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I have made a change to the lineup of cars in the El Capitan Set. And given more choices for extra cars. Here is the letter sent to all those who had reservations:


Dear Valued GGD Customers,

After much discussion we are preparing to change the consist of our SF and Amtrak El Capitan Lineup.

The change we are proposing is:

Remove the RPO from the 8 Car Set and add a Second Step Down Coach.

Include the RPO and BAGGAGE in the list of extra cars one can purchase.

The Baggage and RPO Cars will be ACF built in design, and will be similar to the 1951 Santa Fe Super Chief Cars, but numbered differently.

The Baggage Dormatory Transition car will be Pullman Built in Design.

The rest of the High Level Cars are Budd Design. I think.

If you would like to change your order line up, by removing extra stepdown coaches, or adding RPO as an extra car let me know.

The AMTRAK livery will be Phase III.

We can't accommodate everyone's wishes, but these changes seem to reflect what most of you have conveyed to me over the last few weeks. Our research matches this since the RPO was only in use for a short time on the El CAP, and never on the AMTRAK.

Please reply as soon as possible with your change wishes.

Thank You,

Scott Mann

Original Post

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The AMTRAK livery will be Phase III.

Wait, WHAT?!?!?!

So you're not doing this:

But rather this:

Is that correct?

Also the transition car (with the fairing) never made it out of Phase I. When these things were converted to HEP, the transition cars became dorms. So the amtrak set is now 2 dorms, a fantasy car, a baggage car, a coach, a diner and a lounge? And... they were modified to line up with superliner diaphragms.

Last edited by Boilermaker1

Scott, thanks for the email and the post, I've replied back to you with my new request. Personally though, I sure would like to see the RPO and Baggage cars Budd Built and not ACF as you stated in your post, most photos I've seen of the EL Cap show Budd cars on the head end. I wonder what other forum members preferences are who also ordered the set, Budd Built or ACF Head end cars? 



Originally Posted by Mill City:

Scott, thank you for the email and your post here. For those that ordered a complete set of twelve El-Cap cars, is there need to change that order?

If you ordered a step down chair car as an add on car, you might want to update your order.  Since an add on step down chair car is still listed on the reservation webpage, you might end up with three of them in the total set.  Unless that's how you want it.


I updated my order at my dealer today.  Just switched out the add on step down chair car for another 72 seat chair car.

I went ahead and pre-ordered a Sante Fe set.  You may wonder why this die-hard Amtrak fan made that decision.  Believe me it was not an easy one as I have plenty of GGD Amtrak single level cars to mix in with the El Cap. 


At the end of the day, I decided that since these will predominantly run on the high rail club I belong to, the Paradise and Pacific in Scottsdale, AZ, that the Santa Fe cars would be the best fit.  Power was also a consideration in trying to find an appropriate set of locomotives.  I was able to pick up a set of MTH FP45s in Warbonnet with the correct numbering and lettering for 1970 which would still be pre-Amtrak and I prefer cowl units over cab units for some odd reason. 


However doing some quick research, Amtrak did lease 5944 and a few others up into 1973 to pull the Super Chief so there is a short window of FP45's pulling Amtrak prior to the arrival of the SDP40F.


Could I have caught the Warbonnet bug? least in high-rail I guess I have.  Excited for this unique train!


Santa Fe experts.  What years did the baggage RPO run?

Last edited by GG1 4877

Richard - Thanks for the info.  Looks like I'll need to renumber my FP45s after all since I ordered the RPO or live with the fact that I have a two year disconnect between my power and the forthcoming cars. 


As a side note, RPOs ran on the NEC until June 30, 1977.  A Penn Central painted M70 did the honors in an Amtrak train.  As I understand, Conrail inherited the mail service, while Amtrak did not.  Of course Amtrak got mail service back for a while in the 80's and 90's only to give it up again.

After spending hours and hours painting the diaphragms on my 10 car set of Super Chief cars (and finding a paint that is close in color and stays flexible).... I am begging Scott..


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE paint the diaphragms silver on the El Capitan cars.  PLEASE


There's not many things I can say about this hobby that I truly did NOT enjoy doing... but painting those 19 diaphragms is at the top of the list I assure you. That sucked!

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE paint the diaphragms silver on the El Capitan cars.


Look at the pictures Erik Lindgren posted in his Super Chief thread.


Pecos River Brass also used a silver colored material for their Super Chief diaphragms.  Perhaps Scott (and you ought to email him) can work something out with the production facility to come up with some silver diaphragms.


Last edited by marker
Originally Posted by rex desilets:

re silver diaphragms: is there a silver fabric paint? Ought to remain flexible if it will adhere, etc.

I tried a couple different fabric paints but they didn't stick well. That paint is meant to go on very thick, and I guess if you put 50 thin coats on, it might look OK. I did find a paint that has worked so far. Stays flexible after it dried but took 2-3 coats to get a good color. It was not very fun hand painting 19 diaphragms 3 times though


Silver Diaphragm Paint

It comes in 4 different colors.... I chose Sterling, and it's pretty close. Like I said, it took me hours and hours to get them painted though.


That's why I'm asking Scott to have them factory painted


Images (1)
  • Silver Diaphragm Paint

There are sometimes scale limitation to actual sized items.


Diaphragms are one of them. Either the scale diaphragm material is too flexible and weak OR strong enough but way too rigid.


Painting them poses similar issues; paint at 1/4 scale is way too thin on a flexible material and with a myriad of coats too thick and prone to flake off.


so maybe you just have to accept the gaps.



Last edited by AlanRail

It has been awhile since there has been any activity on this thread.  I checked the GGD web page and they are still taking reservations for these cars.  I thought by bumping it up Scott may update us on the status, or perhaps a member knows if the cars will be produced and when they may be available.




Remember Fred Hill over at The Original Whistle Stop used Trojan to mold his HO diaphragms in colors and used Tampo decals for the striping. If you want I can chase down more info for you on this methodology.

John Smith used stickers looks like you did too with some success.

I've painted GGD rubber diaphragms on the heavyweight coaches and the silver turned yellowish. Odd

I had asked Scott this question earlier this month & he replied that these Santa Fe “El Capitan” passenger cars could still be delivered this December or in January.


Naveen Rajan

Originally Posted by T4TT:

It has been awhile since there has been any activity on this thread.  I checked the GGD web page and they are still taking reservations for these cars.  I thought by bumping it up Scott may update us on the status, or perhaps a member knows if the cars will be produced and when they may be available.




This project was long overdue in the O-Gauge community. I give Scott a lot of credit for moving this to the forefront. This gives anyone the opportunity to own and run a set of Sante Fe Hi-Levels the opportunity to do so. They are so impressive on a layout, and of course they represent one of the most popular railroads, ever.


Jim, you are not alone in loving the Sante Fe and Hi-Levels.


Originally Posted by T4TT:
I would have loved an atsf super Hudson,  but i am hooked on legacy and the looks of third rail engines for me do not overcome that deficit.  I hope Lionel will consistently rival third rail some day

Really the only difference between my Legacy AC12 and my 3rd Rail AC9 is the smoke volume and whistle smoke. Other wise the AC9 runs just as well as the Legacy, but has a lot more detail.


Originally Posted by Traindiesel:
Originally Posted by Passenger Train Collector:

There will be many happy folks come January with their new SF Hi-Level set. Jim will be at the head of the line. 

Woooo!  And I'll be second in line!  I missed out on the K-Line version of these and did cartwheels when Scott announced this set.


(Now try and get THAT vision out of your minds!)  

I missed out on the K-Line high levels as well. Been trying to track down the transition cars for a couple years, but REFUSE to pay the price for them that they were commanding.


Now I'll have a great El Cap, Super Chief, and run them as the combine El Cap/SC with 4 powered 3rd Rail F7's

Last edited by Former Member

"Now I'll have a great El Cap, Super Chief, and run them as the combine El Cap/SC with 4 powered 3rd Rail F7's"


This should be the nicest passenger train on your fabulous layout. Can't wait for you to receive it and post pictures. The Sante Fe Hi-Levels are unequalled in the passenger train world.

The consist for train # 18 Combined SC/EL Cap from LA to Chicago in Sept 1959.


60' RPO

Baggage Mail

Baggage Dorm

Hi-Level Step Down

Hi-Level Chair Car

Hi-Level Diner

Hi-Level Lounge

Hi-Level Chair Car

Hi-Level Step Down

10-6 Sleeping car

2-4-4 Sleeping car

Pleasure Dome

Dining Car

2-4-4 Sleeping car

(2) 10-6 Sleeping cars

Last edited by jvega2
Originally Posted by jvega2:

The consist for train # 18 Combined SC/EL Cap from LA to Chicago in Sept 1959.


60' RPO

Baggage Mail

Baggage Dorm

Hi-Level Step Down

Hi-Level Chair Car

Hi-Level Diner

Hi-Level Lounge

Hi-Level Chair Car

Hi-Level Step Down

10-6 Sleeping car

2-4-4 Sleeping car

Pleasure Dome

Dining Car

2-4-4 Sleeping car

(2) 10-6 Sleeping cars

YEP, that is the way I remember Train #17 heading West out of Chicago.  Train #18 was East bound from LA to Chicago and did not have an RPO in the consist.


Can you share your source?

This has been such a great thread with lots of very informative and useful information.  I too am a Santa Fe fan and have all of the K-Line 21" cars plus an extra or two.  In addition, I have two complete sets of their Amtrak in 3-rail and the other in 2-rail.  BUT...for sure, the GGD set will be the standard.  They will be accurate and beautiful cars!!



You guys have really been making me nervous with all this talk and pictures about this beautiful train.  I had a chance to buy a complete set of the K-Line 21" cars recently and passed on it.  That was because I assured my wife that I would not buy any more engines or trains until I got a lot of scenery done.  I don't doubt that I will have a tough time finding one when I am finally in the market, but the search has always been part of the fun.  I know the K-Line set is gorgeous and I have no doubt that the GGD will be also.



Originally Posted by jvega2:


The consist for train # 18 Combined SC/EL Cap from LA to Chicago in Sept 1959.


60' RPO

Baggage Mail

Baggage Dorm

Hi-Level Step Down

Hi-Level Chair Car

Hi-Level Diner

Hi-Level Lounge

Hi-Level Chair Car

Hi-Level Step Down

10-6 Sleeping car

2-4-4 Sleeping car

Pleasure Dome

Dining Car

2-4-4 Sleeping car

(2) 10-6 Sleeping cars


That combine train is easy to build if you have the SC and El Cap sets from GGD... Even for you Brian with the K-Line cars, you just need enough powered units in the consist to pull it.... oh and a big enough layout. I'll have to run that train at the club in San Diego.
Originally Posted by Laidoffsick:
Originally Posted by jvega2:


The consist for train # 18 Combined SC/EL Cap from LA to Chicago in Sept 1959.


60' RPO

Baggage Mail

Baggage Dorm

Hi-Level Step Down

Hi-Level Chair Car

Hi-Level Diner

Hi-Level Lounge

Hi-Level Chair Car

Hi-Level Step Down

10-6 Sleeping car

2-4-4 Sleeping car

Pleasure Dome

Dining Car

2-4-4 Sleeping car

(2) 10-6 Sleeping cars


That combine train is easy to build if you have the SC and El Cap sets from GGD... Even for you Brian with the K-Line cars, you just need enough powered units in the consist to pull it.... oh and a big enough layout. I'll have to run that train at the club in San Diego.

I have the El Cap set on order. I really regret not getting the SC set when it came out

Originally Posted by SantaFeJim:
Originally Posted by jvega2:

The consist for train # 18 Combined SC/EL Cap from LA to Chicago in Sept 1959.


60' RPO

Baggage Mail

Baggage Dorm

Hi-Level Step Down

Hi-Level Chair Car

Hi-Level Diner

Hi-Level Lounge

Hi-Level Chair Car

Hi-Level Step Down

10-6 Sleeping car

2-4-4 Sleeping car

Pleasure Dome

Dining Car

2-4-4 Sleeping car

(2) 10-6 Sleeping cars

YEP, that is the way I remember Train #17 heading West out of Chicago.  Train #18 was East bound from LA to Chicago and did not have an RPO in the consist.


Can you share your source?

In 1959, the East bound #18 had an RPO from LA to Kansas City and at KC would switch out the RPO as well as the LA to Kansas City 10-6 sleeper. So yes, Jim is partially correct, no RPO Eastbound from Kansas City to Chicago.

Last edited by jvega2

jvega2 stated:  "In 1959, the East bound #18 had an RPO from LA to Kansas City and at KC would switch out the RPO as well as the LA to Kansas City 10-6 sleeper. So yes, Jim is partially correct, no RPO Eastbound from Kansas City to Chicago."


Thanks for posting this, that explaines why I did not see the RPO on the Eastbound SC/EC combo into Chicago.

Last edited by SantaFeJim

"Even for you Brian with the K-Line cars, you just need enough powered units in the consist to pull it...."


You got that right. I am running 13 cars in my El Capitan with Lionel F3's (ABBA, two powered) and pulling it and you know you have a heavy load behind. The GGD cars will undoubtedly be heavier, so lots of power is advised.

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