I am curious to find out what Virginian and N&W Train Masters may have run together after the merger of the two railroads. I bought a Williams dummy FM Train Master (sorry it is the fantasy blue / yellow but it was a bargain) to run with a Lionel Legacy TM to model a consist around the period after the merger when N&W may not have repainted the original Virginians. So, the idea is that the consist (lash-up??? ) would have the Lionel black / yellow Virginian and the Williams dummy repainted in an appropriate N&W scheme. So, the question is what would that combination have been?
The merger was in 1959 and most of the N&W FM pictures in the 60s are pevlar blue. Black FMs seems to appear in the 70s and the tuscan red paint was discontinued in 1958. So, should the williams be repainted Pevlar blue? Here is a linked picture from the N&WHS that might be the one I would try to duplicate to run with the Virginian.