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There are a lot of abbreviations used on the board that a novice like me do not know the meaning of. An example would be PS-2.  I see this used for both locomotives and rolling stock.  What is a PS-2 (or 3).  Another would be tvs.  What is it?  Could you set up a list of the definitions for items like these?

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Hmmmm. Interesting idea. For now: PS2 when talking about an engine refers to the electronics inside, but only engines made by MTH ( Mikes Train House). It stands for Proto Sound 2. The first generation was PS. There is a huge leap in differences between Peoto Sound and PS2. MTH's latest version is PS3, that was just released in the last year. You can go to the MTH website and read more. 


PS2 is also a style of boxcar. There is no connection between the engine term and the boxcar term at all.


A TVS is a transient voltage suppressor. It is used to absorb voltage spikes to protect electronic equipment from being damaged. A common placement is across the hot and common wires where they connect to the track 


Dont worry too much, the more you read it will all come together.  

Originally Posted by 2356:

There are a lot of abbreviations used on the board that a novice like me do not know the meaning of ... PS-2... tvs ...

Actually this sounds like a good idea. The question is, who wants to assemble the info, where would a "glossary" be placed so people can find it, and does the webmaster want the additional work of implementing another feature?


I sometimes use "acronymfinder" to figure out unfamiliar acronyms, but sometimes you have to hunt to find what's revelant to model railroading.

Originally Posted by Apple & Spud Line:

Or just don't use abbreviations unless it's a brand ie MTH.  


Topic headers could be more descriptive.  On the Recent Posts list to the right these titles are showing right now:


Most Detail?




EXCELLENT suggestion!!!!


Concerning all the abbreviations, I wonder if it a result of all the younger folks that are so use to texting on their smart phones, they have literally lost the ability to spell anything anymore.


Concerning all the abbreviations, I wonder if it a result of all the younger folks that are so use to texting on their smart phones, they have literally lost the ability to spell anything anymore


I don't think so. Acronyms and abbreviations have been popular long before the advent of texting. Years ago, I attended classes on business writing. One of the key points was on the use of acronyms and abbreviations. We were told to define any acronyms on their first use. Then they could be used by themselves later in the document.

Last edited by C W Burfle
Originally Posted by Apple & Spud Line:

Or just don't use abbreviations unless it's a brand ie MTH.  


Topic headers could be more descriptive.  On the Recent Posts list to the right these titles are showing right now:


Most Detail?




I couldn't agree more.  No flames to anyone, but if I don't understand what the post is about, I don't bother opening it.  A specific post title helps everyone.  There has been a lot of vague title posts lately.


I'd really like a 'sticky' thread in the electric forum defining commonly used acronyms and abbreviations.  That would be helpful.

Originally Posted by C W Burfle:


Concerning all the abbreviations, I wonder if it a result of all the younger folks that are so use to texting on their smart phones, they have literally lost the ability to spell anything anymore


I don't think so. Acronyms and abbreviations have been popular long before the advent of texting. Years ago, I attended classes on business writing. One of the key points was on the use of acronyms and abbreviations. We were told to define any acronyms on their first use. Then they could be used by themselves later in the document.

I would tend to agree with Hotwater. Even on this forum where we kind of pride ourselves on our language skills I've seen a large number of posts recently that are comprised of run on sentences, no capitalization, sentence fragments, incorrect spellings or incorrect words used , gig instead of jig for example, or syntax that makes me wonder if the posters first language is English or they just didn't pay attention in English class.

Don't get me wrong, I'm no Sir John Gielgud or an English major but I do find those kinds of post a little annoying to read and I can just imagine my old English teacher Sister Camelia just turning over in her grave if I lapsed into writing skills like that.

Acronym usage is fine as long as you in some way let the others know what you mean first, maybe the Moderators could sticky the acronym list for anyone who can't figure a particular one out and we can add to as the come up.



Originally Posted by Ace:
Originally Posted by 2356:

There are a lot of abbreviations used on the board that a novice like me do not know the meaning of ... PS-2... tvs ...

Actually this sounds like a good idea. The question is, who wants to assemble the info, where would a "glossary" be placed so people can find it, and does the webmaster want the additional work of implementing another feature?


I sometimes use "acronymfinder" to figure out unfamiliar acronyms, but sometimes you have to hunt to find what's revelant to model railroading.

I don't know all of them either, but would be willing to start a list if you all would offer some assistance as to what some of them are.  I could post it weekly or monthly or something. It could be added to with each posting as we think of more.


It was difficult for me when first starting here to figure these out, still working on some. 


Seems like a few are already interested, so let me know. Or maybe the moderators will see this and post it as a sticky somewhere?


Here's a few I had to look up in order to follow along at first. There's a good chance I'm getting some of this wrong...and Yes, I agree in advance, that it's pretty bad that I had to lookup OGR.




OGR: O Gauge Railroading




MTH: MTH Electric Trains (formerly Mike's Train House)

GGD: Golden Gate Depot


Clubs and Non-Profit Organizations


TCA: Train Collectors Association

LCCA: Lionel Collectors Club of America

TTOS: Toy Train Operating Society

NASG: National Association of S Gaugers

LOTS: Lionel Operating Train Society

NMRA: National Model Railroad Association


Systems for Digital Model Train Control


DCC: Digital Command Control (Open source standard developed by NMRA)

DCS: Digital Command System (developed by MTH Electric Trains)

Legacy: Legacy Control System (Lionel's current electronic control system)

TMCC: Trainmaster Command Control (Lionel's original command control system)

Last edited by TheBigCrabCake


I've been fiddling with this a little and came up with this list. I am by no means an expert on a lot of this stuff, so if you see anything wrong, incorrect items, etc. please reply and I will correct them. Corrections and additions welcome!


List of Frequently used Acronyms on OGR Forums


  • 2RS - 2-Rail Scale - O Scale on 2 Rails (See OGR 2-Rail Scale Forum)
  • 3rd Rail - Manufacturer Of Model Trains and Accessories
  • 3RS - 3-Rail Scale (See OGR 3-Rail Scale Forum
  • AC - Alternating Current
  • AFAIK - As Far As I Know
  • AIU - Accessory Interface Unit
    Add on To MTH's DCS System for Controlling Accessories
  • AMC - Accessory Motor Controller
    Controls Motorized Accessories with Lionel TMCC/Legacy System
  • ARC - Action Recorder Controller
    For Record/Playback of Layout Train & Accessory Scenarios with Lionel TMCC/Legacy System
  • ASC - Accessory Switch Controller
    Controls Accessories & Turnouts with Lionel TMCC/Legacy System
  • Atlas-O - Manufacturer Of Model Trains and Accessories
  • AVC - Accessory Voltage Controller
    For controlling Accessory Voltage with Lionel TMCC/Legacy)
  • AWG - American Wire Gauge (Wire Sizes - Smaller Number = Larger Wire)
  • Base-1L - Base Unit for Cab-1L
    Required to Communicate with Locomotives and Other Equipment
  • BPC - Block Power Controller
    For Controlling Block Power with Lionel TMCC/Legacy System
  • C - Common Contact Terminal on a Relay
  • Cab-1 - Remote Unit for Lionel TMCC System
  • Cab-1L - Remote Unit for Lionel TMCC & Legacy System
    Legacy Lite - Does not Control all Legacy Features
  • Cab-2 - Remote for Lionel Legacy System
  • Choke - Inductor for Blocking Higher Frequency AC in Electrical Circuits
    Could be needed for DCS Signal Improvement. (22uh for Our Use)
  • Command Control - Remote Control Of Trains, Turnouts and Accessories
  • Conventional - Method of Controlling Model Train using Transformer Handles as Throttles
  • CTT - Classic Toy Trains Magazine
  • DCC - Digital Command Control - NMRA Standard Command Control System
    Open Source DC Control - Mostly for HO, N, G & 2 Rail O
  • DCS - Digital Command System by MTH
    #50-1001 Includes DCS Remote #50-1002 & TIU #50-1003
    Can Control TMCC with Powermaster Bridge & Cable
  • DC - Direct Current
  • GGD - Golden Gate Depot - Importer of Fine Scale Models From Asia
  • IIRC - If I Recall Corectly
  • IMHO - In My Humble opinion
  • IMO - In My Opinion
  • IR - Infrared Sensor
  • JLC - Johsua Lionel Cowen
    August 25, 1877-September 8, 1965 - Founder Of Lionel
  • KW - Type of Lionel Transformer (Postwar)
  • LCCA - Lionel Collectors Club of America
  • LCD - Liquid Crystal Display
  • LCS - Layout Control System
    Lionel Legacy App to Control Your Layout from an Ipad
  • LED - Light Emitting Diode - Used for Lighting Trains and Accessories
  • Legacy #990 - Lionel #6-14295 -
    Includes Lionel #991 Cab-2 Remote and #992 Command Base
  • Legacy - Legacy Command Control System
    Lionel 2nd Generation Control System (Also Controls TMCC)
  • Lionel - Manufacturer Of Model Trains and Accessories
  • LMAO - Laughing My *** Off
  • LOTS - Lionel Operating Train Society
  • LOL - Laughing Out Loud
  • LRRC - Lionel RailRoader Club
  • MHO - My Humble Opinion
  • MRC - Model Rectifier Corporation (Manufacturer)
  • MTH - M.T.H. Electric Trains (Mike's Train House - Mike Wolf)
    Manufacturer Of Model Trains and Accessories
  • MTHRRC - MTH Rail Road Club
  • NASG - National Association of S Gaugers
  • NC - Normally Closed (Contact Terminal on a Relay)
  • NMRA - National Model Railroad Association
  • NO - Normally Open (Contact Terminal on a Relay)
  • OGR - O-Gauge Railroading Magazine
  • OTC - Operating Track Controller
    For Activating Operating Track Sections with Lionel TMCC/Legacy
  • PH - See PowerHouse
  • PowerHouse - Lionel PowerHouse Power Supply (Brick)
    Available in 135 Watt (PH-135) or 180 Watt (PH-180)
  • PowerMaster - For Controlling Track Voltage with TMCC/Legacy System
  • PS-1 - ProtoSound - MTH 1st Generation Control & Sound System
    Installed In Locomotives designed for Conventional Operation
  • PS-2 - ProtoSound 2 - MTH 2nd Generation Control & Sound System (DCS)
    Installed in locomotives - uses a battery
  • PS-3 - ProtoSound 3 - MTH 3nd Generation Control & Sound System
    Installed In Locomotives - No Battery & Improved Sound
  • PTC - Polymeric Positive Temperature Coefficient (Resettable Fuse)
  • PTC - Positive Train Control (For Real Trains)
  • ROTFLMAO - Rolling On The Floor Laughing My *** Off
  • RRT - RR-Track Layout Design Software
  • SC-2 - Switch Controller
    For Controlling Turnouts with Lionel TMCC/Legacy System
  • SCARM - Simple Computer Aided Railway Modeller
    Free Layout Design Software
  • Standard O - Scale Sized (1:48 Scale)
    Used by Lionel for Their Scale Products
  • Switch - Allows Train To Take Either 1 of 2 Routes
    Also occasionally called a Turnout
  • TCA - Train Collectors Association
  • TIU - Track Interface Unit -
    Part Of MTH DCS System (See DCS)
  • TMCC - Trainmaster Command Control
    1st Generation Lionel Control System
  • TMCC Direct LockOn
    For Connecting PowerHouse Power Supplies Directly to Track with Lionel TMCC/Legacy
  • TPC - Track Power Controller
    For Controlling Track Power with Lionel TMCC/Legacy System
    2 Versions: TPC-300 & TPC-400)
  • Traditional - Smaller Sized (O-27)
    Used by Lionel for their Postwar Remakes
  • TTOS - Toy Train Operating Society
  • Turnout - Allows Train To Take Either 1 of 2 Routes
    Also called a Switch
  • TVS - Transient Voltage Suppressor
    1.5KE36CA For Old ZW's
    1.5KE33CA For Modern PH-180 Bricks
  • UCS - Lionel O-27 Track Section for Remote Uncoupling and Operating Car Activation
  • VAC - Volts AC
  • VDC - Volts DC
  • Wall Wart - Small Power Supply plugs into 120VAC Wall Outlet
    Converts 120 to Lower Voltage. Can be either AC or DC.
  • WTB - Want To Buy
  • Z4000 - Modern MTH Transformer
  • ZW - Type of Lionel Transformer
    There are Postwar (ZW-Pure Sine Wave) and Modern Versions (ZW-C/ZW-L-Chopped Sine Wave
Last edited by Rich Melvin

How about:

RMT-Ready Made Trains


LW- A medium-sized Lionel postwar transformer with an output of

125 watts for a single set of trains.


KW-Second largest transformer produced by Lionel during the postwar years

with 190 watts and the ability to run two trains.


RW-Medium-sized Lionel postwar transformer with an output of

110 watts for a single set of trains.


LHS-Local hobby shop


MPC-Model Products Corporation, a subsidiary of the General Mills

corporation that purchased all rights for Lionel trains in 1969


E-unit -An electro-mechanical device use to reverse the direction of Lionel trains


BCR- Battery Component Replacement, permanently replaces 9 volt battery in

model trains 


PE- Polar Express or if that irks you Pacific Electric 



Last edited by baltimoretrainworks
Originally Posted by baltimoretrainworks:

How about:

RMT-Ready Made Trains

LW- A medium-sized Lionel postwar transformer. Its output of 125 watts for a single set of trains.

KW-Second largest transformer produced by Lionel during the postwar years, with 190 watts and the ability to run two trains.

RW-Medium-sized Lionel postwar transformer. Its output of 110 watts for a single set of trains.

LHS-Local hobby shop

MPC-Model Products Corporation, a subsidiary of the General Mills corporation that purchased all rights for Lionel trains in 1969



Thanks, some good additions there. I need all the help I can get with the older stuff, don't know much about it. I've got only pretty much modern stuff, and don't know a lot about that either. Please feel free to correct anything already listed as well.


Can't believe I missed LHS, use that often myself, and it took me a while to figure out what that meant.


Just re-read the list and came up with some more also. Will try to add them in the morning without butchering Rich's nice formatting. I see the bulleted list above, will have to experiment with it. 


Thanks to TheBigCrabCake also, I got all yours in the 1st list, already posted.


If someone posts something and I miss it let me know also!  Any and all help appreciated!


Edit: Got the additions too!

Last edited by rtr12

  A list of acronyms and abbreviations would be helpful to everybody.  We all have certain abbreviations we use in our professional lives that other people may not understand.  This was driven home recently when someone used the abbreviation S.I. I had no idea other than it was a geographic location.  I think writing out an acronym on the first use is a very good idea and I will try to use this convention in all future posts.  I don't know where a list of abbreviations and acrronyms could be posted or who would do it but it needs to be done.

Originally Posted by Hot Water:

...... I wonder if it a result of all the younger folks that are so use to texting on their smart phones, they have literally lost the ability to spell anything anymore.

Can't lose what they never really learned or were even taught.  Teaching spelling was dropped as not critical in our public school system 20 years ago.

Originally Posted by overlandflyer:

with all the Lionel transformer designations (ZW, KW, TW, Z, etc), perhaps putting them all in a list under transformers would be a less cluttered way of resolving the differences which might also include wattage.


in general, i would prefer seeing the strictly internet/ non-technical terms (ie: LOL, IMHO, ROFL) also in a separate list.



baltimoretrainworks gave me some transformer power ratings, I'll try to get the rest as I work on the list.


Will think about breaking it up somehow. My only concern about doing that is some may not know what category to look in. If it's all alphabetical, it would be easier to find something if you didn't know what it was to start with, but the list is getting rather long!


You made a post (last year) about everyone using the actual description before using the acronym, can I steal that to put at the top of the list? Might try to shorten it a bit if that's ok. Hate to steal something without asking first...


Thanks for the additions.

Originally Posted by rtr12:

Is a Z the same as a ZW, or different beast?


I think I have al the new additions added, will try to update the list this morning.

Here's a link to what a Z looks like.  (just a handy reference, I have no afficiation with the page)


Here's 2 other entries for the list:


NLOE : Nassau Lionel Operating Engineers.   (a club on Long Island that does special run cars each year)

RMLI: The Railroad Museum of Long Island (which also does special run club cars each year)


(I am not formally a member of either, but I am a satisfied participant in their club car offerings)




Last edited by Dave45681
Originally Posted by rtr12:
Originally Posted by overlandflyer:

with all the Lionel transformer designations (ZW, KW, TW, Z, etc), perhaps putting them all in a list under transformers would be a less cluttered way of resolving the differences which might also include wattage.



Will think about breaking it up somehow. My only concern about doing that is some may not know what category to look in. If it's all alphabetical, it would be easier to find something if you didn't know what it was to start with, but the list is getting rather long!

I'd stay alphabetical on the terms, many times someone will ask about a "ZW" they saw for sale or whatever and not add transformer to it. A newbie could look up ZW and find it alphabetically but unless he knew it was a transformer he would have to do a bit of digging.

Listing them all under transformer might get cumbersome after a while considering the number of them out there.



Last edited by baltimoretrainworks
Originally Posted by overlandflyer:
Originally Posted by rtr12:

You made a post (last year) about everyone using the actual description before using the acronym, can I steal that to put at the top of the list? Might try to shorten it a bit if that's ok. Hate to steal something without asking first...


Thanks for the additions.

i graduated college just as some early microprocessor terms (ie: CPU, RAM, ROM, PROM, LCD, etc) were being introduced into technical articles, however, not yet in general use.  from a 'style guide' published by one of the industry magazines, i recall a guideline stating that when you introduce an acronym into your text, the first time used should include the full name written out such as Read Only Memory (ROM) before you consequently use the same term, ROM, again in your article.


the bottom line, please feel free to paraphrase this concept as i'm sure i'm not the first to conceive of this idea.


as for transformer types... yes, a Z is much different than a ZW, but as far as being out of alphabetical order, from the context in which the acronyms are used (e.g. "...a ZW transformer", "i might think about upgrading your power to a KW or ZW", etc), listing them all under the heading of transformer might not be as obscure a reference as you might think.

Consider it stolen, and thanks for the clarification on the Z, have added it.


Dave45681, Thanks for the link and info on the Z, will check it out and add your others to list.


Gilley@N&W, Got your additions, thanks. I had added MU earlier and that 'other term' (just for Rich) will add the others. Thanks!



Last edited by rtr12
Originally Posted by baltimoretrainworks:
Originally Posted by rtr12:
Originally Posted by overlandflyer:

with all the Lionel transformer designations (ZW, KW, TW, Z, etc), perhaps putting them all in a list under transformers would be a less cluttered way of resolving the differences which might also include wattage.



Will think about breaking it up somehow. My only concern about doing that is some may not know what category to look in. If it's all alphabetical, it would be easier to find something if you didn't know what it was to start with, but the list is getting rather long!

I'd stay alphabetical on the terms, many times someone will ask about a "ZW" they saw for sale or whatever and not add transformer to it. A newbie could look up ZW and find it alphabetically but unless he knew it was a transformer he would have to do a bit of digging.

Listing them all under transformer might get cumbersome after a while considering the number of them out there.



My thinking is the same as yours, but I also think it would be nice to have a list of transformers somewhere for reference. Maybe another list? Still thinking...see the smoke?

I think among train guys ZW means the iconic postwar version much like a VW Beetle among car guys conjures up the original.

If it's that confusing we can just say ZW-transformers made by Lionel including the postwar ZW, the ZW blah blah blah introduced in XYZ and the ZW-L introduced... 

I think we're smart enough to figure it out.



Last edited by baltimoretrainworks
Originally Posted by baltimoretrainworks:

I think among train guys ZW means the iconic postwar version much like a VW Beetle among car guys conjures up the original.

If it's that confusing we can just say ZW-transformers made by Lionel including the postwar ZW, the ZW blah blah blah introduced in XYZ and the ZW-L introduced... 

I think we're smart enough to figure it out.



Originally Posted by NelsonW:

NO (normally open) NC (normally closed) refers to the normal position (either not powered or pushed) of the contacts in either a relay or a pushbutton switch.


I agree, just letting them know that a ZW is a transformer is all this list needs to do. If anyone wants more info they can search it out now that they know what it is.


I was going to look up the wattages I didn't have for some of the transformers, but while trying to test my formatting it went to the moderators again... I turned myself in...



Had NO & NC on the list, but tried to re-work the definitions from your post.


Thanks again to all!

Originally Posted by overlandflyer:

just remember the first two w's in www stand for "world wide".


i hope if you ever referenced the NLOE or RMLI groups, you would apply the guideline of spelling out the whole name at least once.  there are likely thousands of club and museum acronyms well known only to a handful of people when put on a global scale.

True.  Though they came to mind because of my participation in their programs, that is not the only reason I listed them. 


There are many others (certainly within the US, and probably a few abroad), but these came to mind due to threads I have noticed over the years. 


The members who post the threads pretty much always spell out the organization name within their posts, I think , but it's not practical to spell out in the thread title.


I'm not sure this one is official, but I can't imagine how none of us suggested it yet:


NJHR: Frequent abbreviation for New Jersey Hi-Railers 



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