Usually for layouts they recommend joists (1x4s usually) every 16". That might be overkill unless you are one of the people who believes you need to build it strong enough to walk on. I think 24" centers is okay if you aren't going to walk on it, as long as you are using the plywood you specified. But 48" spacing... wow, that is quite a gap.
I used Mianne benchwork, and a lot of my spacing is on a 24" grid for support. I used the Baltic Birch multi-ply 1/2" 11 ply. I walk on it all the time, no problem at all.
I decided to test the strength of the multi-ply during my layout build. We supported a 9" wide piece of it on 24" centers and I stood on it. A sagged less than 1/4", and that's a piece in the open only 9" wide! I actually did a little hopping on it, and it didn't break! Supported on all four sides with wood beyond it, I'm sure the benchwork would give out before that plywood moved.