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It’s coming up on a year since our last FCTT club show. One of the things I enjoy running at shows is what I call ‘gadget’ cars that allow the public to get drawn into. I was recently rotating some rolling stock onto my layout  and pulled out my Swift hot box reefer. I think Lionel did a great job with these with the exception that it just keeps repeating unless you flip a manual switch to disable features. However, for a reasonable amount of money ERR sold a kit to allow you to power it on/off with your TMCC remote which I ordered and installed in short order so to not drive the family, and me nuts. The fun begins with some general “All clear “ announcements. This is followed by some screeching, increasingly tense  announcements, flashing orange LED’s underneath one truck, and wisps of smoke. As time goes on, the screeching and panic increases, the LED’s flash more, and the smoke billows out. When stopped, the smoke and lights continue while the crew douses the flames. Once the fire is out the request is made to “move out”! Anyway, when you set the timing up so it passes by a few families with young kids it’s fun watching the reaction to all the action going on. We’ve had people run to get a club member because a train is on fire! Even spooked a few club members at times. Just curious who’s got one of these and sharing some of the fun you can have. It’s a great hobby!



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@Rails52 posted:

I have two that I run on occasion.  It would be great with the ERR "switch" a few of you speak of.  Can anyone provide a part number, where to purchase and exactly how difficult it is to install.  I am pretty handy and figure I could solder it in.

I don't have one but reading this thread it would be great for club Open Houses! Info on that ERR switch!!

Obnoxious yes, but very creative! I got mine during the first wave of blow out prices, about $65. I seen them as low as $40 afterwards. Many of them on eBay now have stupid prices. Here’s a link for the ‘Hot Box’ kit from 3rdRail ERR.

Look in Operating Cars/ Hot Box However, he doesn’t list the kits for purchase, but the main component is the Mini Commander HC which he still lists. You’ll have to cobble the rest of the parts. I have the manual somewhere if it’s not on the site.

Last edited by NYC Z-MAN
@Rails52 posted:

I have two that I run on occasion.  It would be great with the ERR "switch" a few of you speak of.  Can anyone provide a part number, where to purchase and exactly how difficult it is to install.  I am pretty handy and figure I could solder it in.

Easy to install, here's the installation guide for the Mini Commander and the Hot Box Reefer.

ERR Hot Box Car Mini Commander Installation Guide.pdf

Is the err kit still made my err third rail co? I see it on the web sight but not sure they still sell them. I would like to get one.

You can just buy the generic ERR Mini Commander and use these instructions.  It doesn't need anything special.


Last edited by gunrunnerjohn

It’s great to see more folks having fun with these! They were kind of a red headed step child when they came out and a factory installed TMCC control probably would have prevented that. I believe Jon Z owned ERR at the time and he jumped on the kit quickly to save them from being a complete dud! I think they easily rival the Vision reefers IMO. However, I know some wished they were scale reefers like the Visions!

I used to own one of these which I purchased already upgraded to TMCC.  I used to love playing tricks on kids when they came to visit my old layout.  They'd be running a train for a bit when I'd activate the car using another remote.  I'd joking yell at them "what did you break! I told you not to touch anything".   Always good for a good laugh!


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