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Originally Posted by T4TT:
I would have loved an atsf super Hudson,  but i am hooked on legacy and the looks of third rail engines for me do not overcome that deficit.  I hope Lionel will consistently rival third rail some day

Really the only difference between my Legacy AC12 and my 3rd Rail AC9 is the smoke volume and whistle smoke. Other wise the AC9 runs just as well as the Legacy, but has a lot more detail.


Originally Posted by Traindiesel:
Originally Posted by Passenger Train Collector:

There will be many happy folks come January with their new SF Hi-Level set. Jim will be at the head of the line. 

Woooo!  And I'll be second in line!  I missed out on the K-Line version of these and did cartwheels when Scott announced this set.


(Now try and get THAT vision out of your minds!)  

I missed out on the K-Line high levels as well. Been trying to track down the transition cars for a couple years, but REFUSE to pay the price for them that they were commanding.


Now I'll have a great El Cap, Super Chief, and run them as the combine El Cap/SC with 4 powered 3rd Rail F7's

Last edited by Former Member

"Now I'll have a great El Cap, Super Chief, and run them as the combine El Cap/SC with 4 powered 3rd Rail F7's"


This should be the nicest passenger train on your fabulous layout. Can't wait for you to receive it and post pictures. The Sante Fe Hi-Levels are unequalled in the passenger train world.

The consist for train # 18 Combined SC/EL Cap from LA to Chicago in Sept 1959.


60' RPO

Baggage Mail

Baggage Dorm

Hi-Level Step Down

Hi-Level Chair Car

Hi-Level Diner

Hi-Level Lounge

Hi-Level Chair Car

Hi-Level Step Down

10-6 Sleeping car

2-4-4 Sleeping car

Pleasure Dome

Dining Car

2-4-4 Sleeping car

(2) 10-6 Sleeping cars

Last edited by jvega2
Originally Posted by jvega2:

The consist for train # 18 Combined SC/EL Cap from LA to Chicago in Sept 1959.


60' RPO

Baggage Mail

Baggage Dorm

Hi-Level Step Down

Hi-Level Chair Car

Hi-Level Diner

Hi-Level Lounge

Hi-Level Chair Car

Hi-Level Step Down

10-6 Sleeping car

2-4-4 Sleeping car

Pleasure Dome

Dining Car

2-4-4 Sleeping car

(2) 10-6 Sleeping cars

YEP, that is the way I remember Train #17 heading West out of Chicago.  Train #18 was East bound from LA to Chicago and did not have an RPO in the consist.


Can you share your source?

This has been such a great thread with lots of very informative and useful information.  I too am a Santa Fe fan and have all of the K-Line 21" cars plus an extra or two.  In addition, I have two complete sets of their Amtrak in 3-rail and the other in 2-rail.  BUT...for sure, the GGD set will be the standard.  They will be accurate and beautiful cars!!



You guys have really been making me nervous with all this talk and pictures about this beautiful train.  I had a chance to buy a complete set of the K-Line 21" cars recently and passed on it.  That was because I assured my wife that I would not buy any more engines or trains until I got a lot of scenery done.  I don't doubt that I will have a tough time finding one when I am finally in the market, but the search has always been part of the fun.  I know the K-Line set is gorgeous and I have no doubt that the GGD will be also.



Originally Posted by jvega2:


The consist for train # 18 Combined SC/EL Cap from LA to Chicago in Sept 1959.


60' RPO

Baggage Mail

Baggage Dorm

Hi-Level Step Down

Hi-Level Chair Car

Hi-Level Diner

Hi-Level Lounge

Hi-Level Chair Car

Hi-Level Step Down

10-6 Sleeping car

2-4-4 Sleeping car

Pleasure Dome

Dining Car

2-4-4 Sleeping car

(2) 10-6 Sleeping cars


That combine train is easy to build if you have the SC and El Cap sets from GGD... Even for you Brian with the K-Line cars, you just need enough powered units in the consist to pull it.... oh and a big enough layout. I'll have to run that train at the club in San Diego.
Originally Posted by Laidoffsick:
Originally Posted by jvega2:


The consist for train # 18 Combined SC/EL Cap from LA to Chicago in Sept 1959.


60' RPO

Baggage Mail

Baggage Dorm

Hi-Level Step Down

Hi-Level Chair Car

Hi-Level Diner

Hi-Level Lounge

Hi-Level Chair Car

Hi-Level Step Down

10-6 Sleeping car

2-4-4 Sleeping car

Pleasure Dome

Dining Car

2-4-4 Sleeping car

(2) 10-6 Sleeping cars


That combine train is easy to build if you have the SC and El Cap sets from GGD... Even for you Brian with the K-Line cars, you just need enough powered units in the consist to pull it.... oh and a big enough layout. I'll have to run that train at the club in San Diego.

I have the El Cap set on order. I really regret not getting the SC set when it came out

Originally Posted by SantaFeJim:
Originally Posted by jvega2:

The consist for train # 18 Combined SC/EL Cap from LA to Chicago in Sept 1959.


60' RPO

Baggage Mail

Baggage Dorm

Hi-Level Step Down

Hi-Level Chair Car

Hi-Level Diner

Hi-Level Lounge

Hi-Level Chair Car

Hi-Level Step Down

10-6 Sleeping car

2-4-4 Sleeping car

Pleasure Dome

Dining Car

2-4-4 Sleeping car

(2) 10-6 Sleeping cars

YEP, that is the way I remember Train #17 heading West out of Chicago.  Train #18 was East bound from LA to Chicago and did not have an RPO in the consist.


Can you share your source?

In 1959, the East bound #18 had an RPO from LA to Kansas City and at KC would switch out the RPO as well as the LA to Kansas City 10-6 sleeper. So yes, Jim is partially correct, no RPO Eastbound from Kansas City to Chicago.

Last edited by jvega2

jvega2 stated:  "In 1959, the East bound #18 had an RPO from LA to Kansas City and at KC would switch out the RPO as well as the LA to Kansas City 10-6 sleeper. So yes, Jim is partially correct, no RPO Eastbound from Kansas City to Chicago."


Thanks for posting this, that explaines why I did not see the RPO on the Eastbound SC/EC combo into Chicago.

Last edited by SantaFeJim

"Even for you Brian with the K-Line cars, you just need enough powered units in the consist to pull it...."


You got that right. I am running 13 cars in my El Capitan with Lionel F3's (ABBA, two powered) and pulling it and you know you have a heavy load behind. The GGD cars will undoubtedly be heavier, so lots of power is advised.

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