same error message."

This seems to me to be self-conrtadictory. If you have no TIU Tracks, how can you scroll thought them or delete them?

Last edited by Barry Broskowitz


Exact error message reads "MAXIMUM TIU TRACKS REACHED"....i get this right after selecting ADD TIU TRACK...


Answers to your questions:

1. V4.3

2. Power is on and only coming from the AUX Power Input which is the Z-750

3. This is the earlier version of the TIU and is #1 (red LED blinks once)

4. All I meant by that is as soon as you press the TR key on the remote it displays track numbers 1-251


Thank you for your help and the quick reply.


But isn't the term "TIU tracks" referring to tracks controlled by the Z4000 receiver?

No, not so.


TIU Tracks are controlled by using the Variable channels to adjust voltage within the TIU.


Z4K Tracks are for using Fixed channels (or Variable channels in Fixed mode) to accept a voltage that is adjusted in the Z4000.

4. All I meant by that is as soon as you press the TR key on the remote it displays track numbers 1-251

That's your problem. The TIU thinks that is has a full complement of TIU tracks already set up. Why it thinks that and it won't allow you to delete any, I cannot say.


I agree with Gregg. Do a Factory Reset of the TIU and reload everything back into it, or try a different remote.

I have no problem doing a factory reset....I only just started with DCS and only have 1 PS3 engine set up....for Factory reset I did the following:

- Menu/System/TIU Setup/Reset TIU/Factory Reset

Message "Items associated to TIU will be lost...Press select to continue"

- I press down on the thumb wheel to select and then get the message:

"Resetting TIU ..Please wait"

- I am then returned to the main TIU menu....

However when I go back to the main screen my engine that I set up still appears. And there is no default track set for variable I doing something wrong to get back to factory settings???


Remote is reset....when I now select TR two display show up:

1: TIU VAR 1

2: TIU VAR 2

I select option 1 and VOLTS:15.5 shows up.....

Yet I still have no power showing on the lockon...

I have the Z-750 plugged into the AUX POWER INPUT on the TIU

VAR 1 on the TIU is connected to a Lionel 1033

The left the power on the Lionel 1033 to off.

Even is I do turn it on ....still now power to the track...

If I bypass the TIU and connect the 1033 to the lockon all works well..

Any further help would be greatly appreciated......


TIU VAR1 Setup


Images (1)
  • TIU VAR1 Setup: Setup

You need full power from the 1033 to the input of var 1,  Var 1 out to the track

 My remote shows 0 voltage. anyway try this one,

Menu System /Dcs set up/ Select Var 1 and hit FXD. ,This will set the VAR 1 to fixed mode however the FXD key is like a rocker switch, each time you press it it changes  the channel from FXD to VAR  and back to FXD etc, The remote will tell you what mode you've selected. Select Var mode.

Last edited by Gregg

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