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This is my first track plan in a very long while and I'd really appreciate some experienced feedback on it.  I'm thinking about doing a 7'x7' fold down from the wall.  This would be for my kids so, based on 8ft ceilings, it would be about 1 foot off the floor when folded out and I think I'm OK with that.  I don't have much more room than 7' along the length of the wall so I did my best to keep the plan within 7x7 or smaller.


All track is tubular O.  The outer loop is min O42.  For the inner, I really liked the idea of a folded dogbone since it provides a reversing loop in both directions and a little more interest.  It took a lot to work to get it to this point but I think it is decent.  It'd be nice to have some sidings for switching but I think I'd rather have two complete loops for running at this point.


Any problems or improvements would be appreciated.  Thanks.



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  • room
Last edited by CVette
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Thanks everyone!


2 sides will be against walls so I'll have to think about access.  I'd like to make it strong enough that I can walk on it but it may become too heavy.  I need to start designing the benchwork and structure.  I hope to create some sort of cube storage on the bottom side that can be used when the layout is folded against the wall.  The room will be a playroom for the kids.


The folded dogbone idea came from a track plan email.  Here's a screenshot of the email.





Thanks for the update Mike.  I actually plan to use K-Line Supersnap switches so I won't have to worry about switch machines.  Below is an update that gives me a long siding to connect the two loops.  It gives me much more flexibility with just another 4-6".




Images (2)
  • room-idea
  • room2

Mike, nice job on the conversion of the original plan!


Cvette, fairly convoluted when switching from counter clockwise to clockwise direction, I like it!


If you add 2 or 3 access hatches in the middle, you'll thank yourself later. They can be hinged so that they fold down when you need to climb up from beneath.





Images (1)
  • room2_access

The track plan is interesting, but have you thought about how inconvenient a fold-up plan is with the set-up time, and then everything has to be put away later? Will you incorporate storage shelves on the wall for all the trains and buildings?  


You might want to consider a smaller plan that doesn't have to fold up. A layout that is ready to go is a lot handier for spur-of-the-moment action.  


Another possibility is for a fold-up plan to have a stationary yard section against the wall where you can park the trains, instead of having to remove them all from the table to fold it up.  


A foot off the floor is OK for kids, but will you be happy with that in the long run?


Here's an earlier thread with some photos of the frame work for my 6x9.  I wouldn't worry too much about using the X frame like I did, as I was using what was available at the house the day I built it.  A regular square frame should suffice.


I like your layout.  As long as the kids are old enough to fix their own derailments they, and you, should really enjoy it.  However, if you have even one engineer who is too young to fix his own derailments, requiring you to fix it, I'd think twice about building that plan because you'll constantly being crawling across it to get to those switches and it will get old in hurry.

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