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Below is Cory Lunn's Grandpa Russ layout that some may have seen on YouTube or this forum:

Can someone build this in scarm so it can be seen in 3D? (It may already be in scarm in the forum link) I would like to also see what it looks like if both reversing loops are converted to ovals (while maintaining the same reversing loop structure).  

Also, I'd like to get the passing siding tracks closer to each other to utilize a 450 signal bridge.

It appears that this would fit on a table about the size of 8x5.5. Any help would be greatly appreciated.  



Last edited by JD2035RR
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I don't know how to reverse a train in an oval. it has to turn around back on itself with a teardrop shape.

Corey said the layout was O31 curves and standard Lionel tubular.

A half curve, half straight, half curve would push the inner loop out towards the outer to get the spacing for the signal bridge Looks like 4 3/4" center rail spacing for the 450.

Moonman posted:

I don't know how to reverse a train in an oval. it has to turn around back on itself with a teardrop shape.

Sorry, my description wasn't great. I've added a couple crude, hand drawn pictures of what I'm after. 1st pic is the up/down grade to the upper loop/oval. 2nd pic is the lower level with the same changes made.



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Not sure what track you plan to use, but here's one done with Lionel O. Unfortunately, it needs 60x102, has a steep 4.4% grade and needs some tracks cut to make things fit. You can shrink the width a little by cutting some more straights, but you'd have to eliminated the inside passing siding in order to reduce the grade to a more reasonable level. There would probably be more options with a different brand of track, but I assume you want to use Lionel O.





Last edited by DoubleDAZ

It says the video has been blocked by SME (from googling, it appears that is Sony Music Entertainment). He had Ozzie Osborne’s Crazy Train in the video, so that must violate the copyright. 

I have built a very similar layout to the one discussed above, thanks to Dave’s help.  If you have questions about the layout, I can try to answer.  




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  • 7F2C095B-CC94-475F-A0AD-6FEB695776FC
  • 7A737A6A-B210-4ADB-B57E-76D7E83D2501
Last edited by JD2035RR

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