I'm thinking about buying a Z4000. Don't know much about them. Are there different models? If so what are the differences in them? I know that it has a provision for an add on handheld remote to run conventional trains which I do quite a bit. Also does it do well with powering Lionel's cab3 and Cab2 ?
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The accessory for remotely running conventional is https://www.mthtrains.com/products/40-4001 - basically a remote way to vary the output voltage from the transformer. It is no longer being manufactured, but is available on the secondary market at a wide variety of prices. MTH named it "Remote Commander System"; this can cause some confusion with the DCS Commander, which is a completely different animal.
I saw a James Burns YouTube about it. Looks like something I’d like. Catch is. Only works with Z4000
If you already have a Lionel Base 2 or 3 , then adding a 6-37146 Legacy Powermaster >link here< will allow handheld remote control of Conventional trains from a Cab1L, Cab2, or Cab 3 app (however there's still a bug with full Cab 3 app/PowerMaster control). Note that this blue Legacy version is different from the original black TMCC Powermaster.
~ 18VAC Power from your transformer runs through the Powermaster then to the track. The Powermaster varies it's output voltage based on the commands you send from the Legacy handheld remote.
The first version is serial number starts 0398 (date code). You want the second version or a date code later than 0398. G
Thanks for the info