I was just reading Mr Muffins webpage this morning,he had been to York from Ind. He traveled to Just Trains from York.
For anyone not familiar with this part of the country.
When you go to Just Train's,you are roughly about a 1/2 hour away from Maryland Crab Houses near or on the Cheasapeake Bay.
This isn't a thread on which one is better or worse.
I had a boat down in that area for 20+ year's,so I'm reasonably familiar with the area
I'm just trying to inform people what's close,because when you go to Just Trains,and are not familiar with the area ,you would not have any idea you are so close to the Cheasapeake Bay
Here's some links,my first pick,and my favorite would be The Taproom,you'll enjoy the area.
Howard House is closer,Woody's is a nice area also
I'll probably repost this with the new forum
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