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Hi All,

Just wanted to share some new functionality on the parts site effective this week. We have implemented some upgrades to our shopping cart. Previously, if put items into your shopping cart (after logging in) and you closed the browser window the site would empty your cart. Now, you can place items into your cart for up to 120 hours (5 days), providing you log in prior to putting items into your cart.

You will receive an automated email after 96 hours  reminding you that you have 24 hours to check out before the system automatically empty's your cart.

There are a couple caveats that go along with this upgrade;
1.) If we only have, say 10pcs in stock, and you place 9 in your cart, but do not check out and someone else comes along in the meantime and purchases 5 of this item (and completes their check out process) your cart will be updated to reflect only 5pcs, since we only had 10 to sell and someone else bought 5 out from under you.
2.) The 120 hour clock begins when you start placing items in your cart. We figured 5 days was sufficient for gathering up parts needed for repairs prior to checking out.

We hope this helps everyone out?!

Thank you,
Mike Reagan
MTH Parts & Sales LLC

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